Rust target wasm32-wasi:
rustup target add wasm32-wasi
git clone
cd wit-bindgen
cargo install --path .
Guest | Host | |
C | ✅ wit-bindgen | see below1 |
C++ | 🚧 cpetig/wit-bindgen | 🚧 cpetig/wit-bindgen + WAMR |
Rust | ✅ wit-bindgen | ✅ wasmtime 2 |
JavaScript | 🚧 3 | ✅ jco 2 |
Go | ☁️ 4 | ? |
Python | 🚧 5 | 🚧 5 |
cd guest-rust
cargo build --target wasm32-wasi --release
cd ../host-wamr
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Expected Output:
drop with value 34
Prerequisite: wasi-SDK
cd guest-c
cd ..
ln -sf guest-c/guest-c.wasm guest.wasm
You need a preview1 adapter matching the wasmtime version, see for the command adapter downloads.
But most likely you will need to check out the exact same wasmtime used for the host and build the adapter:
cd wasmtime/crates/wasi-preview1-component-adapter
cargo build -p wasi-preview1-component-adapter --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release --features command --no-default-features
cp ../../target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/wasi_snapshot_preview1.wasm …/resource-demo/host-wasmtime
Sorry, jco is currently broken until I figure out to compile typescript (shouldn't be that difficult to do).
Please use the adapter built from the wasmtime source (see above)
cargo install simple-http-server
simple-http-server --cors --coop --coep --nocache -i html
Wasmer bindgen only supports the old witx, not the newer wit format. You could write a host binding generator within wit-bindgen though.
- Python: (?)
The wasmtime host requires wasi_snapshot_preview1.wasm from (the dev branch) (WASI has recently migrated to resources)
JCO's preview2 browser shim still needs the older adapter
JavaScript: is potentially smaller than spidermonkey embedded by jco, you will need another tool to generate guest bindings for imported functions, IIRC. A path using C bindings with yet to be written JavaScript wrapping should be viable.
Currently I generate C++ host bindings for WAMR, C would be feasible. ↩
JCO and wasmtime currently need a different preview1 to preview2 adapter version ↩ ↩2
Jco likely needs the unfinished for resource support in guests ↩
Go: WIT bindgen support is being worked on ↩
Python: recently gained resource support ↩ ↩2