This repository contains the custom module KCTS 9 TV Schedule as developed by KCTS 9 for the website.
This is module is not complete as it does not include full configuration
elements necessary for use. The module expects one content type --
"schedule_item" -- and one taxonomy vocabulary -- "channel" -- to exist in order
to function. Example configuration files are provided in the example-config
folder, but they may not be complete.
The primary functionality for syncing of content from TVSS can be found in the
and ChannelManager
Note: some related hooks/functions/classes/etc. for the full functionality of the TV schedule may not be included here.
The KCTS 9 Media Manager module is an enforced dependency for this module.
Although it is not explicitly defined by the module configuration, this module requires the openpublicmedia/pbs-tv-schedules-service-php library.