Scotch.io Tutorials - Hundred of web tutorials from Node.js, MongoDB, Vagrant, CSS3, etc.
Web Design for Hackers - A simple introduction to web design principles and CSS.
HTML 5 and CSS 3 Introduction - A brief introduction to what's new in HTML 5 and CSS 3
[HTML 5 and CSS 3 Tutorials] (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL081AC329706B2953) - A decently comprehnsive set of 53 video tutorials on HTML 5 and CSS3. Tutorials assume basic understanding of XHTML and CSS.
[HTML, CSS, and Javascript Tutorials] (http://htmldog.com/) Simple beginner guides.
[HTML, CSS] (https://www.codecademy.com/learn/web) Codecademy courses.
- Intro To Node.js - An introduction to Node.js with Dom and Otto. On YouTube!
- Intro JavaScript - Plain intro to how JS works. Nothing fancy.
- Intro to MEAN Stack - Learn how to use Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Angular JS to build a full stack web app.
- Cool Node.js Packages - Hundreds of cool npm packages to add into your node app.
- Build a Flask App - A quickstart guide on building a web application with Flask, a Python web framework. Remember to install Flask first!
- YouTube playlist on Flask
- An Extensive guide on Flask.
- The Flask subreddit - Good for reference and asking questions (as well as StackOverflow).
- Learn SQL the Hard Way - Text that walks through and builds up a good knowledge of SQL using SQLite
- Laravel 4 From Scratch - A video tutorial on PHP Laravel framework.