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2.0.1: pytest is failing #1406

1 task done
kloczek opened this issue Aug 22, 2022 · 2 comments
1 task done

2.0.1: pytest is failing #1406

kloczek opened this issue Aug 22, 2022 · 2 comments


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kloczek commented Aug 22, 2022

Describe the bug

Looks like pytest if failing in all units because 'async_generator' object has no used attributes.

To Reproduce

I'm packaging your module as an rpm package so I'm using the typical PEP517 based build, install and test cycle used on building packages from non-root account.

  • python3 -sBm build -w --no-isolation
  • because I'm calling build with --no-isolation I'm using during all processes only locally installed modules
  • install .whl file in </install/prefix>
  • run pytest with PYTHONPATH pointing to sitearch and sitelib inside </install/prefix>

Expected behavior

pytest should not fail.


In next comment.

Python Version


aioredis Version


Additional context

List of modules installed in build env

Package         Version
--------------- --------------
appdirs         1.4.4
async-timeout   4.0.2
attrs           22.1.0
Brlapi          0.8.3
build           0.8.0
codespell       2.1.0
coverage        6.4.4
cssselect       1.1.0
cycler          0.11.0
distro          1.7.0
execnet         1.9.0
extras          1.0.0
fixtures        4.0.0
flake8          5.0.4
fonttools       4.36.0
gpg             1.17.1-unknown
iniconfig       1.1.1
kiwisolver      1.4.4
libcomps        0.1.18
louis           3.22.0
lxml            4.9.1
matplotlib      3.5.3
mccabe          0.7.0
mock            4.0.3
numpy           1.23.1
olefile         0.46
packaging       21.3
pbr             5.9.0
pep517          0.12.0
Pillow          9.2.0
pip             22.2.1
pluggy          1.0.0
py              1.11.0
pycodestyle     2.9.1
pyflakes        2.5.0
PyGObject       3.42.2
pyparsing       3.0.9
pytest          7.1.2
pytest-asyncio  0.19.0
pytest-cov      3.0.0
pytest-forked   1.4.0
pytest-sugar    0.9.4
pytest-xdist    2.5.0
python-dateutil 2.8.2
rpm             4.17.0
scour           0.38.2
setuptools      64.0.3
six             1.16.0
termcolor       1.1.0
testtools       2.5.0
tomli           2.0.1
wheel           0.37.1

Code of Conduct

  • I agree to follow the aio-libs Code of Conduct
@kloczek kloczek added the bug label Aug 22, 2022
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kloczek commented Aug 22, 2022

Here is pytest output:

+ PYTHONPATH=/home/tkloczko/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/python-aioredis-2.0.1-2.fc35.x86_64/usr/lib64/python3.8/site-packages:/home/tkloczko/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/python-aioredis-2.0.1-2.fc35.x86_64/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages
+ /usr/bin/pytest -ra --deselect 'tests/[pool]'
1730188:C 22 Aug 2022 07:22:02.620 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
1730188:C 22 Aug 2022 07:22:02.620 # Redis version=7.0.4, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1730188, just started
1730188:C 22 Aug 2022 07:22:02.620 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf
1730188:M 22 Aug 2022 07:22:02.621 * Increased maximum number of open files to 10032 (it was originally set to 1024).
1730188:M 22 Aug 2022 07:22:02.621 * monotonic clock: POSIX clock_gettime
           _.-``__ ''-._
      _.-``    `.  `_.  ''-._           Redis 7.0.4 (00000000/0) 64 bit
  .-`` .-```.  ```\/    _.,_ ''-._
 (    '      ,       .-`  | `,    )     Running in standalone mode
 |`-._`-...-` __...-.``-._|'` _.-'|     Port: 6379
 |    `-._   `._    /     _.-'    |     PID: 1730188
  `-._    `-._  `-./  _.-'    _.-'
 |`-._`-._    `-.__.-'    _.-'_.-'|
 |    `-._`-._        _.-'_.-'    | 
  `-._    `-._`-.__.-'_.-'    _.-'
 |`-._`-._    `-.__.-'    _.-'_.-'|
 |    `-._`-._        _.-'_.-'    |
  `-._    `-._`-.__.-'_.-'    _.-'
      `-._    `-.__.-'    _.-'
          `-._        _.-'

1730188:M 22 Aug 2022 07:22:02.622 # Server initialized
1730188:M 22 Aug 2022 07:22:02.622 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect.
1730188:M 22 Aug 2022 07:22:02.624 * Ready to accept connections
Test session starts (platform: linux, Python 3.8.13, pytest 7.1.2, pytest-sugar 0.9.4)
rootdir: /home/tkloczko/rpmbuild/BUILD/aioredis-py-2.0.1
plugins: forked-1.4.0, cov-3.0.0, xdist-2.5.0, asyncio-0.19.0, sugar-0.9.4
asyncio: mode=strict
collecting ...

――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― TestResponseCallbacks.test_response_callbacks[single-python-parser] ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

self = <tests.test_commands.TestResponseCallbacks object at 0x7f5a0f772d30>, r = <async_generator object r at 0x7f5a0eeeb5e0>

    async def test_response_callbacks(self, r: aioredis.Redis):
>       assert r.response_callbacks == aioredis.Redis.RESPONSE_CALLBACKS
E       AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'response_callbacks'

tests/ AttributeError

 tests/ ⨯                                                                                                                                      0%

―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― TestResponseCallbacks.test_response_callbacks[pool-python-parser] ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

self = <tests.test_commands.TestResponseCallbacks object at 0x7f5a0f772fd0>, r = <async_generator object r at 0x7f5a0f23e160>

    async def test_response_callbacks(self, r: aioredis.Redis):
>       assert r.response_callbacks == aioredis.Redis.RESPONSE_CALLBACKS
E       AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'response_callbacks'

tests/ AttributeError

 tests/ ⨯ss                                                                                                                                    0%


========================================================================= short test summary info ==========================================================================
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
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SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [4] tests/ Redis version required < 4.0.0
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
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SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
SKIPPED [2] tests/ hiredis is not installed
xfail tests/
xfail tests/
xfail tests/[1]
xfail tests/[2]
xfail tests/[None]
xfail tests/[1]
xfail tests/[2]
xfail tests/[None]
xfail tests/[single-connection-python-parser]
xfail tests/[pool-python-parser]
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribut...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'response_c...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no att...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute '...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_cat'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_cat'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_delu...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_delu...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_deluser'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_deluser'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_genp...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_genpass'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute '...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute '...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_setuser'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_deluser'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_setuser'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_deluser'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_setuser'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_deluser'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_setuser'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_deluser'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_setuser'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_deluser'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' o...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' o...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no ...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' obj...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' obj...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no at...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no at...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' ob...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' ob...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no a...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no a...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_users'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_users'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_whoami'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'acl_whoami'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'client_l...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'client_list'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'cli...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'client_list'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'client_id'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'client_id'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'clien...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'client_id'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'clien...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'client_getname'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'clien...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'client_setname'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'client_s...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'client_setname'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute ...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attrib...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'client_s...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attr...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'client...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has n...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute '...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'client_...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'client_pause'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'config_get'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'config_get'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'ping'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'ping'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'config_get'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'config_get'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'echo'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'echo'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lastsave'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lastsave'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'ping'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'ping'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'slowlog_...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'slowlog_reset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sl...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'slowlog_reset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'get'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'get'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'time'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'time'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'append'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'append'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'setbit'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'setbit'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribut...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute '...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribut...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'decr'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'decr'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'decrby'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'decrby'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'delete'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'delete'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attri...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'unlink'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'unlink'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attri...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no at...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribu...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'exists'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'exists'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'exists'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'exists'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'expire'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'expire'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'time'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'time'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'time'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'time'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'time'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'time'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'get'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'get'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'getbit'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'getbit'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'getset'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'getset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'incr'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'incr'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'incrby'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'incrby'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'incrbyfl...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'incrbyfloat'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'keys'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'keys'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'mget'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'mget'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'mset'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'mset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'msetnx'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'msetnx'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pexpire'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pexpire'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 't...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'time'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'time'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'time'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 't...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'time'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'psetex'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'psetex'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pse...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'psetex'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pexpire'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pexpire'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pttl'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pttl'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'randomkey'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'randomkey'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute '...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'setex'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'setex'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'setnx'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'setnx'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'setrange'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'setrange'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'ttl'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'ttl'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'type'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'type'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribu...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lpushx'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lpushx'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpushx'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpushx'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribu...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'sadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribu...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'z...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribu...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pfadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pfadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pfadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pfadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pfadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pfadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attr...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hincrby'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hincrby'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hincrby...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hincrbyfloat'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hmset'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hmset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hsetnx'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hsetnx'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'hset'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute '...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribut...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attrib...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribut...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'execu...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'execute_command'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribu...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cl...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'cluster'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'readwrite'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'readwrite'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 're...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'readonly'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'readonly'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attr...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geodist'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geopos'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geopos'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute '...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'geoadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xack'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xack'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xgrou...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xgroup_create'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xdel'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xdel'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribut...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xgroup_cre...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'x...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xlen'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xlen'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xtrim'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'xtrim'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute '...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'execute_command'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'module_l...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'module_list'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'zadd'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'ping'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'ping'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'asy...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator'...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeErro...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_gen...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - Attribut...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'asyn...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser-True] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' o...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser-False] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser-True] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser-False] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser-True] - AttributeError: 'asy...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser-False] - AttributeError: 'as...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser-True] - AttributeError: 'async_generator'...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser-False] - AttributeError: 'async_generator...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object ha...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribut...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generat...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object ha...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pi...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute '...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'execute_command'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' ob...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no a...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attrib...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribut...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'connection'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' o...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no ...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_genera...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object h...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator'...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has n...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no a...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pip...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has n...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute '...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attrib...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has n...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute '...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribu...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no att...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'rpush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object h...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribu...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribu...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribu...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attri...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has n...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute '...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has n...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute '...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'lock'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'moni...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'monitor'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'monitor'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'monitor'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'mon...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'monitor'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'mo...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'monitor'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'm...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'monitor'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'monitor'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'monitor'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pipeline'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pipeline'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pipeline'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pipeline'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pipel...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pipeline'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pipeline'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pipeline'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'p...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pipeline'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attrib...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has n...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute '...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'p...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no at...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pipe...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pipeline'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pipeline'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attri...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pipeline'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no a...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' o...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no ...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has n...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute '...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generat...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object ha...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pi...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pipeline'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' obje...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no att...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' obje...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no att...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_gener...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object ...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_gener...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object ...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' o...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no ...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' o...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no ...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' obje...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no att...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generato...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object ha...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribut...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object ha...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribut...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' objec...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attr...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' objec...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attr...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no att...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no att...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribut...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no at...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute ...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribut...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pu...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pu...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no at...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attr...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attr...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pu...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute ...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_gene...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object h...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribu...
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'pubsub'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'flushdb'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'flushdb'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribut...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'set'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'script_l...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'script_load'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'script_fl...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'script_flush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribut...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'script_flush'
FAILED tests/[single-connection-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no...
FAILED tests/[pool-python-parser] - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'r...
FAILED tests/ - aioredis.sentinel.MasterNotFoundError: No master found for 'mymaster'
FAILED tests/ - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'nodes_down'
FAILED tests/ - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'nodes_timeout'
FAILED tests/ - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'master'
FAILED tests/ - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'master'
FAILED tests/ - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'master'
FAILED tests/ - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'slaves'
FAILED tests/ - aioredis.sentinel.MasterNotFoundError: No master found for 'mymaster'
FAILED tests/ - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'slaves'
FAILED tests/ - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'master'
FAILED tests/ - AttributeError: 'async_generator' object has no attribute 'slaves'

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kloczek commented Aug 22, 2022

I tested as well all commits since last reelase and effect is the same.

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