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748 lines (621 loc) · 33 KB

QTL mapping for spine length in JAMA x PAXB cross

QTL mapping in Family 4 across all linkage groups

Load Family 4 genotypes and clean up data

## Load colleced genotype data for Family 4
fam4.geno <- read.csv("data/fam4.geno.initial.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## Check segregation ratios of aa, ab, bb genotypes
seg.types <- rep("<abxcd>", dim(fam4.geno)[2]-1)
for(j in 2:dim(fam4.geno)[2]){
    x <- table(unlist( fam4.geno[,j] ), useNA="always")
    if( length(x) < 5 ){
    if( names(x)[1]=="aa" ){
        seg.types[j-1] <- "<abxab>"
## these markers should be aa x ab
seg.types[match(c("Stn2", "marker2", "Stn32", "Stn75", "Stn300", "Stn285",
                  "Stn114", "Stn310", "Stn318", "Stn236", "Stn169", "Stn168",
                  "Stn233", "Stn291", "Stn178", "Stn188", "Idh", "Stn273"),
                names(fam4.geno)[-1])] <- "<aaxab>"
## these markers should be ab x aa
seg.types[match(c("Stn293", "Stn330", "Stn242", "Stn12", "Stn17", "Stn328",
                  "Stn33", "Stn312", "Stn85", "Stn95", "Stn107", "Stn320",
                  "Stn134", "Gac1116", "Stn255", "Stn331", "Stn179", "Stn263"),
                names(fam4.geno)[-1])] <- "<abxaa>"

## missing ac: Stn271, Stn187, Stn274, Stn192, Stn284, Stn256
## missing bd: Stn313, Stn193 (but only 5 ad)
## missing ac, bc (ab x dd): Stn72, Stn191
seg.types[match(c("Stn72", "Stn191"), names(fam4.geno[-1]))] <- "<abxdd>"
## missing bc (and only 2 ac, maybe ab x dd): Stn104
## missing bc, bd (aa x cd): Stn295, Stn308
seg.types[match(c("Stn295", "Stn308"), names(fam4.geno[-1]))] <- "<aaxcd>"
## missing ad, bd (ab x cc): Stn202, Stn105
seg.types[match(c("Stn202", "Stn105"), names(fam4.geno[-1]))] <- "<abxcc>"
## only 1 ac and 1 bc (maybe ab x dd): Stn186
table(unlist( fam4.geno[,match("Stn186", names(fam4.geno))] ))
## only 1 bc: Stn298
table(unlist( fam4.geno[,match("Stn298", names(fam4.geno))] ))
## only 1 bd (should be ab x ab): EaagMcac1
table(unlist( fam4.geno[,match("EaagMcac1", names(fam4.geno))] ))
fam4.geno$EaagMcac1[ fam4.geno$EaagMcac1 == "bd" ] <- NA
seg.types[match("EaagMcac1", names(fam4.geno[-1]))] <- "<abxab>"

## Remove markers that had high error rates in the linkage map
x <- match(c("Stn114", "Stn286", "Gac2111", "Stn24", "Stn71", "Stn118", "Stn232",
             "Stn138", "Stn196", "Stn114", "Stn21", "Stn277"), names(fam4.geno))
fam4.geno <- fam4.geno[, -x]
seg.types <- seg.types[ -(x-1) ]

## Remove markers that have identical positions to other markers
x <- match(c("Stn265", "Hoxc95.", "Hoxc9F2.R2", "Stn152", "Stn267", "Stn176",
             "Stn191", "Stn284", "Stn193", "Stn188", "Stn274", "hoxabce1",
             "Hoxa10b", "cm488", "marker1", "Stn285", "Stn99", "Stn106",
             "Stn225", "Stn278", "Stn139", "Stn142", "Stn295", "cm820.821",
             "H9green1pel", "F10blue5.pel", "Stn78", "Stn246", "Stn276",
             "Stn155", "Stn7", "Stn321"), names(fam4.geno))
fam4.geno <- fam4.geno[, -x]
seg.types <- seg.types[ -(x-1) ]

## 375 fish, 244 markers
## Stn133 is dropped later during linkage map construction

## Output Family 4 genotypes for building linkage map based on outbred (4-way) data
table(unlist(fam4.geno[,-1]), useNA="always")
fam4.geno$Fish <- paste0("4-", fam4.geno$Fish)
fam4.geno[ ] <- "--"
write.csv(fam4.geno, "data/fam4.geno.csv", row.names=FALSE)
x <- "linkage_map/tmap_genotypes_fam4_outbred.txt"
write.table("data type outbred", x, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
write.table(paste(dim(fam4.geno)[1], dim(fam4.geno)[2]-1, collapse=" "), x, append=TRUE, col.names=FALSE,
            row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
write.table(cbind(as.vector(names(fam4.geno)[2:dim(fam4.geno)[2]]), seg.types,
                  t(fam4.geno[,2:dim(fam4.geno)[2]])), x, quote=FALSE, sep="\t",append=TRUE,
            col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)

Build linkage map using Family 4 genotype data

Using tmap and the associated phasing and jtmap programs (Cartwright 2007)

Determine phasing

phasing linkage_map/tmap_genotypes_fam4_outbred.txt linkage_map/tmap_fam4_outbred.phased

Assign markers to groups using the jtmap Grouping interface

jtmap Grouping tmap_fam4_outbred.phased &

Chose max distance 40, min LOD 4

Ignore Stn133 because it doesn’t seem to go with group 11

Saved Stn204, Stn335 as group 22 Saved Stn249, Stn264 as group 23

Save results as linkage_map/tmap_fam4_outbred_*.grp files

Build linkage map using assigned groups

cd linkage_map
for i in $( ls *.grp ); do
      tmap -b tmap_fam4_outbred.phased $i > $(basename "$i" .grp).bld

Using jtmap MapViewer, flip groups 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19 to get a more familiar marker order

QTL analysis of Family 4 as outbred cross


## Load Family 4 genotypes and phenotypes
fam4.geno <- read.csv("data/fam4.geno.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
fam4.pheno <- read.csv("data/fam4.pheno.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

## Load phased genotypes from tmap output
tmap.phasing <- read.table("linkage_map/tmap_fam4_outbred.phased",
                           header=FALSE, sep=" ", quote="", skip=2,
                           comment.char="", stringsAsFactors=FALSE,)

## Make a data frame of the linkage map
files <- sapply(1:23, function(i){
    paste0("linkage_map/tmap_fam4_outbred_", formatC(i, width=2, flag="0"),".bld")})
groups <- lapply(files, function(f){
    x <- read.table(f, header=TRUE, sep="\t", quote="", stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
                    row.names=NULL, comment.char="", strip.white=TRUE)
    names(x) <- c("marker", "pos", "dist", "error", "informative")
    x$informative <- as.factor(x$informative)
tmap.groups <- data.frame(marker=character(0), group=factor(levels=1:length(groups)),
                          pos=numeric(0), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
for(i in 1:length(groups)){
    tmap.groups <- rbind(tmap.groups,
                                    group=factor(i, levels=1:length(groups)),
                                    pos=groups[[i]]$pos, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))}

## Convert tmap phasing codes to R/qtl phased genotypes
p <- strsplit(tmap.phasing[,2],"")
p <- lapply(p, function(x){
                  as.numeric(sapply(x, function(y){switch(y,
                                                          "3"=7, "4"=3, "6"=10,
                                                          "7"=14, "8"=4, "a"=6,
                                                          "b"=13, "c"=8, "d"=12,
                                                          "e"=11, "f"=NA, "-"=NA,
## Make a data frame of the phased genotypes
p <-
names(p) <- fam4.geno$Fish
rownames(p) <- names(fam4.geno)[-1]
## Select just the subset of markers that are in the linkage map
## and put them in the map order
p <- t( p[match(tmap.groups$marker, rownames(p)),] )

## Format genotype data for R/qtl
tmap.groups$pos <- as.character(tmap.groups$pos)
tmap.groups <- rbind(t(tmap.groups), p)

## Calculate residuals to standard length and/or sex
## Also consider body depth as a model variable
## Choose which model to use based on F statistic
fam4.pheno$Sex <- as.factor(fam4.pheno$Sex)
for(i in 6:10){
    p <- fam4.pheno[, c(1:5, i)]
    names(p)[6] <- "trait"
    m1 <- lm( trait ~ SL, data=p)
    m2 <- lm( trait ~ SL + Sex, data=p)
    m3 <- lm( trait ~ Sex, data=p)
    m4 <- lm( trait ~ BD, data=p)
    m5 <- lm( trait ~ BD + SL, data=p)
    m6 <- lm( trait ~ BD + SL + Sex, data=p)
    m7 <- lm( trait ~ BD + Sex, data=p)
    m <- list(m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7)
    p.val <- as.vector(sapply(m, function(x){
    j <- as.integer(which( p.val == min(p.val) ))
    if( min(p.val) > 0.01 ){ print("WARNING: P > 0.01"); print(c(i,j)) }
    if( length(j) > 1 ){
        print("WARNING: TIE FOR BEST MODEL")
        j <- j[1]
    k <- list(![,i]) & !$SL),
              ![,i]) & !$SL) & !$Sex),
              ![,i]) & !$Sex),
              ![,i]) & !$BD),
              ![,i]) & !$BD) & !$SL),
              ![,i]) & !$BD) & !$SL) & !$Sex),
              ![,i]) & !$BD) & !$Sex))
    fam4.pheno[k[[j]],paste0(names(fam4.pheno)[i],"_rsd",j)] <- residuals(m[[j]])
## Spine 1 and Spine 2 use model 1 (standard length)
## Spine 3 and Anal Spine use model 2 (standard length and sex)
## Spine 1 (with zeros included for missing spines) uses model 2

## Combine phenotypes with genotypes for cross file
p <- fam4.pheno[match(rownames(tmap.groups), fam4.pheno$Fish, nomatch=NULL), c(2:length(fam4.pheno))]
lapply(p, is.factor) # which traits are specified as factors? only sex
p$Sex <- as.character(p$Sex) # convert to character for the purposes of writing the file
p[1,] <- names(p)
p[2:3,] <- ""

## Phenotype data should use the same NA strings as in read.cross
sum( p[4:dim(p)[1],]=="", na.rm=TRUE)  # check that there aren't any "empty string" missing values
sum([4:dim(p)[1],]))           # how many NAs?
table(which(p == 0, arr.ind=TRUE)[,"col"])  # which columns contain 0 values? 15 in Spine_1_w_0 column
names(p)[as.numeric(names(table(which(p == 0, arr.ind=TRUE)[,"col"])))] # show the names of those columns

## Combine phenotype and phased genotype data
tmap.groups <- cbind(p, tmap.groups, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

## Write cross file and read it with R/qtl
write.table(tmap.groups, "data/cross_fam4.csv", col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep=",", quote=FALSE)
cross <- read.cross(format="csv", file="data/cross_fam4.csv",, genotypes=NULL)
cross <- jittermap(cross)    # jittermap needed because some markers have identical position
cross <- calc.genoprob(cross, step=0, error.prob=0.0001, map.function="kosambi") # tmap uses kosambi

## Select phenotypes to analyze
p <- 3:14       # all phenotypes (raw and residuals)
cross$pheno$sex.numeric <- as.numeric(cross$pheno$Sex) - 1
cross$pheno$Spine_1_present <- as.numeric( !(cross$pheno$Spine_1_w_0 == 0) )
p.bin <- 15:16  # binary phenotypes (sex and spine 1 presence/absence)
p.2p <- 6       # 2-part phenotypes (Spine 1 with zeros for missing)

## Run scanone using hk for normal traits and em for binary traits
np <- 10000 # number of permutations for permutation test
nc <- 8     # number of cores to use (make sure np divisible by nc) <- scanone(cross, pheno.col=p, model="normal", method="hk")
out.bin <- scanone(cross, pheno.col=p.bin, model="binary", method="em")
out.2p <- scanone(cross, pheno.col=p.2p, model="2part", method="em")

load("data/scanone.permutations.RData")  # load precalculated scanone permutations
## Uncomment here to re-rerun the scanone permutations <- scanone(cross, pheno.col=p, model="normal", method="hk",
#                    n.perm=np, n.cluster=nc)
#perm.bin <- scanone(cross, pheno.col=p.bin, model="binary", method="em",
#                    n.perm=np, n.cluster=nc)
#perm.2p <- scanone(cross, pheno.col=p.2p, model="2part", method="em",
#                    n.perm=np, n.cluster=nc)

## Generate simple plots of all scanone results
for(i in seq_along(p)){
    png(paste0("plots/qtl_normal_hk_",formatC(p[i], width=2, flag="0"),".png"), 1200, 400)
    plot(, lodcolumn=i)
    add.threshold(,, alpha=0.05, lodcolumn=i, lty=4)
for(i in seq_along(p.bin)){
    png(paste0("plots/qtl_binary_",formatC(p.bin[i], width=2, flag="0"),".png"), 1200, 400)
    plot(out.bin, lodcolumn=i)
    add.threshold(out.bin, perms=perm.bin, alpha=0.05, lodcolumn=i, lty=4)
png(paste0("plots/qtl_2part_",formatC(p.2p, width=2, flag="0"),".png"), 1200, 400)
plot(out.2p, lodcolumn=1:3, ylab="LOD score")
add.threshold(out.2p, perms=perm.2p, alpha=0.05, lodcolumn=1, lty=4)

## Display scanone results for spine length residuals
## Summarize LOD scores that pass permutation-based threshold
## Calculate PVE values corresponding to top LOD score
i <- match(c("Spine_1_rsd1","Spine_2_rsd1","Spine_3_rsd2","Anal_Spine_rsd2"), names(cross$pheno)[p])
summary(,, alpha=.05, lodcolumn=i[1])[,c(1:2,i[1]+2)]
print(1-10^(-2/360 * 25.97)) # 28.3% PVE Stn47
summary(,, alpha=.05, lodcolumn=i[2])[,c(1:2,i[2]+2)]
print(1-10^(-2/372 * 30.45)) # 31.4% PVE Stn45
summary(,, alpha=.05, lodcolumn=i[3])[,c(1:2,i[3]+2)]
print(1-10^(-2/368 * 15.64)) # 17.8% PVE Stn45
summary(,, alpha=.05, lodcolumn=i[4])[,c(1:2,i[4]+2)]
print(1-10^(-2/334 * 16.79)) # 20.7% PVE Stn292
summary(,, alpha=.05, format="tabByCol", pvalues=TRUE)

## Plot scanone results on chromosome 4
#plot(, lodcolumn=i[2], chr=4, show.marker.names=TRUE, col="red", ylab="LOD")
plot(, lodcolumn=i[2], chr=4, col="red", ylab="LOD")
plot(, lodcolumn=i[1], chr=4, col="blue", add=TRUE)
plot(, lodcolumn=i[3], chr=4, col="green", add=TRUE)
plot(, lodcolumn=i[4], chr=4, col="orange", add=TRUE)
add.threshold(,, alpha=0.05, lodcolumn=i[1], lty=4)
legend(8, 26, c("DS1", "DS2", "DS3", "AS"), fill=c("blue","red","green","orange"), bty="n")

## Plot scanone results across entire genome
## (linkage groups 1 through 21)
pdf("plots/spine_qtl_plot.pdf", width=8, height=3.5)
pcolors <- c("royalblue","indianred2","darkseagreen","gold2")
par.old <- par(mar=c(4,4,1.8,1), mgp=c(2.4,.8,0))
plot(, lodcolumn=i[2], chr=1:21, col=pcolors[2], ylab="LOD", alternate.chrid=TRUE, bty="l")
plot(, lodcolumn=i[1], chr=1:21, col=pcolors[1], add=TRUE)
plot(, lodcolumn=i[3], chr=1:21, col=pcolors[3], add=TRUE)
plot(, lodcolumn=i[4], chr=1:21, col=pcolors[4], add=TRUE)
add.threshold(,, alpha=0.05, lodcolumn=i[1], lty=4)
legend(40, 26, c("DS1", "DS2", "DS3", "AS"), fill=pcolors, bty="n")

## Run scantwo on selected phenotypes
np <- 10000  # 10000 perms took 6.5 hours on 40 cores; 1000 perms may be adequate
nc <- 40
i <- match(c("Spine_1_rsd1","Spine_2_rsd1","Spine_3_rsd2","Anal_Spine_rsd2"), names(cross$pheno)[p]) <- scantwo(cross, pheno.col=p[i], model="normal", method="hk")

load("data/scantwo.permutations.RData")  # load precalculated scantwo permutations
## Uncomment here to re-run the scantwo permutations <- scantwo(cross, pheno.col=p[i], model="normal", method="hk",
#                     n.perm=np, n.cluster=nc)

## Determine penalties for stepwise analysis
pen <- calc.penalties(, alpha=.05)
pen.avg <- apply(pen, 2, mean)

## Stepwise model selection
j <- match(c("Spine_1_rsd1","Spine_2_rsd1","Spine_3_rsd2","Anal_Spine_rsd2"), names(cross$pheno)[p])
for(i in 1:length(j)){
    stepout.a <- stepwiseqtl(cross, additive.only=TRUE, max.qtl=10, method="hk",
                             pheno.col=p[j[i]], penalties=pen[i,])
    if(i==1){stp.1 <- stepout.a}
    if(i==2){stp.2 <- stepout.a}
    if(i==3){stp.3 <- stepout.a}
    if(i==4){stp.4 <- stepout.a}
    print(summary(fitqtl(cross, pheno.col=p[j[i]], qtl=stepout.a, method="hk")))

    ##  No interactions were retained during model selection
    #stepout.i <- stepwiseqtl(cross, max.qtl=10, method="hk",
    #                     pheno.col=p[j[i]], penalties=pen[i,])
    #print(summary(fitqtl(cross, pheno.col=p[j[i]], qtl=stepout.i, method="hk",
    #                     formula=attributes(stepout.i)$formula)))

## Saved model selection output to data/stepwise_model_selection_output.txt

## Use effectplot to get phenotype means for each genotype
cross <- sim.geno(cross, n.draws=64, map.function="kosambi")
find.marker(cross, chr=4, pos=61.4)
find.marker(cross, chr=7, pos=85.8)
find.marker(cross, chr=16, pos=13.5)
print(effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[1]], mname1="Stn47"))
print(effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[1]], mname1="Stn82"))
print(effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[1]], mname1="Stn175"))
find.marker(cross, chr=4, pos=55.3)
find.marker(cross, chr=8, pos=42)
find.marker(cross, chr=9, pos=8.7)
find.marker(cross, chr=16, pos=13.5)
print(effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[2]], mname1="Stn45"))
print(effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[2]], mname1="Stn87"))
print(effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[2]], mname1="Stn108"))
print(effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[2]], mname1="Stn175"))
find.marker(cross, chr=4, pos=55.0)
find.marker(cross, chr=13, pos=4.8)
find.marker(cross, chr=21, pos=0)
print(effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[3]], mname1="Gac4174"))
print(effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[3]], mname1="Stn149"))
print(effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[3]], mname1="Stn218"))
find.marker(cross, chr=4, pos=63.5)
find.marker(cross, chr=17, pos=45.8)
find.marker(cross, chr=20, pos=0)
print(effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[4]], mname1="Stn292"))
print(effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[4]], mname1="Stn273"))
print(effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[4]], mname1="Stn213"))

## Build a table of phenotype means per genotype at QTL
ptable <- effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[1]], mname1="Stn47")$Means
ptable <-
names(ptable) <- c("M2F1","M1M2","F1F2","M1F2")
ptable <- ptable[,c("M1M2","M2F1","M1F2","F1F2")]
tmp <- effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[1]], mname1="Stn82")$Means
ptable <- rbind( ptable, tmp[c(3,4,1,2)] )
tmp <- effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[1]], mname1="Stn175")$Means
ptable <- rbind( ptable, tmp )
tmp <- effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[2]], mname1="Stn45")$Means
ptable <- rbind( ptable, tmp[c(2,1,4,3)] )
tmp <- effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[2]], mname1="Stn87")$Means
ptable <- rbind( ptable, tmp[c(3,4,1,2)] )
tmp <- effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[2]], mname1="Stn108")$Means
ptable <- rbind( ptable, tmp )
tmp <- effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[2]], mname1="Stn175")$Means
ptable <- rbind( ptable, tmp )
tmp <- effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[3]], mname1="Gac4174")$Means
ptable <- rbind( ptable, tmp[c(2,1,4,3)] )
tmp <- effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[3]], mname1="Stn149")$Means
ptable <- rbind( ptable, tmp[c(4,3,2,1)] )
tmp <- effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[3]], mname1="Stn218")$Means
ptable <- rbind( ptable, tmp[c(3,4,1,2)] )
tmp <- effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[4]], mname1="Stn292")$Means
ptable <- rbind( ptable, tmp[c(2,1,4,3)] )
tmp <- effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[4]], mname1="Stn273")$Means
ptable <- rbind( ptable, tmp[c(3,4,1,2)] )
tmp <- effectplot(cross, pheno.col=p[j[4]], mname1="Stn213")$Means
ptable <- rbind( ptable, tmp )

## LOD scores for dropping one QTL at a time from each model
qtable1 <- summary(fitqtl(cross, pheno.col=p[j[1]], qtl=stp.1, method="hk"))$result.drop[,]
qtable2 <- summary(fitqtl(cross, pheno.col=p[j[2]], qtl=stp.2, method="hk"))$result.drop[,]
qtable3 <- summary(fitqtl(cross, pheno.col=p[j[3]], qtl=stp.3, method="hk"))$result.drop[,]
qtable4 <- summary(fitqtl(cross, pheno.col=p[j[4]], qtl=stp.4, method="hk"))$result.drop[,]
qtable1 <-
qtable2 <-
qtable3 <-
qtable4 <-

## Combine phenotype means, LOD scores and PVE into a table
markers <- c("Stn47","Stn82","Stn175","Stn45","Stn87","Stn108","Stn175","Gac4174","Stn149",
             "Stn218","Stn292", "Stn273", "Stn213")
etable <- data.frame(Trait=c(rep("DS1",3),rep("DS2",4),rep("DS3",3),rep("AS",3)),
                     Chromosome=c(4, 7, 16, 4, 8, 9, 16, 4, 13, 21, 4, 17, 20),
                     Marker=markers, LOD=c(qtable1$LOD,qtable2$LOD,qtable3$LOD,qtable4$LOD),
ptable <- cbind(etable, ptable)

## Generate LaTeX table
print(xtable(ptable, rownames=FALSE), include.rownames=FALSE)

Fine mapping across all families for chromosome 4 region of interest

QTL analysis - fine mapping on chromosome 4 as a combined F2 cross

Use simplified marine/freshwater genotypes to combine information across families, and treat it as a single F2 intercross.

Include family of origin along with Standard Length and Sex in the choices for phenotype models to calculate residuals.

## Load Spine 1 and Spine 2 phenotypes from multiple families
pheno <- read.csv("data/fine_mapping_phenotypes.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

## Load genotype data for fine mapping region
## Coded as A, B, H for marine, freshwater, heterozygous genotypes
geno <- read.csv("data/fine_mapping_genotypes.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

## Remove redundant, uninformative markers from genotypes
geno <- geno[, -match(c("mem141","mem140","mem007","mem139","mem228","mem229",
                    "mem238","mem241","mem296","mem297","BRSm019"), names(geno))]

## Combine genotype and phenotype data
geno <- cbind(geno[,"Fish"], pheno[,"Family"], pheno[,3:8], geno[,2:dim(geno)[2]], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
names(geno)[1:2] <- c("Fish", "Family")

## Write cross file in F2 intercross format for R/qtl
## Replace, A,H,B genotypes with 1,2,3
x <- geno[ , 9:dim(geno)[2] ]
x[ x == "-" ] <- NA
x[ x == "A" ] <- 1
x[ x == "H" ] <- 2
x[ x == "B" ] <- 3
geno[ , 9:dim(geno)[2] ] <- x
x <- rbind( names(geno), c(rep("",8), rep("4", dim(x)[2])), geno, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
write.table(x, "data/cross_fm.csv", col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep=",", quote=FALSE)

## Read cross as F2 intercross in R/qtl
## uses Lander-Green algorithm with Haldane map function by default <- read.cross(format="csv", file="data/cross_fm.csv",, genotypes=NULL) <- calc.genoprob(, step=0, error.prob=0.0001)$pheno$Fish <- as.character($pheno$Fish)$pheno$Family <- as.factor($pheno$Family)
sapply($pheno, class)

## Calculate residuals to standard length and/or sex
## Also consider family as a variable
## Store all the residuals resultning from all models
for(i in c(6:8)){
    p <-$pheno[, c(1:5, i)]
    names(p)[6] <- "trait"
    m1 <- lm( trait ~ SL, data=p)
    m2 <- lm( trait ~ SL + Sex, data=p)
    m3 <- lm( trait ~ Sex, data=p)
    m4 <- lm( trait ~ Family, data=p)
    m5 <- lm( trait ~ Family + SL, data=p)
    m6 <- lm( trait ~ Family + SL + Sex, data=p)
    m7 <- lm( trait ~ Family + Sex, data=p)
    m <- list(m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7)
    p.val <- as.vector(sapply(m, function(x){
    j <- as.integer(which( p.val == min(p.val) ))
    if( min(p.val) > 0.01 ){ print("WARNING: P > 0.01"); print(c(i,j)) }
    if( length(j) > 1 ){
        print("WARNING: TIE FOR BEST MODEL")
        j <- j[1]
    k <- list(!$pheno[,i]) & !$pheno$SL),
              !$pheno[,i]) & !$pheno$SL) & !$pheno$Sex),
              !$pheno[,i]) & !$pheno$Sex),
              !$pheno[,i]) & !$pheno$Family),
              !$pheno[,i]) & !$pheno$Family) & !$pheno$SL),
              !$pheno[,i]) & !$pheno$Family) & !$pheno$SL) & !$pheno$Sex),
              !$pheno[,i]) & !$pheno$Family) & !$pheno$Sex))
    for(j in 1:7){$pheno[k[[j]],paste0(names($pheno)[i],"_rsd",j)] <- residuals(m[[j]])}

## Also consider binary presence/absence phenotypes$pheno$Spine1.present <- as.numeric(!$pheno$Spine_1))$pheno$Spine2.present <- as.numeric(!$pheno$Spine_2))$pheno$Spine1.present[$pheno$Spine_1) &$pheno$Spine_2) ] <- NA$pheno$Spine2.present[$pheno$Spine_1) &$pheno$Spine_2) ] <- NA

## Select phenotypes to analyze
## (focus on Spine 1 and Spine 2, residuals to standard length)
p <- match(c("Spine_1", "Spine_2", "Spine_1_rsd1", "Spine_2_rsd1"), names($pheno))$pheno$sex.numeric <- as.numeric($pheno$Sex) - 1
#p.bin <- 30:32
#p.2p <- 7

## Run scanone using hk,em for normal traits and em for binary traits
np <- 10000 # number of permutations for permutation test
nc <- 8     # number of cores to use (make sure np divisible by nc) <- scanone(, pheno.col=p, model="normal", method="hk")
fine.em <- scanone(, pheno.col=p, model="normal", method="em")

## load precalculated and fine.perm.em permutations
## uncommment to re-run <- scanone(, pheno.col=p, model="normal", method="hk",
#                        n.perm=np, n.cluster=nc)
#fine.perm.em <- scanone(, pheno.col=p, model="normal", method="em",
#                        n.perm=np, n.cluster=nc)

## uncomment if running additional binary or 2part traits
#fine.bin.em <- scanone(, pheno.col=p.bin, model="binary", method="em")
#fine.2p.em <- scanone(, pheno.col=p.2p, model="2part", method="em")
#fine.perm.bin.em <- scanone(, pheno.col=p.bin, model="binary", method="em",
#                         n.perm=np, n.cluster=nc)
#fine.perm.2p.em <- scanone(, pheno.col=p.bin, model="2part", method="em",
#                         n.perm=np, n.cluster=nc)

## Generate plots of scanone results
for(i in seq_along(p)){
    png(paste0("plots/fine_mapping_normal_hk_",formatC(p[i], width=2, flag="0"),".png"), 1200, 400)
    plot(, lodcolumn=i)
    add.threshold(,, alpha=0.05, lodcolumn=i, lty=4)
for(i in seq_along(p)){
    png(paste0("plots/fine_mapping_normal_em_",formatC(p[i], width=2, flag="0"),".png"), 1200, 400)
    plot(fine.em, lodcolumn=i)
    #plot(fine.em, lodcolumn=i, ylim=c(40,80), xlim=c(7,15))
    add.threshold(fine.em, perms=fine.perm.em, alpha=0.05, lodcolumn=i, lty=4)

## Display scanone results
i <- match(c("Spine_1_rsd1","Spine_2_rsd1"), names($pheno)[p])
summary(,, alpha=.05, lodcolumn=i[1])[,c(1:2,i+2)]
summary(,, alpha=.05, lodcolumn=i[2])[,c(1:2,i+2)]
summary(,, format="tabByCol", pvalues=TRUE,
        ci.function="lodint", drop=1)

## 1-LOD intervals from QTL peak
lodint(, chr=4, drop=1, lodcolumn=i[1]) # mem006 to mem253
print(1-10^(-2/912 * 61.34))    # 26.6% PVE
lodint(, chr=4, drop=1, lodcolumn=i[2]) # mem006 to mem253
print(1-10^(-2/936 * 73.16))    # 30.2% PVE

## Bayesian credible interval, prob=0.95
bayesint(, chr=4, lodcolumn=i[1]) # Stn365 to mem244
bayesint(, chr=4, lodcolumn=i[2]) # Stn365 to mem244

## Generate plot of LOD scores for Spine 1 and Spine 2 residuals
pdf("plots/fine_mapping_lod_plot.pdf", family="Helvetica", width=8, height=3.5)
pcolors <- c("royalblue","indianred2","darkseagreen","gold2")
par.old <- par(mar=c(4,4,1.8,1), mgp=c(2.4,.8,0))
plot(, lodcolumn=i[2], col=pcolors[2], ylab="LOD", ylim=c(35,75), bty="l",
     xlab="", incl.markers=FALSE)
     #xlab=paste0("Map position (cM)", paste(rep(" ", 50), collapse="")))
rug(unlist(, use.names=FALSE), 0.06, lwd=1.5, quiet=TRUE)
plot(, lodcolumn=i[1], col=pcolors[1], add=TRUE)
add.threshold(,, alpha=0.05, lodcolumn=i[1], lty=4)
legend(-.1, 70, c("DS1", "DS2"), fill=pcolors, bty="n")

## 2002 individuals, 37 markers
## Genotypes per marker
apply($geno[[1]]$data, 2, function(x){ sum(!})
## Individuals per family

## Run scantwo on selected phenotypes
np <- 10000 # number of permutations for permutation test
nc <- 8     # number of cores to use (make sure np divisible by nc)
j <- match(c("Spine_1_rsd1","Spine_2_rsd1"), names($pheno)[p]) <- scantwo(, pheno.col=p[j], model="normal", method="hk")
load("data/fine_mapping.scantwo.permutations.RData") # load precalculated permutations
## Uncomment to re-run permutations <- scantwo(, pheno.col=p[j], model="normal", method="hk",
#                       n.perm=np, n.cluster=nc)
plot(, lodcolumn=1)
plot(, lodcolumn=2)
summary(,, alphas=.05, lodcolumn=1, pvalues=TRUE)
summary(,, alphas=.05, lodcolumn=2, pvalues=TRUE)
## For spine 1, an additive model combining mem235 and BRSm018 is supported
find.marker(, chr=4, pos=9.3)
find.marker(, chr=4, pos=13.2)
pen <- calc.penalties(, alpha=.05)
pen.avg <- apply(pen, 2, mean)

## Stepwise model selection
for(i in 1:length(j)){
    stp.a <- stepwiseqtl(, additive.only=TRUE, max.qtl=2, method="hk",
                         pheno.col=p[j[i]], penalties=pen[i,])
    if(i==1){ <- stp.a }
    if(i==2){ <- stp.a }
    print(summary(fitqtl(, pheno.col=p[j[i]], qtl=stp.a, method="hk")))
    #stp.i <- stepwiseqtl(, max.qtl=2, method="hk",
    #                     pheno.col=p[j[i]], penalties=pen[i,])
    #print(summary(fitqtl(, pheno.col=p[j[i]], qtl=stp.i, method="hk",
    #                     formula=attributes(stp.i)$formula)))

## Again, an additive model combining mem235 and BRSm018 is chosen for spine 1
## Results save as data/fine_mapping_stepwise_model_selection_output.txt

## Phenotype effects <- sim.geno(, n.draws=64)
print(effectplot(, pheno.col=p[j[1]], mname1="mem235"))
print(effectplot(, pheno.col=p[j[2]], mname1="mem235"))
ptable <- effectplot(, pheno.col=p[j[1]], mname1="mem235")$Means
ptable <-
ptable <- rbind(ptable, effectplot(, pheno.col=p[j[1]], mname1="BRSm018")$Means)
ptable <- rbind(ptable, effectplot(, pheno.col=p[j[2]], mname1="mem235")$Means)

qtable1 <- summary(fitqtl(, pheno.col=p[j[1]],, method="hk"))$result.drop[,]
qtable2 <- summary(fitqtl(, pheno.col=p[j[2]],, method="hk"))$result.full
qtable1 <-
qtable2 <-

find.marker(, chr=4, pos=13.2)
etable <- data.frame(Trait=c("DS1","DS1","DS2"), Position=c("9.3 cM","13.2 cM","9.3 cM"),
                     Marker=c("mem235","BRSm018","mem235"), LOD=c(qtable1$LOD,qtable2$LOD[1]),
ptable <- cbind(etable, ptable)

## Generate LaTeX table
print(xtable(ptable, rownames=FALSE), include.rownames=FALSE)

## LOD intervals
lodint(, 4, qtl.index=1, drop=1)
lodint(, 4, qtl.index=1, drop=.001)
bayesint(, 4, qtl.index=1, prob=.9)
lodint(, 4, qtl.index=2, drop=1)
lodint(, 4, qtl.index=2, drop=.001)
bayesint(, 4, qtl.index=2, prob=.9)
lodint(, 4, drop=1)
lodint(, 4, drop=.001)
bayesint(, 4, prob=.9)