Releases: doctrine/migrations
Release Notes for 2.3.0
- Total issues resolved: 0
- Total pull requests resolved: 6
- Total contributors: 6
1032: Let composer decide the best version thanks to @PowerKiKi
1020: Add badges into README about license and packagist thanks to @matks
999: Allow using on PHP 7.1 with Composer 2 thanks to @nicolas-grekas
- 981: Add "from-empty-schema" option for "diff" command thanks to @guilliamxavier
- 954: Make compared tables order idempotent thanks to @julienfalque
Release 3.0.1
- Total issues resolved: 0
- Total pull requests resolved: 7
- Total contributors: 3
- 1015: Migrate returns 0 as exit codes for empty plans as in 2.x thanks to @goetas
- 989: Allow legacy cli-config.php configurations thanks to @goetas
- 1007: fix typo thanks to @martin-heralecky
- 1006: Document table metadata configs are optional thanks to @goetas
- 1005: 3.0 BC breaks documentation thanks to @goetas
- 993: Document the migration command thanks to @goetas
Release 3.0.0
Get to know more about it on the official documentation. This is a major release. See the upgrade notes for information on removed or changed functionality.
- Total issues resolved: 16
- Total pull requests resolved: 61
- Total contributors: 17
- 984: Address deprecations from doctrine/persistence thanks to @greg0ire
- 914: Various improvements in test suite thanks to @goetas
979: Allow to use --write-sql to save the migration execution log to file thanks to @goetas
978: Display more informative messages for migration aliases thanks to @goetas
976: Move status info fetching into MigrationStatusInfosHelper thanks to @goetas
975: Allow to define lazy services in the dependency factory thanks to @goetas
973: Auto update metadata table when migrating thanks to @goetas
972: Extract MigrationsRepository interface thanks to @goetas
969: Moved migration sorting from MigrationRepository to MigrationPlanCalculator thanks to @goetas
965: Add command to display current version thanks to @goetas
948: Add warning for diffCommand thanks to @goetas
944: Mark console commands as final classes thanks to @goetas
940: Better handling of the table initialization thanks to @goetas
938: Mark the execute() method as protected to match the symfony signature thanks to @goetas
934: Depend directly on the symfony stopwatch component thanks to @goetas
926: Allow to decorate dependency factory services thanks to @goetas
923: Change of the visibility from "public" to "protected" on Command folder WIP thanks to @Karimgasmi47
919: Introduce query value object to wrap sql queries thanks to @goetas
917: Extended details on up to date migrations thanks to @goetas
912: phar file should be built for php 7.2 thanks to @goetas
911: Rename configuration namespace thanks to @goetas
910: Introduce version comparator thanks to @goetas
908: Add List migrations command thanks to @goetas
898: Drop helperset usage in favor of the DependencyFactory thanks to @goetas
897: Split migration planner and extract relative interfaces thanks to @goetas
896: Update to doctrine/coding-standard v7 thanks to @carusogabriel
893: Expose the connection in DependencyFactory thanks to @goetas
891: Support multiple versions in ExecuteCommand thanks to @goetas
886: [up-to-date] print the names of executed unavailable migrations thanks to @dbu
883: Depend explicitly on doctrine/event-manager thanks to @goetas
881: Allow dump schema when migrations in other namespaces are present thanks to @goetas
880: Use executeUpdate instead of executeQuery for write operation thanks to @goetas
879: Drop php 7.1 and allow phpunit 8 thanks to @goetas
878: Handle migrated versions metadata table auto-update thanks to @goetas
876: Make configuration and dependency injection container immutable thanks to @goetas
834: Less verbose output for the migrate command thanks to @stof
805: dir_name does not support multiple directories thanks to @precious-coder
742: MigrationStatusInfosHelper::getFormattedVersionAlias() doesn't show full class name + sub-namespace thanks to @Majkl578
734: Add standalone list command for listing migrations thanks to @jwage
726: Use dependency injection for console commands thanks to @jwage
722: Eliminate dependency on doctrine/common thanks to @jwage
557: Passing "prev" or "next" to migrate command not working thanks to @trickeyone
974: Sort executed migrations thanks to @goetas
968: Use SymfonyStyle to output text in console thanks to @emodric
962: Fix message on which migrations are going to be executed or migrated thanks to @goetas
961: Show current version with the command line thanks to @loverg-c
959: Allow to change configurations in the dependency factory thanks to @goetas
956: Remove deprecated --show-versions param thanks to @goetas
955: StatusCommand --show-versions option thanks to @dmaicher
953: Remove superfluous parameters check on executeUpdate thanks to @goetas
- 967: [3.0-alpha] Seamless 2.0 -> 3.0 upgrade, keeping migration versions data thanks to @pamil
- 960: Reduce primary key max length to 191 chars thanks to @goetas
- 932: Bugs in 3.0-dev thanks to @goetas
- 929: TableMetadataStorage uses the repository to provide migrations for ta… thanks to @goetas
- 928: Fix logger + tests thanks to @goetas
- 915: Import the right ExistingConfiguration class thanks to @goetas
- 894: Use interfaces where possible as service names thanks to @goetas
- 890: Initialize schema table even on reset thanks to @goetas
- 889: Executed at must be an integer thanks to @goetas
- 882: Mark as executed only if all queries pass thanks to @goetas
- 945: Document some BC breaks introduced in v3.x thanks to @goetas
- 780: Have to specifiy file/database connection while I already have thanks to @MichaelBelgium
BC Break
- 933: Drop application name as it has no real use case thanks to @goetas
- 858: Migrations 3.0 thanks to @goetas
- 743: Eliminate HelperSet usage in console-related code thanks to @Majkl578
- 913: Mark registerMigrationInstance as private thanks to @goetas
- 904: Add the abortIf check when generating a migration. thanks to @VincentLanglet
Won't fix
- Allow to use --write-sql to save the migration execution log to file #979 (goetas)
- Display more informative messages for migration aliases #978 (goetas)
- Move status info fetching into MigrationStatusInfosHelper #976 (goetas)
- Allow to define lazy services in the dependency factory #975 (goetas)
- Auto update metadata table when migrating #973 (goetas)
- Extract MigrationsRepository interface #972 (goetas)
- Moved migration sorting from MigrationRepository to MigrationPlanCalculator #969 (goetas)
- Add command to display current version #965 (goetas)
- Sort executed migrations #974 (goetas)
- Migrate to Doctrine's fork of jdorn/sql-formatter #971 (greg0ire)
- Use SymfonyStyle to output text in console #968 (emodric)
- Fix typos #964 (pgrimaud)
- Fix message on which migrations are going to be executed or migrated #962 (goetas)
- Allow to change configurations in the dependency factory #959 (goetas)
- Remove deprecated --show-versions param #956 (goetas)
Merged pull requests:
- Remove superfluous parameters check on executeUpdate #953 (goetas)
- Make the down() migration optional #952 (goetas)
- Revert "Ignore unfixable error" #950 (greg0ire)
- Upgrade dependencies #949 (greg0ire)
- Document some BC breaks introduced in v3.x #945 (goetas)
- Merge 2.3.x into master #937 (goetas)
- Merge 2.2.x into 2.3.x #936 (goetas)
- Drop application name as it has no real use case #933 (goetas)
- Extract migration factory interface #925 (goetas)
- Merge 2.3.x into master #920 (goetas)
- Various improvements in test suite #914 (goetas)
- Merge release 2.2.1 into 2.3.x #907 (doctrinebot)
- Use executeUpdate instead of executeQuery for write operation #888 (goetas)
- mikey179/vfsStream is not used anymore in #877 (goetas)
- Fix of branch name for doctrine website build #872 (SenseException)
- Add warning for diffCommand #948 (goetas)
- Mark console commands as final classes #944 (goetas)
- Better handling of the table initialization #940 (goetas)
- Mark the execute() method as protected to match the symfony signature #938 (goetas)
- Depend directly on the symfony stopwatch component #934 (goetas)
- Introduce query value object to wrap sql queries #919 (goetas)
- Extended details on up to date migrations #917 (goetas)
- phar file should be built for php 7.2 #912 (goetas)
- Rename configuration namespace #911 (goetas)
- Introduce version comparator #910 (goetas)
- Add List migrations command #908 (goetas)
- Drop helperset usage in favor of the DependencyFactory #898 (goetas)
- Split migration planner and extract relative interfaces #897 (goetas)
- Update to doctrine/coding-standard v7 #896 (carusogabriel)
- Expose the connection in DependencyFactory #893 (goetas)
- Version is not a number but a FQCN #892 (goetas)
- Support multiple versions in ExecuteCommand #891 (goetas)
- Depend explicitly on doctrine/event-manager #883 (goetas)
- Allow dump schema when migrations in other namespaces are present #881 (goetas)
- Drop php 7.1 and allow phpunit 8 #879 (goetas)
- Handle migrated versions metadata table auto-update #878 (goetas)
- Make configuration and dependency injection container immutable #876 (goetas)
- Migrations 3.0 #858 (goetas)
Fixed bugs:
- TableMetadataStorage uses the repository to provide migrations for ta… #929 (goetas)
- Fix logger + tests #928 (goetas)
- Fix migration timing/memory-usage display #916 (thePanz)
- Import the right ExistingConfiguration class #915 (goetas)
- Bugs in 3.0-dev #932 (goetas)
- Use interfaces where possible as service names #894 (goetas)
- Initialize schema table even on reset #890 (goetas)
- Executed at must be an integer #889 (goetas)
- Mark as executed only if all queries pass #882 (goetas)
Closed issues:
- Less verbose output for the migrate command #834
- How to handle metadata table creation #935
- The entity manager is not available #931
- Display a warning if running diff command with previous non-executed migrations #930)
- Have to specifiy file/database connection while I already have #780
- Eliminate HelperSet usage in console-related code #743
- MigrationStatusInfosHelper::getFormattedVersionAlias() doesn't show full class name + sub-namespace #742
- Add standalone list command for listing migrations #734
- Use dependency injection for console commands #726
- Passing "prev" or "next" to migrate command not working #557
Release 2.2.1
- Total issues resolved: 0
- Total pull requests resolved: 2
- Total contributors: 2
Release 2.2.0
- Total issues resolved: 0
- Total pull requests resolved: 5
- Total contributors: 5
- 869: Update supported PHP versions thanks to @alcaeus
- 867: Merge release 2.1.2 into master thanks to @doctrinebot
- 864: Allow Symfony 5 components thanks to @l-vo
- 839: Lazy console commands thanks to @vudaltsov
Release 2.1.2
- Total issues resolved: 0
- Total pull requests resolved: 1
- Total contributors: 1
- 860: Fix the installation instruction thanks to @stof
- Total issues resolved: 0
- Total pull requests resolved: 4
- Total contributors: 2
- Total issues resolved: 2
- Total pull requests resolved: 7
- Total contributors: 8
- 827: Display descriptions while migrating thanks to @lcobucci
- 823: Fix DiffGenerator thanks to @enumag
- 804: removed internal from factory thanks to @AlessandroMinoccheri
- 797: Update to doctrine/coding-standard 6.0 thanks to @patrickjahns
- 808: Handle deleted migration classes #795 thanks to @jschaedl and @jwage
- 799: handle unregistered migrations in up-to-date check thanks to @dbu
- 784: [Command] Add option to Diff thanks to @roukmoute
- 781: Remove
with an option in command thanks to @roukmoute