diff --git a/src/RolloutScorer/RolloutScorerAzureFunction/RolloutScorerAzureFunction.csproj b/src/RolloutScorer/RolloutScorerAzureFunction/RolloutScorerAzureFunction.csproj
deleted file mode 100644
index a9e151ec1..000000000
--- a/src/RolloutScorer/RolloutScorerAzureFunction/RolloutScorerAzureFunction.csproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- v4
- 40
- false
- 2.0
- PreserveNewest
- PreserveNewest
- Never
diff --git a/src/RolloutScorer/RolloutScorerAzureFunction/RolloutScorerFunction.cs b/src/RolloutScorer/RolloutScorerAzureFunction/RolloutScorerFunction.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ebbbe173..000000000
--- a/src/RolloutScorer/RolloutScorerAzureFunction/RolloutScorerFunction.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using Azure;
-using Azure.Data.Tables;
-using Azure.Identity;
-using Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets;
-using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
-using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
-using RolloutScorer;
-using RolloutScorer.Models;
-namespace RolloutScorerAzureFunction;
-public static class RolloutScorerFunction
- private const int ScoringBufferInDays = 2;
- [FunctionName("RolloutScorerFunction")]
- public static async Task Run([TimerTrigger("0 0 0 * * *")]TimerInfo myTimer, ILogger log)
- {
- DefaultAzureCredential tokenProvider = new();
- string deploymentEnvironment = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DeploymentEnvironment") ?? "Staging";
- log.LogInformation($"INFO: Deployment Environment: {deploymentEnvironment}");
- log.LogInformation("INFO: Getting scorecard storage account key and deployment table's SAS URI from KeyVault...");
- SecretClient engKeyVaultClient = new(new Uri(Utilities.KeyVaultUri), tokenProvider);
- log.LogInformation("INFO: Getting cloud tables...");
- TableClient scorecardsTable = Utilities.GetTableClient(ScorecardsStorageAccount.Name, ScorecardsStorageAccount.ScorecardsTableName);
- TableClient deploymentsTable = Utilities.GetTableClient(DeploymentsStorageAccount.Name, DeploymentsStorageAccount.DeploymentsTableName);
- List scorecardEntries = (await GetAllTableEntriesAsync(scorecardsTable))
- .OrderBy(s => DateTimeOffset.ParseExact(s.PartitionKey, "yyyy-MM-dd", null)).ToList();
- List deploymentEntries =
- await GetAllTableEntriesAsync(deploymentsTable);
- deploymentEntries.Sort((x, y) => (x.Ended ?? DateTimeOffset.MaxValue).CompareTo(y.Ended ?? DateTimeOffset.MaxValue));
- log.LogInformation($"INFO: Found {scorecardEntries?.Count ?? -1} scorecard table entries and {deploymentEntries?.Count ?? -1} deployment table entries." +
- $"(-1 indicates that null was returned.)");
- // The deployments we care about are ones that occurred after the last scorecard
- IEnumerable relevantDeployments = deploymentEntries.Where(d =>
- (d.Ended ?? DateTimeOffset.MaxValue) > scorecardEntries.Last().Timestamp?.AddDays(ScoringBufferInDays));
- log.LogInformation($"INFO: Found {relevantDeployments?.Count() ?? -1} relevant deployments (deployments which occurred " +
- $"after the last scorecard). (-1 indicates that null was returned.)");
- if (relevantDeployments.Count() > 0)
- {
- log.LogInformation($"INFO: Checking to see if the most recent deployment occurred more than {ScoringBufferInDays} days ago...");
- // We have only want to score if the buffer period has elapsed since the last deployment
- // Alternatively, if too much time has elapsed since that deployment started, it means there's the BAD BUG and we should just assume this rollout completed
- if ((relevantDeployments.Last().Ended ?? DateTimeOffset.MaxValue) < DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromDays(ScoringBufferInDays)
- || ((relevantDeployments.Last().Started ?? DateTimeOffset.MaxValue) < DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromDays(ScoringBufferInDays + 1) && relevantDeployments.Last().Ended is null))
- {
- var scorecards = new List();
- log.LogInformation("INFO: Rollouts will be scored. Fetching GitHub PAT...");
- KeyVaultSecret githubPat = await engKeyVaultClient.GetSecretAsync(Utilities.GitHubPatSecretName);
- // We'll score the deployments by service
- foreach (var deploymentGroup in relevantDeployments.GroupBy(d => d.PartitionKey))
- {
- foreach (var deployment in deploymentGroup)
- {
- if (deployment.Ended is null)
- {
- deployment.Ended = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
- await deploymentsTable.UpdateEntityAsync(deployment,ETag.All, TableUpdateMode.Replace);
- }
- }
- log.LogInformation($"INFO: Scoring {deploymentGroup?.Count() ?? -1} rollouts for repo '{deploymentGroup.Key}'");
- RolloutScorer.RolloutScorer rolloutScorer = new()
- {
- Repo = deploymentGroup.Key,
- RolloutStartDate = deploymentGroup.First().Started.GetValueOrDefault().Date,
- RolloutWeightConfig = StandardConfig.DefaultConfig.RolloutWeightConfig,
- GithubConfig = StandardConfig.DefaultConfig.GithubConfig,
- Log = log,
- };
- log.LogInformation($"INFO: Finding repo config for {rolloutScorer.Repo}...");
- rolloutScorer.RepoConfig = StandardConfig.DefaultConfig.RepoConfigs
- .Find(r => r.Repo == rolloutScorer.Repo);
- log.LogInformation($"INFO: Repo config: {rolloutScorer.RepoConfig.Repo}");
- log.LogInformation($"INFO: Finding AzDO config for {rolloutScorer.RepoConfig.AzdoInstance}...");
- rolloutScorer.AzdoConfig = StandardConfig.DefaultConfig.AzdoInstanceConfigs
- .Find(a => a.Name == rolloutScorer.RepoConfig.AzdoInstance);
- log.LogInformation($"INFO: Fetching AzDO PAT from KeyVault...");
- SecretClient azdoConfigVaultClient = new SecretClient(new Uri(rolloutScorer.AzdoConfig.KeyVaultUri), tokenProvider);
- KeyVaultSecret azdoPatSecret = await azdoConfigVaultClient.GetSecretAsync(rolloutScorer.AzdoConfig.PatSecretName);
- rolloutScorer.SetupHttpClient(azdoPatSecret.Value);
- rolloutScorer.SetupGithubClient(githubPat.Value);
- log.LogInformation($"INFO: Attempting to initialize RolloutScorer...");
- try
- {
- await rolloutScorer.InitAsync();
- }
- catch (ArgumentException e)
- {
- log.LogError($"ERROR: Error while processing {rolloutScorer.RolloutStartDate} rollout of {rolloutScorer.Repo}.");
- log.LogError($"ERROR: {e.Message}");
- continue;
- }
- log.LogInformation($"INFO: Creating rollout scorecard...");
- scorecards.Add(await Scorecard.CreateScorecardAsync(rolloutScorer));
- log.LogInformation($"INFO: Successfully created scorecard for {rolloutScorer.RolloutStartDate?.Date} rollout of {rolloutScorer.Repo}.");
- }
- log.LogInformation($"INFO: Uploading results for {string.Join(", ", scorecards.Select(s => s.Repo))}");
- await RolloutUploader.UploadResultsAsync(scorecards, Utilities.GetGithubClient(githubPat.Value), StandardConfig.DefaultConfig.GithubConfig, skipPr: deploymentEnvironment != "Production");
- }
- else
- {
- log.LogInformation(relevantDeployments.Last().Ended.HasValue ? $"INFO: Most recent rollout occurred less than two days ago " +
- $"({relevantDeployments.Last().PartitionKey} on {relevantDeployments.Last().Ended.Value}); waiting to score." :
- $"Most recent rollout ({relevantDeployments.Last().PartitionKey}) is still in progress.");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- log.LogInformation($"INFO: Found no rollouts which occurred after last recorded rollout " +
- $"({(scorecardEntries.Count > 0 ? $"date {scorecardEntries.Last().PartitionKey}" : "no rollouts in table")})");
- }
- }
- private static async Task> GetAllTableEntriesAsync(TableClient table) where T : class, ITableEntity, new()
- {
- List items = new List();
- await foreach (Page page in table.QueryAsync().AsPages())
- {
- items.AddRange(page.Values);
- }
- return items;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/RolloutScorer/RolloutScorerAzureFunction/host.json b/src/RolloutScorer/RolloutScorerAzureFunction/host.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b9f92c0de..000000000
--- a/src/RolloutScorer/RolloutScorerAzureFunction/host.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- "version": "2.0"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/RolloutScorer/RolloutScorerAzureFunction/local.settings.json b/src/RolloutScorer/RolloutScorerAzureFunction/local.settings.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fce9ff39..000000000
--- a/src/RolloutScorer/RolloutScorerAzureFunction/local.settings.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- "IsEncrypted": false,
- "Values": {
- "AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
- }
\ No newline at end of file