- AD419-generate-datafiles.ipynb
- ad419admin.csv: https://ad419datahelper.caes.ucdavis.edu/FinalReports and select "AD-419 Non-Admin Report". Export to Excel, then save and export as CSV (needed to ensure negative numbers are formatted correctly). Remove extraneous first row and final totals row.
- allprojects.csv: https://ad419datahelper.caes.ucdavis.edu/CurrentProjectsReport. Export to CSV.
Process: Run notebook once files are in place
Outputs: Multiple JSON files
- departments.json
- departmentTotals.json
- projects.json
- projectTotals.json
- AD419data.ipynb (unused)
- ad419admin.csv
- caesgrouped.csv
- sankey.json
- Add resulting JSON files to https://github.com/ucdavis/ad419-charts/tree/master/src/public/js