Releases: os-climate/aicoe-osc-demo
Eleventh Release
What's Changed
- Update image for text kpi inference by @chauhankaranraj in #98
- This commit updates the JH build image so that we can run text inference kpi notebooks
Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.11.0
Tenth Release
This release includes the following updates:
- Remove jupyter/jupyterlab as dependencies in Pipfile packages to fix JH image build issue
Ninth Release
This release includes the following updates:
- Add training and inference runtime image environment
- Add inference notebooks
- Add demo links
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0
Eight Release
This release includes the following updates:
- Adds README files for demo 1 and demo 2
- Updates .gitignore to ensure credentials are not included in version control
- Adds Elyra pipeline for demo 2
- Updates source code and notebooks to ensure elyra pipeline runs correctly. This includes
- replace gdown with our s3 class, to circumvent permission errors after downloading multiple times (this issue - wkentaro/gdown#43)
- update paths in config
- update notebooks to create directories as required by elyra during runtime
Seventh Release
This release introduces a fix(#70) to the previous release which was causing a notebook server spawn on JupyterHub to contain an incorrect directory name upon spawn.
Sixth Release
This release includes following updates:
Demo 1
- Update Schema and add dashboard
Demo 2
- Add pdf table extraction and curation
- Update config files
- Change data storage from local to s3
- Fix image to include Linux dependencies: Java and Poppler
Fifth Release
This release includes the following updates:
- Adds pdf text curation notebook for demo 2
- Adds kpi mapping data csv
- Fixes mmcv-full, opencv, and src dependency issues in image
Fourth Release
This release includes the following updates:
- Adds metrics to track via kubeflow pipelines for demo 1
- Adds superset dashboard exported as json for demo 1
- Adds source files for demo 2
- Adds text extraction notebook for demo 2
- Updates Pipfile, Pipfile.lock for demo 2 dependencies
Third Release
The purpose of this release is to trigger a new image build with the latest
This release also includes the following updates:
- Update aicoe-ci config file to include custom tag setting
Second Release
The purpose of this release is to trigger a new image build, so that the updates in the s2i base image are included in the image for this project.
This release also includes the following updates:
- Adds Elyra pipeline automation for demo 1 (nimbus)