program ::= statement*
statement ::= function_declaration
| variable_declaration
| assignment_statement
| if_statement
| loop_statement
| for_statement
| print_statement
| function_call
| record_declaration
function_declaration ::= "part" identifier "[" parameter_list "]" ":" type "{" statement* "}"
parameter_list ::= parameter ("," parameter)* | ε
parameter ::= type identifier
variable_declaration ::= "let" identifier ":" type "=" expression ";"
assignment_statement ::= "let" identifier "=" expression ";"
if_statement ::= "if" expression "{" statement* "}"
( "elif" expression "{" statement* "}" )*
( "else" "{" statement* "}" )?
loop_statement ::= "loop" "[" expression "]" "{" statement* "}"
for_statement ::= "for" identifier "in" expression "{" statement* "}"
print_statement ::= "print" "(" expression ")" ";"
function_call ::= "call" identifier "(" argument_list ")" ";"
record_declaration ::= "record" identifier "{" field_declaration* "}"
field_declaration ::= type identifier ";"
expression ::= literal
| identifier
| binary_operation
| function_call
| list_literal
| dictionary_literal
| record_instantiation
| "(" expression ")"
| unary_operation
literal ::= integer_literal
| string_literal
| boolean_literal
| list_literal
| dictionary_literal
integer_literal ::= digit+
string_literal ::= "\"" character* "\""
boolean_literal ::= "true" | "false"
list_literal ::= "[" ( expression ( "," expression )* )? "]"
dictionary_literal ::= "{" ( key_value_pair ( "," key_value_pair )* )? "}"
key_value_pair ::= expression ":" expression
binary_operation ::= expression "+" expression
| expression "-" expression
| expression "*" expression
| expression "/" expression
| expression "%" expression
| expression "==" expression
| expression "!=" expression
| expression "<" expression
| expression ">" expression
| expression "<=" expression
| expression ">=" expression
| expression "and" expression
| expression "or" expression
unary_operation ::= "-" expression
| "not" expression
type ::= "int" | "string" | "boolean"
| "list" "[" type "]"
| "dict" "[" type "," type "]"
| identifier # Custom types (records)
identifier ::= letter ( letter | digit )*
digit ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
letter ::= "a" | "b" | ... | "z" | "A" | "B" | ... | "Z"
character ::= any printable ASCII character
argument_list ::= expression ("," expression)* | ε
- Syntax Categories:
- program: Represents a sequence of statements.
- statement: Represents any valid programming statement.
- function_declaration: Declares a function using the
- parameter_list: Represents a list of parameters in a function declaration.
- parameter: Represents a parameter with a type and identifier.
- variable_declaration: Declares a variable using the
- assignment_statement: Assigns a value to a variable.
- if_statement: Implements conditional branching (
, elif
, else
- loop_statement: Implements a fixed iteration loop (
- for_statement: Implements a for-each loop over collections (
- print_statement: Prints output to the console.
- function_call: Calls a defined function using the
- record_declaration: Declares a record type using the
- field_declaration: Declares a field within a record type.
- expression: Represents a valid expression in the language.
- literal: Represents various literal types like integers, strings, booleans, lists, and dictionaries.
- binary_operation: Represents binary operations like arithmetic, comparison, and logical operations.
- unary_operation: Represents unary operations like negation and logical NOT.
- type: Represents data types supported by the language, including basic types (
, string
, boolean
), lists, dictionaries, and custom types (records).
- identifier: Represents variable names, function names, or type names.
- digit, letter, character: Basic components used to define identifiers, literals, and other constructs.