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LOC CHECKIN | xamarin/xamarin-android master | 20200424 (#4623)
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brendanzagaeski authored and jonpryor committed Apr 28, 2020
1 parent 0e74f1a commit 58c8c07
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Showing 13 changed files with 285 additions and 285 deletions.
46 changes: 23 additions & 23 deletions src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks/Properties/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<trans-unit id="APT0001">
<source>Unknown option `{0}`. Please check `$(AndroidAapt2CompileExtraArgs)` and `$(AndroidAapt2LinkExtraArgs)` to see if they include any `aapt` command line arguments that are no longer valid for `aapt2` and ensure that all other arguments are valid for `aapt2`.</source>
<target state="new">Unknown option `{0}`. Please check `$(AndroidAapt2CompileExtraArgs)` and `$(AndroidAapt2LinkExtraArgs)` to see if they include any `aapt` command line arguments that are no longer valid for `aapt2` and ensure that all other arguments are valid for `aapt2`.</target>
<target state="translated">Neznámá možnost {0}. Zkontrolujte prosím $(AndroidAapt2CompileExtraArgs) a $(AndroidAapt2LinkExtraArgs), podívejte se, jestli nezahrnují nějaké argumenty příkazového řádku aapt, které už nejsou pro aapt2 platné, a ujistěte se, že všechny ostatní argumenty jsou pro aapt2 platné.</target>
<note>The following are literal names and should not be translated: `aapt`, `aapt2`, `$(AndroidAapt2CompileExtraArgs)`, `$(AndroidAapt2LinkExtraArgs)`
{0} - The invalid option name</note>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,47 +249,47 @@ When it appears in the middle of a sentence, "lint" is not capitalized.
<trans-unit id="XA1011">
<source>Using ProGuard with the D8 DEX compiler is no longer supported. Please update `$(AndroidLinkTool)` to `r8`.</source>
<target state="new">Using ProGuard with the D8 DEX compiler is no longer supported. Please update `$(AndroidLinkTool)` to `r8`.</target>
<target state="translated">Použití nástroje ProGuard s kompilátorem D8 DEX se už nepodporuje. Aktualizujte prosím nástroj $(AndroidLinkTool) na R8.</target>
<note>The following are literal names and should not be translated: ProGuard, D8, DEX, `$(AndroidLinkTool)`, `r8`</note>
<trans-unit id="XA1012">
<source>Included layout root element override ID '{0}' is not valid.</source>
<target state="new">Included layout root element override ID '{0}' is not valid.</target>
<target state="translated">Zahrnuté ID přepisu kořenového prvku rozložení {0} není platné.</target>
<note>{0} - The Android resource ID name</note>
<trans-unit id="XA1013">
<source>Failed to parse ID of node '{0}' in the layout file '{1}'.</source>
<target state="new">Failed to parse ID of node '{0}' in the layout file '{1}'.</target>
<target state="translated">Nepodařilo se analyzovat ID uzlu {0} v souboru rozložení {1}.</target>
<note>{0} - The Android resource XML element name
{1} - The path of the layout file</note>
<trans-unit id="XA1014">
<source>JAR library references with identical file names but different contents were found: {0}. Please remove any conflicting libraries from EmbeddedJar, InputJar and AndroidJavaLibrary.</source>
<target state="new">JAR library references with identical file names but different contents were found: {0}. Please remove any conflicting libraries from EmbeddedJar, InputJar and AndroidJavaLibrary.</target>
<target state="translated">Knihovna JAR se odkazuje na totožné názvy souborů, ale našel se jiný obsah: {0}. Odeberte prosím konfliktní knihovny z EmbeddedJar, InputJar a AndroidJavaLibrary.</target>
<note>The following are literal names and should not be translated: JAR, EmbeddedJar, InputJar and AndroidJavaLibrary
{0} - Comma-separated list of the conflicting JAR library file names</note>
<trans-unit id="XA1015">
<source>More than one Android Wear project is specified as the paired project. It can be at most one.</source>
<target state="new">More than one Android Wear project is specified as the paired project. It can be at most one.</target>
<target state="translated">Jako spárovaný projekt je zadán více než jeden projekt Android Wear. Může být maximálně jeden.</target>
<note>The following are literal names and should not be translated: Android Wear</note>
<trans-unit id="XA1016">
<source>Target Wear application's project '{0}' does not specify required 'AndroidManifest' project property.</source>
<target state="new">Target Wear application's project '{0}' does not specify required 'AndroidManifest' project property.</target>
<target state="translated">Projekt {0} cílové aplikace Wear nespecifikuje požadovanou vlastnost projektu AndroidManifest.</target>
<note>The following are literal names and should not be translated: Wear, AndroidManifest
"Wear" is a short version of the full product name "Wear OS" and so should not be translated.
{0} - The project file name</note>
<trans-unit id="XA1017">
<source>Target Wear application's AndroidManifest.xml does not specify required 'package' attribute.</source>
<target state="new">Target Wear application's AndroidManifest.xml does not specify required 'package' attribute.</target>
<target state="translated">Soubor AndroidManifest.xml cílové aplikace Wear nespecifikuje požadovaný atribut package.</target>
<note>The following are literal names and should not be translated: Wear, AndroidManifest.xml, 'package'
"Wear" is a short version of the full product name "Wear OS" and so should not be translated.</note>
<trans-unit id="XA1018">
<source>Specified AndroidManifest file does not exist: {0}.</source>
<target state="new">Specified AndroidManifest file does not exist: {0}.</target>
<target state="translated">Zadaný soubor AndroidManifest neexistuje: {0}</target>
<note>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AndroidManifest
{0} - The path of the specified AndroidManifest file</note>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i
<trans-unit id="XA2000">
<source>Use of AppDomain.CreateDomain() detected in assembly: {0}. .NET 5 will only support a single AppDomain, so this API will no longer be available in Xamarin.Android once .NET 5 is released.</source>
<target state="new">Use of AppDomain.CreateDomain() detected in assembly: {0}. .NET 5 will only support a single AppDomain, so this API will no longer be available in Xamarin.Android once .NET 5 is released.</target>
<target state="translated">V sestavení {0} se zjistilo, že se používá AppDomain.CreateDomain(). .NET 5 bude podporovat jen jednu doménu AppDomain, proto toto rozhraní API už nebude po vydání rozhraní .NET 5 v Xamarin.Androidu k dispozici.</target>
<note>The following are literal names and should not be translated: AppDomain.CreateDomain(), AppDomain
{0} - The name of the assembly</note>
Expand All @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i
<trans-unit id="XA2002_Framework">
<source>Can not resolve reference: `{0}`, referenced by {1}. Perhaps it doesn't exist in the Mono for Android profile?</source>
<target state="translated">Nelze přeložit odkaz: {0}, na který odkazuje {1}. Možná neexistuje v profilu Mono for Android.</target>
<target state="translated">Nelze přeložit odkaz {0}, na který odkazuje {1}. Možná neexistuje v profilu Mono for Android.</target>
<note>{0} - The name of the missing assembly
{1} - The chain of references that causes a reference to the missing assembly, with &gt; as the separator between items. Example: `System.Memory` &gt; `System.Buffers`</note>
Expand All @@ -350,12 +350,12 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i
<trans-unit id="XA2007">
<source>Exception while loading assemblies: {0}</source>
<target state="new">Exception while loading assemblies: {0}</target>
<target state="translated">Výjimka při načítání sestavení: {0}</target>
<note>{0} - The exception message of the associated exception</note>
<trans-unit id="XA2008">
<source>In referenced assembly {0}, Java.Interop.DoNotPackageAttribute requires non-null file name.</source>
<target state="new">In referenced assembly {0}, Java.Interop.DoNotPackageAttribute requires non-null file name.</target>
<target state="translated">V odkazovaném sestavení {0} vyžaduje položka Java.Interop.DoNotPackageAttribute název souboru, který není null.</target>
<note>The following are literal names and should not be translated: Java.Interop.DoNotPackageAttribute
{0} - The assembly name</note>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -466,14 +466,14 @@ In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of generated code that makes i
<trans-unit id="XA4219">
<source>Cannot find binding generator for language {0} or {1}.</source>
<target state="new">Cannot find binding generator for language {0} or {1}.</target>
<target state="translated">Nepodařilo se najít generátor vazby pro jazyk {0} nebo {1}.</target>
<note>In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of code that makes it easy to access a certain kind of data that is originally stored outside of the target programming language, which is usually C#.
{0} - The target programming language name, which is usually C#
{1} - The default programming language name, which is also usually C#</note>
<trans-unit id="XA4220">
<source>Partial class item '{0}' does not have an associated binding for layout '{1}'.</source>
<target state="new">Partial class item '{0}' does not have an associated binding for layout '{1}'.</target>
<target state="translated">Částečná položka třídy {0} nemá přidruženou vazbu pro rozložení {1}.</target>
<note>In this message, the term "partial class item" means a .NET partial class.
In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of code that makes it easy to access a certain kind of data that is originally stored outside of the target programming language, which is usually C#.
In this mesage, the term "layout" means an Android UI layout.
Expand All @@ -482,31 +482,31 @@ In this mesage, the term "layout" means an Android UI layout.
<trans-unit id="XA4221">
<source>No layout binding source files were generated.</source>
<target state="new">No layout binding source files were generated.</target>
<target state="translated">Nebyly vygenerovány žádné zdrojové soubory pro vazbu rozložení.</target>
<note>In this message, the term "binding" means a piece of code that makes it easy to access a certain kind of data that is originally stored outside of the target programming language, which is usually C#.
In this mesage, the term "layout" means an Android UI layout.
In this message, the term "source files" means files that can be compiled, usually containing C# source code.</note>
<trans-unit id="XA4222">
<source>No widgets found for layout ({0}).</source>
<target state="new">No widgets found for layout ({0}).</target>
<target state="translated">Pro rozložení ({0}) se nenašly žádné widgety.</target>
<note>In this message, the term "widgets" means Android UI elements.
In this mesage, the term "layout" means an Android UI layout.
{0} - Semicolon-separated list of paths for the files that define the layout</note>
<trans-unit id="XA4223">
<source>Malformed full class name '{0}'. Missing namespace.</source>
<target state="new">Malformed full class name '{0}'. Missing namespace.</target>
<target state="translated">Plný název třídy {0} má chybný formát. Chybí obor názvů.</target>
<note>{0} - The class name</note>
<trans-unit id="XA4224">
<source>Malformed full class name '{0}'. Missing class name.</source>
<target state="new">Malformed full class name '{0}'. Missing class name.</target>
<target state="translated">Plný název třídy {0} má chybný formát. Chybí název třídy.</target>
<note>{0} - The class name</note>
<trans-unit id="XA4225">
<source>Widget '{0}' in layout '{1}' has multiple instances with different types. The property type will be set to: {2}</source>
<target state="new">Widget '{0}' in layout '{1}' has multiple instances with different types. The property type will be set to: {2}</target>
<target state="translated">Widget {0} v rozložení {1} má více instancí s odlišnými typy. Typ vlastnosti se nastaví na: {2}.</target>
<note>In this message, the term "widgets" means Android UI elements.
In this mesage, the term "layout" means an Android UI layout.
{0} - The name of the widget
Expand All @@ -515,13 +515,13 @@ In this mesage, the term "layout" means an Android UI layout.
<trans-unit id="XA4226">
<source>Resource item '{0}' does not have the required metadata item '{1}'.</source>
<target state="new">Resource item '{0}' does not have the required metadata item '{1}'.</target>
<target state="translated">Položka prostředku {0} nemá požadovanou položku metadat {1}.</target>
<note>{0} - The name of the Android layout resource file
{1} - The name of the metadata item</note>
<trans-unit id="XA4228">
<source>Unable to find specified //activity-alias/@android:targetActivity: '{0}'</source>
<target state="new">Unable to find specified //activity-alias/@android:targetActivity: '{0}'</target>
<target state="translated">Nepovedlo se najít zadané //activity-alias/@android:targetActivity: {0}</target>
<note>The following are literal names and should not be translated: //activity-alias/@android:targetActivity
{0} - The specified targetActivity name</note>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ In this message, the term "bundled" is a short way of saying "included into the
<trans-unit id="XA4311">
<source>The application won't contain the paired Wear package because the Wear application package APK is not created yet. If building on the command line, be sure to build the "SignAndroidPackage" target.</source>
<target state="new">The application won't contain the paired Wear package because the Wear application package APK is not created yet. If building on the command line, be sure to build the "SignAndroidPackage" target.</target>
<target state="translated">Aplikace nebude obsahovat spárovaný balíček Wear, protože ještě není vytvořen soubor APK pro balíček aplikace Wear. Při sestavování na příkazovém řádku nezapomeňte sestavit cíl SignAndroidPackage.</target>
<note>The following are literal names and should not be translated: Wear, APK, SignAndroidPackage
"Wear" is a short version of the full product name "Wear OS" and so should not be translated.</note>
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