Uses python requests_futures to asynchronously download Wikipedia pages.
pip3 install --user wiki-futures
Get 10 random wikipedia articles. Returns a dictionary of (title, content) pairs for each article
from wiki_futures import dispatcher
content = dispatcher.get_content(10)
If you want to pass in custom titles you can do so like this
content = dispatcher.get_content(titles=["Python", "GitHub"])
Pass in workers value to change the default, which is 8
content = dispatcher.get_content(10, workers=4)
Get list of random titles. This is helpful because the limit for non-bots is 500.
titles = dispatcher.get_titles(1000)
Most of my NLP projects revolved around download random wikipedia articles, I wanted a quick way to download them concurrently and I found the python wikipedia package to be too cumbersome to work around.