Title: Lesson Title
Author: Your name and Study Group name here!
Prerequisites: What skills or knowledge need before you start-- for example, “be comfortable with functions in R” or “ know basic Python.”
Time to Complete: how long (roughly) it will take to complete this lesson
SHORT Summary/Context/Objectives: include WHAT this lesson will enable you to do/applications for this tool or skill.
Link to lesson:
USE the tags for level, topic, and language: select from the list. If your field/topic is not listed, comment @auremoser or @zee-moz to have a new tag added.
Title: Resource Title
SHORT Summary/Context/Objectives: include WHAT this lesson will enable you to do/applications for this tool or skill.
Link to resource:
USE the tags for level, topic, and language: select from the list. If your field/topic is not listed, comment @auremoser or @zee-moz to have a new tag added.