Title: Hi-Low Game
Description: This is a team project that runs a game of hi-low. The player guesses whether the next number that is drawn from a deck is higher or lower than the previous card drawn. Player starts at 300 points. +100 points for a correct guess, -75 points for an incorrect guess. Game ends when player's points hits 0 or the player quits.
Project Structure: hi_low_game (Main folder containinng the game files) --+Deck.cs (specific class) --+Director.cs (organizational class) --+Program.cs (main entry point) --+README.md (General info)
Required Software: The ability to run C# programs
Persons involved in programming and debugging this program: Douglas Hill - [email protected] Tyler Brady - [email protected] Samuel Adams - [email protected] Zak Law - [email protected] Daniel Smith - [email protected]