Releases: stripe/stripe-cli
5244cae A few fixes to (#29)
bd0c791 Add feedback command (#20)
20bda9c Add terminal restoration on ctrl-c during interactive login to prevent hidden text (#26)
26f2889 Convert request data to use user provided ordering (#22)
1d7307f Create deb and rpm packages and publish scoop bucket (#28)
3011ad2 Improve documentation inside the CLI (#21)
1c93e79 New client for Stripe requests (#18)
4795764 Prefers http package consts instead of raw strings for HTTP methods (#24)
8abbda4 Refactor requests package code to be a little cleaner (#14)
2eaa253 Update .goreleaser.yml (#16)
a029628 Update table of contents for login command (#17)
cd17d0f [README] Makes a few small small changes to the README (#23)
999b591 Allow restricted API keys (#8)
5c6065e Fix login test (#12)
465acef Implement getLinks() to kick off the login flow (#6)
4016f72 New login configuration flow (#7)
9b25dbc New project layout (#9)
bfe3bd6 Prettier login (#13)
5cd37a7 Update README and fix interactive prompt (#15)
ef548c8 stripe login: poll for api key (#4)