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Releases: tokio-rs/tracing

tracing-log 0.1.3

21 Apr 20:15
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  • log-tracer: Added LogTracer::with_interest_cache to enable a limited
    form of per-record Interest caching for log records (#1636)


  • Updated minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) to Rust 1.49.0 (#1913)


  • log-tracer: Fixed LogTracer not honoring tracing max level filters
  • Broken links in documentation (#2068, #2077)

Thanks to @Millione, @teozkr, @koute, @Folyd, and @ben0x539 for contributing to
this release!

tracing-journald 0.3.0

21 Apr 19:54
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This is a breaking release which changes the format in which span fields
are output to journald. Previously, span field names were prefixed with the
depth of the span in the current trace tree. However, these prefixes are
unnecessary, as journald has built in support for duplicated field names.

See PR #1986 for details on this change.


  • Removed span field prefixes (#1986)
  • Renamed S{num}_NAME fields to SPAN_NAME (#1986)


  • Fixed broken links in documentation (#2077)

Thanks to @wiktorsikora and @ben0x539 for contributing to this release!

tracing-core 0.1.26

14 Apr 21:49
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This release adds a Value implementation for Box<T: Value> to allow
recording boxed values more conveniently. In particular, this should improve
the ergonomics of the implementations for dyn std::error::Error trait objects,
including those added in v0.1.25.


  • Value implementation for Box<T> where T: Value (#2071)


  • Broken documentation links (#2068)

Thanks to new contributor @ben0x539 for contributing to this release!

tracing 0.1.34

14 Apr 22:33
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This release includes bug fixes for the "log" support feature and for the use of
both scoped and global default dispatchers in the same program.


  • Failure to use the global default dispatcher when a thread sets a local
    default dispatcher before the global default is set (#2065)
  • log: Compilation errors due to async block/fn futures becoming !Send
    when the "log" feature flag is enabled (#2073)
  • Broken links in documentation (#2068)

Thanks to @ben0x539 for contributing to this release!

tracing-core 0.1.25

12 Apr 21:57
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This release adds additional Value implementations for std::error::Error
trait objects with auto trait bounds (Send and Sync), as Rust will not
auto-coerce trait objects. Additionally, it fixes a bug when setting scoped
dispatchers that was introduced in the previous release (v0.1.24).


  • Value implementations for dyn Error + Send + 'static, dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static, dyn Error + Sync + 'static (#2066)


  • Failure to use the global default dispatcher if a thread has set a scoped
    default prior to setting the global default, and unset the scoped default
    after setting the global default (#2065)

Thanks to @lilyball for contributing to this release!

tracing-subscriber 0.3.11

09 Apr 21:37
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This is a bugfix release for the Filter implementation for EnvFilter added
in v0.3.10.


  • env-filter: Added missing Filter::on_record callback to EnvFilter's
    Filter impl (#2058)
  • env-filter: Fixed method resolution issues when calling EnvFilter
    methods with both the Filter and Layer traits in scope (#2057)
  • env-filter: Fixed EnvFilter::builder().parse() and other parsing methods
    returning an error when parsing an empty string (#2052)

Thanks to new contributor @Ma124 for contributing to this release!

tracing 0.1.33

09 Apr 20:57
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This release adds new span_enabled! and event_enabled! variants of the
enabled! macro, for testing whether a subscriber would specifically enable a
span or an event.


  • span_enabled! and event_enabled! macros (#1900)
  • Several documentation improvements (#2010, #2012)


  • Compilation warning when compiling for <=32-bit targets (including wasm32)

Thanks to @guswynn, @arifd, @hrxi, @CAD97, and @name1e5s for contributing to
this release!

tracing-subscriber 0.3.10

01 Apr 17:52
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This release adds several new features, including a Filter implementation and
new builder API for EnvFilter, support for using a Vec<L> where L: Layer as
a Layer, and a number of smaller API improvements to make working with dynamic
and reloadable layers easier.


  • registry: Implement Filter for EnvFilter, allowing it to be used with
    per-layer filtering (#1983)
  • registry: Filter::on_new_span, Filter::on_enter,
    Filter::on_exit, Filter::on_close and Filter::on_record callbacks to
    allow Filters to track span states internally (#1973, #2017, #2031)
  • registry: Filtered::filter and Filtered::filter_mut accessors
  • registry: Filtered::inner and Filtered::inner_mut accessors to borrow
    the wrapped Layer (#2034)
  • layer: Implement Layer for Vec<L: Layer>, to allow composing together
    a dynamically sized list of Layers (#2027)
  • layer: Layer::boxed method to make type-erasing Layers easier
  • fmt: fmt::Layer::writer and fmt::Layer::writer_mut accessors (#2034)
  • fmt: fmt::Layer::set_ansi method to allow changing the ANSI formatting
    configuration at runtime (#2034)
  • env-filter: EnvFilter::builder to configure a new EnvFilter prior to
    parsing it (#2035)
  • Several documentation fixes and improvements (#1972, #1971, #2023,


  • fmt: fmt::Layer's auto traits no longer depend on the Subscriber type
    parameter's auto traits (#2025)
  • env-filter: Fixed missing help text when the ansi feature is disabled

Thanks to new contributors @TimoFreiberg and @wagenet, as well as @CAD97 for
contributing to this release!

tracing-core 0.1.24

01 Apr 20:53
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This release fixes a bug where setting NoSubscriber as the local default would
not disable the global default subscriber locally.


  • Setting NoSubscriber as the local default now correctly disables the global
    default subscriber (#2001)
  • Fixed compilation warnings with the "std" feature disabled (#2022)


  • Removed unnecessary use of write! and format_args! macros (#1988)

tracing-journald 0.2.4

17 Mar 17:48
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  • Fixed compilation error in memfd_create_syscall on 32-bit targets (#1982)

Thanks to new contributor @chrta for contributing to this release!