Below are four steps to encourage a unified vision within your organization:
- Work towards a common goal
- Motivate and incentivize
- Collaborate and create
- Execute and measure
Purpose: To identify areas of improvement. (Time: ~20 minutes)
Below are a few questions for each step to help direct discussions:
Four step activity questions:
- What are some common goals that the organization can work towards?
- What are some early success criteria that would promote sharing the progress towards those goals?
- What behaviors do you currently incentivize and motivate employees to do?
- How could existing methods be utilized for this initiative?
- What internal projects come to mind when you think of collaboration (Does not need to be developer focused)?
- What do you think causes that(those) project(s) to be successful?
- What can you use in those projects for this initiative?
- What would you want to measure to identify the success of the initiative?
Small group discussion: First 10 minutes
- In small groups, discuss which of the four steps needs improvement.
- Which step(s) is the organization doing well at?
Collective discussion: Second 10 minutes 3. Share one item that needs improvement and the reasons why. 4. Share one item that the organization is doing well at and the reasons why.