Add more validation checks on HTTP field component identifiers and parameters.
Relax rack version requirements. Pull request #4 by oneiros.
Update uri dependency to the latest version. Pull request #3 by oneiros.
Support parameters on HTTP field component identifiers.
Add a work-around for failed unit-tests in ruby HEAD CI jobs.
Set up simplecov and improve unit-tests coverage.
- Make all unit tests pass on Ruby 3.0:
- Set minimum required version on openssl and uri gems.
- Small refactor on ECDSA module.
- Add support for additional derived components: @target-uri, @scheme, @request-target, @query and @query-param.
Build Linzer::Message instances from Rack request and response objects instead of unspecified/ad-hoc hashes with HTTP request and response parameters.
Update README examples.
- Fix one-off error on ECDSA P-256 and P-384 curve signature generation. In some cases, an invalid signature of 63 or 95 bytes could be generated.
- Add support for capitalized HTTP header names.
- Force signature component name strings to be encoded as ASCII. Otherwise in some scenarios, this could to signature verification errors for valid signatures.
- Fix incorrect signing and verifying for ECDSA P-256 and P-384 curves.
- Add support for the following algorithms: Ed25519, HMAC-SHA256 and ECDSA (P-256 and P-384 curves).
- Add signature signing functionality. RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512 is still the only supported algorithm.
- Initial release
- It barely passes unit tests to verify signatures with RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512.