NeJe NEJE DK-8 Pro-5 500mW Laser Engraver tool. Loads and burns images on your NeJe mini-burner.
$ nejemojo --help
Usage: nejemojo [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
-p, --port TEXT The serial port [default: /dev/ttyUSB0]
--help Show this message and exit.
box Draws preview box
burn Burn the image
burntime Set the pulse burn time, the longer the darker
erase Erase image from eeprom
home Move to home position
load Load the image
pause Pause Neje burning
read Read from port
reset Reset Neje
view View the image
- baud 57600
- 8 data bits
- 1 stop bit
- parity none
msg | description |
0xf9 | stop/reset |
0xf1 | start (Once issued incoming data will specify the position, data uses a modulus format.) |
0xf2 | pause |
0xf4 | engraving preview (visualizes bounding box) |
0xf5 | go up |
0xf6 | go down |
0xf7 | go left |
0xf8 | go right |
0xf3 | go to left corner |
<time in hex default 0x3c | (60ms)> burn time |
0xfa | set motor parameter <hex speed default = 0x23 (35ms)> |
0xfb | go to center |
0xfc | fast backward <parameter 0x55> fast forward <parameter 0xaa> recarve <parameter 0x77> |
0xfe x8 | erase + send picture |
Seems tkinter is not the dejour GUI lib it used to be, thats propably a good thing.
$ sudo pacman -S tk
Need to be able to use ttyUSBn as normal user.
$ sudo gpasswd -a $USER uucp