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PyData SV 2013 - Tutorials

HDF5 is for Lovers nerd_candy_heart

March 18th, 2013, PyData, Silicon Valley

Anthony Scopatz

The FLASH Center

The University of Chicago

[email protected]

What is HDF5?

HDF5 stands for (H)eirarchical (D)ata (F)ormat (5)ive.

It is supported by the lovely people at hdf_group

At its core HDF5 is binary file type specification.

However, what makes HDF5 great is the numerous libraries written to interact with files of this type and their extremely rich feature set.

Which you will learn today!

A Note on the Format

Intermixed, there will be:

  • Slides
  • Interactive Hacking
  • Exercises

Feel free to:

  • Ask questions at anytime
  • Explore at your own pace.

Class Makeup

By a show of hands, how many people have used:

  • HDF5 before?
  • PyTables?
  • h5py?
  • the HDF5 C API?
  • SQL?
  • Other binary data formats?


Please clone the repo:

git clone git://

Or download a tarball from:

Warm up exercise

In IPython:

import numpy as np
import tables as tb

f = tb.openFile('temp.h5', 'a')
heart = np.ones(42, dtype=[('rate', int), ('beat', float)])
f.createTable('/', 'heart', heart)

Or run python exer/

Warm up exercise

You should see in ViTables:


A Brief Introduction

For persisting structured numerical data, binary formats are superior to plaintext.

For one thing, they are often smaller:

# small ints       # med ints
42   (4 bytes)     123456   (4 bytes)
'42' (2 bytes)     '123456' (6 bytes)

# near-int floats  # e-notation floats
12.34   (8 bytes)  42.424242E+42   (8 bytes)
'12.34' (5 bytes)  '42.424242E+42' (13 bytes)

A Brief Introduction

For another, binary formats are often faster for I/O because atoi() and atof() are expensive.

However, you often want some thing more than a binary chunk of data in a file.


This is the mechanism behind and numpy.savez().

A Brief Introduction

Instead, you want a real database with the ability to store many datasets, user-defined metadata, optimized I/O, and the ability to query its contents.

Unlike SQL, where every dataset lives in a flat namespace, HDF allows datasets to live in a nested tree structure.

In effect, HDF5 is a file system within a file.

(More on this later.)

A Brief Introduction

Basic dataset classes include:

  • Array
All of these must be composed of atomic types.

A Brief Introduction

There are six kinds of types supported by PyTables:

  • bool: Boolean (true/false) types. 8 bits.
  • int: Signed integer types. 8, 16, 32 (default) and 64 bits.
  • uint: Unsigned integers. 8, 16, 32 (default) and 64 bits.
  • float: Floating point types. 16, 32 and 64 (default) bits.
  • complex: Complex number. 64 and 128 (default) bits.
  • string: Raw string types. 8-bit positive multiples.

A Brief Introduction

Other elements of the hierarchy may include:

  • Groups (dirs)

PyTables docs may be found at

Opening Files

import tables as tb
f = tb.openFile('/path/to/file', 'a')
  • 'r': Read-only; no data can be modified.
  • 'w': Write; a new file is created (an existing file with the same name would be deleted).
  • 'a': Append; an existing file is opened for reading and writing, and if the file does not exist it is created.
  • 'r+': It is similar to 'a', but the file must already exist.

Using the Hierarchy

In HDF5, all nodes stem from a root ("/" or f.root).

In PyTables, you may access nodes as attributes on a Python object (f.root.a_group.some_data).

This is known as natural naming.

Creating new nodes must be done on the file handle:

f.createGroup('/', 'a_group', "My Group")

Creating Datasets

The two most common datasets are Tables & Arrays.

Appropriate create methods live on the file handle:

# integer array
f.createArray('/a_group', 'arthur_count', [1, 2, 5, 3])
# tables, need descriptions
dt = np.dtype([('id', int), ('name', 'S10')])
knights = np.array([(42, 'Lancelot'), (12, 'Bedivere')], dtype=dt)
f.createTable('/', 'knights', dt)

Reading Datasets

Arrays and Tables try to preserve the original flavor that they were created with.

>>> print f.root.a_group.arthur_count[:]
[1, 2, 5, 3]

>>> type(f.root.a_group.arthur_count[:])

>>> type(f.root.a_group.arthur_count)

Reading Datasets

So if they come from NumPy arrays, they may be accessed in a numpy-like fashion (slicing, fancy indexing, masking).

>>> f.root.knights[1]
(12, 'Bedivere')

>>> f.root.knights[:1]
array([(42, 'Lancelot')], dtype=[('id', '<i8'), ('name', 'S10')])

>>> mask = ([:] < 28)
>>> f.root.knights[mask]
array([(12, 'Bedivere')], dtype=[('id', '<i8'), ('name', 'S10')])

>>> f.root.knights[([1, 0],)]
array([(12, 'Bedivere'), (42, 'Lancelot')], dtype=[('id', '<i8'), ('name', 'S10')])

Data accessed in this way is memory mapped.







Hierarchy Layout

Suppose there is a big table of like-things:

# people:  name,            profession,    home
people = [('Arthur',        'King',        'Camelot'),
          ('Lancelot',      'Knight',      'Lake'),
          ('Bedevere',      'Knight',      'Wales'),
          ('Witch',         'Witch',       'Village'),
          ('Guard',         'Man-at-Arms', 'Swamp Castle'),
          ('Ni',            'Knight',      'Shrubbery'),
          ('Strange Woman', 'Lady',        'Lake'),

It is tempting to throw everyone into a big people table.

Hierarchy Layout

However, a search over a class of people can be eliminated by splitting these tables up:

knight = [('Lancelot',      'Knight',      'Lake'),
          ('Bedevere',      'Knight',      'Wales'),
          ('Ni',            'Knight',      'Shrubbery'),

others = [('Arthur',        'King',        'Camelot'),
          ('Witch',         'Witch',       'Village'),
          ('Guard',         'Man-at-Arms', 'Swamp Castle'),
          ('Strange Woman', 'Lady',        'Lake'),

Hierarchy Layout

The profession column is now redundant:

knight = [('Lancelot', 'Lake'),
          ('Bedevere', 'Wales'),
          ('Ni',       'Shrubbery'),

others = [('Arthur',        'King',        'Camelot'),
          ('Witch',         'Witch',       'Village'),
          ('Guard',         'Man-at-Arms', 'Swamp Castle'),
          ('Strange Woman', 'Lady',        'Lake'),

Hierarchy Layout

Information can be embedded implicitly in the hierarchy as well:

  | - England
  |     | - knight
  |     | - others
  | - France
  |     | - knight
  |     | - others

Hierarchy Layout

Why bother pivoting the data like this at all?

Ultimately, it is all about speed, especially for big tables.

Access Time Analogy

If a processor's access of L1 cache is analogous to you finding a word on a computer screen (3 seconds), then

Starving CPU Problem

Waiting around for access times prior to computation is known as the Starving CPU Problem.


Francesc Alted. 2010. Why Modern CPUs Are Starving and What Can Be Done about It. IEEE Des. Test 12, 2 (March 2010), 68-71. DOI=10.1109/MCSE.2010.51


Tables are a high-level interface to extendable arrays of structs.


In fact, the struct / dtype / description concept is only a convenient way to assign meaning to bytes:

|  ids  |       first       |        last       |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


Data types may be nested (though they are stored in flattened way).

dt = np.dtype([('id', int),
               ('first', 'S5'),
               ('last',  'S5'),
               ('parents', [
                    ('mom_id', int),
                    ('dad_id', int),

people = np.fromstring(np.random.bytes(dt.itemsize * 10000), dt)
f.createTable('/', 'random_peeps', people)




Python already has the ability to dynamically declare the size of descriptions.

This is accomplished in compiled languages through normal memory allocation and careful byte counting:

typedef struct mat {
  double mass;
  int atoms_per_mol;
  double comp [];
} mat;


typedef struct mat {
  double mass;
  int atoms_per_mol;
  double comp [];
} mat;

size_t mat_size = sizeof(mat) + sizeof(double)*comp_size;
hid_t desc = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, mat_size);
hid_t comptype = H5Tarray_create2(H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, 1, nuc_dims);

// make the data table type
H5Tinsert(desc, "mass", HOFFSET(mat, mass), H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE);
H5Tinsert(desc, "atoms_per_mol", HOFFSET(mat, atoms_per_mol), H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE);
H5Tinsert(desc, "comp", HOFFSET(mat, comp), comp_type);

// make the data array for a single row, have to over-allocate
mat * mat_data  = new mat[mat_size];

// ...fill in data array...

// Write the row
H5Dwrite(data_set, desc, mem_space, data_hyperslab, H5P_DEFAULT, mat_data);








Chunking is a feature with no direct analogy in NumPy.

Chunking is the ability to split up a dataset into smaller blocks of equal or lesser rank.

Extra metadata pointing to the location of the chunk in the file and in dataspace must be stored.

By chunking, sparse data may be stored efficiently and datasets may extend infinitely in all dimensions.

Note: Currently, PyTables only allows one extendable dim.



Contiguous Dataset


Chunked Dataset


All I/O happens by chunk. This is important for:

  • edge chunks may extend beyond the dataset


Any chunked dataset allows you to set the chunksize.

f.createTable('/', 'omnomnom', data, chunkshape=(42,42))

For example, a 4x4 chunked array could have a 3x3 chunksize.

However, it could not have a 12x12 chunksize, since the ranks must be less than or equal to that of the array.

Manipulating the chunksize is a great way to fine-tune an application.



Contiguous 4x4 Dataset


Chunked 4x4 Dataset


Note that the addresses of chunks in dataspace (memory) has no bearing on their arrangement in the actual file.


Dataspace (top) vs File (bottom) Chunk Locations

In-Core vs Out-of-Core

Calculations depend on the current memory layout.

Recall access time analogy (wander Earth for 16 months).


In-Core Operations

Say, a and b are arrays sitting in memory:

a = np.array(...)
b = np.array(...)
c = 42 * a + 28 * b + 6

The expression for c creates three temporary arrays!

For N operations, N-1 temporaries are made.

Wastes memory and is slow. Pulling from disk is slower.

In-Core Operations

A less memory intensive implementation would be an element-wise evaluation:

c = np.empty(...)
for i in range(len(c)):
    c[i] = 42 * a[i] + 28 * b[i] + 6
But if a and b were HDF5 arrays on disk, individual element access time would kill you.

Out-of-Core Operations

Say there was a virtual machine (or kernel) which could be fed arrays and perform specified operations.
for i in range(0, len(a), 256):
    r0, r1 = a[i:i+256], b[i:i+256]
    multiply(r0, 42, r2)
    multiply(r1, 28, r3)
    add(r2, r3, r2); add(r2,  6, r2)
    c[i:i+256] = r2

Out-of-Core Operations

This is the basic idea behind numexpr, which provides a general virtual machine for NumPy arrays.

This problem lends itself nicely to parallelism.

Numexpr has low-level multithreading, avoiding the GIL.

PyTables implements a tb.Expr class which backends to the numexpr VM but has additional optimizations for disk reading and writing.

The full array need never be in memory.

Out-of-Core Operations

Fully out-of-core expression example:

shape = (10, 10000)
f = tb.openFile("/tmp/expression.h5", "w")

a = f.createCArray(f.root, 'a', tb.Float32Atom(dflt=1.), shape)
b = f.createCArray(f.root, 'b', tb.Float32Atom(dflt=2.), shape)
c = f.createCArray(f.root, 'c', tb.Float32Atom(dflt=3.), shape)
out = f.createCArray(f.root, 'out', tb.Float32Atom(dflt=3.), shape)

expr = tb.Expr("a*b+c")
d = expr.eval()

print "returned-->", repr(d)


The most common operation is asking an existing dataset whether its elements satisfy some criteria. This is known as querying.

Because querying is so common PyTables defines special methods on Tables.

tb.Table.whereAppend(dest, cond)


The conditions used in where() calls are strings which are evaluated by numexpr. These expressions must return boolean values.

They are executed in the context of table itself combined with locals() and globals().

The where() method itself returns an iterator over all matched (hit) rows:

for row in table.where('(col1 < 42) & (col2 == col3)'):
    # do something with row


For a speed comparison, here is a complex query using regular Python:

result = [row['col2'] for row in table if (
          ((row['col4'] >= lim1 and row['col4'] < lim2) or
          ((row['col2'] > lim3 and row['col2'] < lim4])) and
          ((row['col1']+3.1*row['col2']+row['col3']*row['col4']) > lim5)

And this is the equivalent out-of-core search:

result = [row['col2'] for row in table.where(
            '(((col4 >= lim1) & (col4 < lim2)) | '
            '((col2 > lim3) & (col2 < lim4)) &   '
            '((col1+3.1*col2+col3*col4) > lim5)) ')]



Complex query with 10 million rows. Data fits in memory.



Complex query with 1 billion rows. Too big for memory.








A more general way to solve the starving CPU problem is through compression.

Compression is when the dataset is piped through a zipping algorithm on write and the inverse unzipping algorithm on read.

Each chunk is compressed independently, so chunks end up with a varying number bytes.

Has some storage overhead, but may drastically reduce file sizes for very regular data.


At first glance this is counter-intuitive. (Why?)

Compression/Decompression is clearly more CPU intensive than simply blitting an array into memory.

However, because there is less total information to transfer, the time spent unpacking the array can be far less than moving the array around wholesale.

This is kind of like power steering, you can either tell wheels how to turn manually or you can tell the car how you want the wheels turned.


Compression is a guaranteed feature of HDF5 itself.

At minimum, HDF5 requires zlib.

The compression capabilities feature a plugin architecture which allow for a variety of different algorithms, including user defined ones!

PyTables supports:

• zlib (default), • lzo, • bzip2, and • blosc.


Compression is enabled in PyTables through filters.

# complevel goes from [0,9]
filters = tb.Filters(complevel=5, complib='blosc', ...)

Filters only act on chunked datasets.


Tips for choosing compression parameters:

But why? (I don't have time to go into the details of blosc. However here are some justifications...)



Comparison of different compression levels of zlib.



Creation time per element for a 15 GB EArray and different chunksizes.



File sizes for a 15 GB EArray and different chunksizes.



Sequential access time per element for a 15 GB EArray and different chunksizes.



Random access time per element for a 15 GB EArray and different chunksizes.







Other Python Data Structures

Overwhelmingly, numpy arrays have been the in-memory data structure of choice.

Using lists or tuples instead of arrays follows analogously.

It is data structures like sets and dictionaries which do not quite map.

However, as long as all elements may be cast into the same atomic type, these structures can be stored in HDF5 with relative ease.


Example of serializing and deserializing sets:

>>> s = {1.0, 42, 77.7, 6E+01, True}

>>> f.createArray('/', 's', [float(x) for x in s])
/s (Array(4,)) ''
  atom := Float64Atom(shape=(), dflt=0.0)
  maindim := 0
  flavor := 'python'
  byteorder := 'little'
  chunkshape := None

>>> set(f.root.s)
set([1.0, 42.0, 77.7, 60.0])







What Was Missed

  • Walking Nodes
  • File Nodes
  • Indexing
  • Migrating to / from SQL
  • HDF5 in other database formats
  • Other Databases in HDF5
  • HDF5 as a File System


Many thanks to everyone who made this possible!

• Josh Moore, • Antonio Valentino, • Josh Ayers



  • The NumPy Developers
Shameless Plug: We are always looking for more hands. Join Now!

