First project in the Front-end web developer bootcamp. With your team, you will conceive and execute a design that solves a real-world problem by integrating data received from multiple server-side API requests.
With your team, you'll conceive and execute a design that solves a real-world problem by integrating data received from multiple server-side API requests. You will also continue to learn about agile development methodologies to help you work collaboratively. You will implement feature and bug fixes using git branch workflow and pull requests.
You will write your own user stories and acceptance criteria in GitHub Issues to help your team stay on track with the project. Using GitHub Project as a means to track the status of your project tasks will help you understand the benefits of Kanban boards.
As a lover of all things superhero related, I want to:
- Search for a super hero to see all the information related to that superhero (names, aliases, etc)
- At the same time I would also like the site to display any movies related to that superhero (provides plot and other information)
- Have several superheroes randomly generated as featured heroes when refreshing the site
- Have a search history generated for my previously searched
When visiting the site the following can be done:
- Type in the superhero that you are interested in and click "Find superhero", this will call the following information: 1. Hero Image 2. Aliases 3. Place of birth 4. Race 5. Group affiliation
- Once you have used the search function, you will also be able to select the "Find superhero's movies" button to bring up a movie related to the superhero.
- The site will also randomly generate 4 superheroes as "featured" heroes, clicking on the image will provide the same info and option to view movies as above.
- Once searched, a search history will be generated for the superheroes that you have previously searched for, clicking on their images will provide the same info as above.
- Clicking on the "About project" will open up a page which provides more information on the project
- Clicking on the "Contributors" will open up a page recognising the the API's used and contributors
Credit must be give to all the people who created and allowed us to use their API's.
The API's used were:
- SuperHero API
Please refer to the LICENSE in the repo.