The following documents the data
you can expect from the navdata
drone client event
var arDrone = require('ar-drone');
var client = arDrone.createClient();
client.config('general:navdata_demo', 'FALSE');
client.on('navdata', (data)=>{
//Handle drone data processing here...
"header" : "<int>",
"droneState" : "{<droneStateObj>}",
"sequenceNumber" : "<int>",
"visionFlag" : "<int>",
"demo" : "{<demoObj>}",
"visionDetect" : "{<visionDetectObj>}"
"droneState": {
"flying": 0,
"videoEnabled": 0,
"visionEnabled": 0,
"controlAlgorithm": 0,
"altitudeControlAlgorithm": 1,
"startButtonState": 0,
"controlCommandAck": 1,
"cameraReady": 1,
"travellingEnabled": 0,
"usbReady": 0,
"navdataDemo": 1,
"navdataBootstrap": 0,
"motorProblem": 0,
"communicationLost": 0,
"softwareFault": 0,
"lowBattery": 0,
"userEmergencyLanding": 0,
"timerElapsed": 1,
"MagnometerNeedsCalibration": 0,
"anglesOutOfRange": 1,
"tooMuchWind": 0,
"ultrasonicSensorDeaf": 0,
"cutoutDetected": 0,
"picVersionNumberOk": 1,
"atCodecThreadOn": 1,
"navdataThreadOn": 1,
"videoThreadOn": 1,
"acquisitionThreadOn": 1,
"controlWatchdogDelay": 0,
"adcWatchdogDelay": 0,
"comWatchdogProblem": 0,
"emergencyLanding": 1
"demo": {
"controlState": "CTRL_DEFAULT",
"flyState": "FLYING_OK",
"batteryPercentage": 87,
"rotation": {
"frontBack": -0.665,
"pitch": -0.665,
"theta": -0.665,
"y": -0.665,
"leftRight": -2.111,
"roll": -2.111,
"phi": -2.111,
"x": -2.111,
"clockwise": 21.597,
"yaw": 21.597,
"psi": 21.597,
"z": 21.597
"frontBackDegrees": -0.665,
"leftRightDegrees": -2.111,
"clockwiseDegrees": 21.597,
"altitude": 0,
"altitudeMeters": 0,
"velocity": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"z": 0
"xVelocity": 0,
"yVelocity": 0,
"zVelocity": 0,
"frameIndex": 0,
"detection": {
"camera": {
"rotation": {
"m11": 0,
"m12": 0,
"m13": 0,
"m21": 0,
"m22": 0,
"m23": 0,
"m31": 0,
"m32": 0,
"m33": 0
"translation": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"z": 0
"type": 3
"tagIndex": 0
"drone": {
"camera": {
"rotation": {
"m11": 0.9297330975532532,
"m12": -0.36742836236953735,
"m13": -0.024346796795725822,
"m21": 0.36805105209350586,
"m22": 0.9293220639228821,
"m23": 0.029982319101691246,
"m31": 0.011609664186835289,
"m32": -0.0368364192545414,
"m33": 0.9992538690567017
"translation": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"z": 0
@TODO - Further documentation / explanation on navdata