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111 lines (73 loc) · 3.79 KB

File metadata and controls

111 lines (73 loc) · 3.79 KB

hadō (波動) [WIP]

A minimal API framework for Deno.


import { createRouter } from 'jsr:@globalbrain/hado/router'
import { fromFileUrl } from 'jsr:@std/path'

const { handler } = await createRouter({
  fsRoot: fromFileUrl(new URL('./api', import.meta.url)),
  urlRoot: 'api', // optional (default: '')

  static: { // optional (refer
    fsRoot: fromFileUrl(new URL('./public', import.meta.url)),
    urlRoot: 'static', // optional (default: '')

  dev: Deno.env.get('DENO_ENV') === 'development',

Deno.serve({ port: 3000, handler })

This will serve the api directory as an API on http://localhost:3000/api.

Running in development

To run the server in development mode, you can use the following command:

DENO_ENV=development deno run --watch --allow-env --allow-ffi --allow-read --allow-net server.ts

This will restart the server on file changes and will watch for changes in the api directory.

You can also use the --watch-hmr flag instead of --watch to enable hot module reloading.


Hado has a file-based router, so the directory structure will determine the routes. We follow the same conventions as Next.js:


The above structure will create the following routes:

  • [METHODS] /api/users
  • [METHODS] /api/users/:id
  • [METHODS] /api

The files can export multiple handlers:

export function GET() {
  return Response.json({ hello: 'world' })

export function POST() {
  return Response.json({ hello: 'world' })

Each handler will be called based on the HTTP method and will be passed the request object and matched params. You can also use async functions:

// api/users/[id].ts

export async function GET(req: Request, params: { id: string }): Promise<Response> {
  const user = await getUser(
  return Response.json(user)

The following methods are supported:

  • GET (corresponding HEAD requests are automatically handled)
  • POST
  • PUT

Methods other than these will be ignored and a 405 status code will be returned.

There is a hard-limit of 8 KiB on the request URL. URLs longer than this will be rejected with a 414 status code.

Catch-all routes and route groups are also supported. Refer respective Next.js docs for more details.

Here, Request and Response are Deno's built-in request and response objects.

Also, note that the API routes will take precedence over static files. It is recommended to specify non-conflicting URL roots for API and static routes.

Security Considerations

  • Do not set static.fsRoot to a directory that contains sensitive files. The server will serve any file in that directory including dotfiles.


This project is a work in progress and is not yet ready for production use. It is meant as an internal tool for Global Brain Corporation, but we welcome external contributions and feedback. Please feel free to open an issue or a pull request. This project follows Semantic Versioning and the Conventional Commits guidelines.



This project references code from Next.js and many other open-source projects, especially from Sindre Sorhus. We are grateful for their work and the inspiration they provide. We are committed to open-source and will continue to contribute back to the community. Appropriate licenses and attributions are included in the source code.