- Author: Alex Lewtschuk
This PingPong project incorporates multithreading and socket connections to make a server and client simulate a game of ping pong. When the client and server connect there is a distributed coin toss to decide who plays first. There is also a servent version in the Servernt directory.
To run the code please use the terminal and run the command java pingpong.java <client|server> <serverHost> <port#>
. Make sure that the host is always localhost
Once the server
has been set up open another terminal and with the same command specify client
and the information for the server you just set up. This is how the client
will connect.
To run the Servent version cd
to /Servent
and run the command: java PingPongServent.java 1 5005 localhost 5006
then in another terminal run java PingPongServent.java 2 5006 localhost 5005
Please note the servent functionality of being both server|client
is best demonstrated while running a third servent as there might be a bug with getting client multithreading to work I am not 100% sure.
Please open a third terminal and run: java pingpongservent.java 3 5007 localhost 5006