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RTNNIgen: Code generation from Keras for sequential neural networks to run them directly in the PLC (TwinCAT3)

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GitHub License

This toolbox enables the generation of TwinCAT3 Structured Text from a Keras sequential neural network model. It is driven by two components:

  • RTNNI: a PLC library allowing real-time capable neural network inference. This avoids redundancies in the code generation step as well as providing a cleaner (more readable) interface
  • nnigen: a Python package converting Keras sequential models to PLC code using the RTNNI library.

The following use-cases are supported:



How to install

PLC library RTNNI in TwinCAT3

  • Open the Library Manager: double-click on the References object in the PLC project tree
    Library Manager

  • Open the Library Repository Repository: click the button in Library Manager

  • Install our library RTNNI: click on the Install... button (shown below), then choose RTNNI.library


  • Add the necessary libraries: click the button add library add_library in Library Manager and add the following dependencies:


nnigen package in Python:

In Python3 the package needs to be installed. This can be done via

# install from cloned repository 
git clone
cd rtnnigen
pip install .

# or directly from repo:
pip install git+

How to use

Code generation for Keras sequential model in Python

from nnigen import nnigen
import keras 

# load saved neural network model
model_file = "test_model.keras"
model = keras.saving.load_model(model_file) 
# (this step could be done differently, which depends on your tensorflow version

# tip: directly use a subfolder in the PLC project, nonexistent folders will be created
folder = "ST_files/"
model_name = "Dense_v1"

# generate structured text
nnigen(model, model_name, folder, overwrite_if_model_exists=True)

then several files have been generated in folder ST_files:

File Contents
{model_name}_LayersWeights.TcDUT Struct containing all model weights (the variable part of the model)
{model_name}_weights.dat Binary serialized weights (corresponding to {model_name}_LayersWeights.TcDUT)
{model_name}_Layers.TcDUT Struct containing the whole network
FB_{model_name}.TcPOU Function block for model inference (forward pass). Loads the weights on initialization (first >6 calls). This is the only component of the model that needs to be accessed.

For the code example above, the generated set of files would be:


Import the generated code in the TwinCAT project

Add data types DUT ({model_name}_Layers.TcDUT & {model_name}_LayersWeights.TcDUT) and function block POU (FB_{model_name}.TcPOU)

right click on your PLC project -> choose "add" -> choose "existing item..." -> choose files


Warning: The path of the model weights is coded into variable filePath of FB_{model_name}.TcPOU. If you move the weights file after its creation make sure to adapt the path in filePath. Otherwise, loading the weights will fail.

Generate a usage example in Python for TwinCAT

from nnigen import get_example_usage

print(get_example_usage(model, model_name))

Example output :

The following code can be used to call the generated model:
    Assuming declared input/output for model:
        input : ARRAY[0..0] OF LREAL;
        result : ARRAY[0..0] OF LREAL;

    Then call as:

        FB_Dense_v1(pointer_input:=ADR(input), pointer_output:=ADR(result));  

Update weights only (e.g. after retraining)

In Python

from nnigen import update_model_weigths

# assuming `model` is a Keras sequential model
# which was previously exported and now its weights were retrained

folder = "ST_files/"
model_name = "Dense_v1"

update_model_weigths(model, model_name, folder)

Warning: If the export location of the weights differs from the folder used for the original export, also adapt the variable filePathof FB_{model_name}.TcPOU to let the PLC know the new weights location.