This sample shows how to run video decoding and object detection using pre-trained YoloV2
Caffe Model
The sample demonstrates the use of mv_compile utility to do video decoding and inference.
The sample has two .cpp files, mvobjdetect.cpp
and visualize.cpp
. But it needs extra header files, .cpp files, and inference deployment library which is generated by mv_compile utility to completely build and execute the application.
- MIVisionX
- MIVisionX installs model compiler at
- mv_compile installs at
and mvdeploy_api.h installs at/opt/rocm/include/mivisionx
- MIVisionX installs model compiler at
- Install MIVisionX Model Compiler Prerequisites
- Add MIVisionX libraries & executables to PATH
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/rocm/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/rocm/lib
Step 1. Download pre-trained YoloV2 caffe model - yoloV2Tiny20.caffemodel
The mv_compile utility generates deployment library, header files, and .cpp files required to run inference for the specified model.
- Usage:
mv_compile --model <model_name: name of the trained model with path> [required]
--install_folder <install_folder: the location for compiled model> [required]
--input_dims <input_dims: n,c,h,w - batch size, channels, height, width> [required]
--backend <backend: name of the backend for compilation> [optional - default:OpenVX_Rocm_GPU]
--fuse_cba <fuse_cba: enable or disable Convolution_bias_activation fuse mode (0/1)> [optional - default: 0]
--quant_mode <quant_mode: fp32/fp16 - quantization mode: if enabled the model and weights are converted> [optional -default: fp32]
mv_compile --model yoloV2Tiny20.caffemodel --install_folder mvdeploy --input_dims 1,3,416,416
- There will be a file (under ./lib), weights.bin and mvtestdeploy sample app (under ./bin)
- There will be mv_extras folder for extra post-processing helper functions
- Open mvdeploy_api.h to go through API functions supported for inference deployment
mvtestdeploy is a pre-generated application built in Step 3 which shows how to deploy inference for an input image file
- Usage:
./bin/mvtestdeploy <input data file: image/video> [required]
<output file - (.bin)> [required]
--install_folder <folder name or '.' for current folder> [required]
--t <N: number of iterations> [required]
cd mvdeploy
./bin/mvtestdeploy /opt/rocm/share/mivisionx/samples/mv_objdetect/data/images/img_04.JPG output.bin --install_folder . --t 100
This runs inference for an input file and generate output for N number of iterations.
- mvobjdetect is built on top of all the files generated in Step 4. Basically it shows how to add preprocessing OpenVX nodes for video decoding and image_to_tensor conversion.
- Go through mvobjdetect.cpp file.
- This exercise uses a single or multiple video streams for input.
- The second part of the tutorial shows how to run it through multiple video files.
- Copy all files in cloned sample folder (mvobjdetect.cpp, visualize.cpp, visualize.h and CMakeLists.txt) into mvdeploy folder. This brings all the files into a single folder to build and run the sample.
cp /opt/rocm/share/mivisionx/samples/mv_objdetect/mvobjdetect.cpp .
cp /opt/rocm/share/mivisionx/samples/mv_objdetect/visualize.cpp .
cp /opt/rocm/share/mivisionx/samples/mv_objdetect/visualize.h .
cp /opt/rocm/share/mivisionx/samples/mv_objdetect/CMakeLists.txt .
mkdir mv_build
cd mv_build
cmake ../
make -j
If build directory exists from previous build, name the new build directly differently (eg: mv_build).
- Usage:
Usage: mvobjdetect <options>
<input-data-file: .jpg, .png, .mp4, .m4v>: is filename(s) to initialize input tensor [required]
<output-data-file/- >: for video all frames will be output to single file OR '-'for no output [required]
--install_folder <install_folder> : the location for compiled module [required]
--bb <channels, threshold_c threshold_nms> bounding box detection parameters [required]
--frames <#num/eof/loop> : num of frames to process inference [optional: default till eof, loop: loop the video]
--backend <backend>: is the name of the backend for compilation [optional: default OpenVX_Rocm_GPU]
--argmax <topK> : give argmax output in vec<label,prob> [optional: default no argmax]
--t <num of interations> to run for performance [optional: default 1]
--hwdec <1/0>:use hwaccel for decoding [optional: default cpu decoding, 1:hwdec 0:cpu dec]
--label <labels.txt> [optional: default use yolo_v2 20 classes]
--v :if specified visualize the result on the input image [optional: default no visualization]
cd ..
./mv_build/mvobjdetect /opt/rocm/share/mivisionx/samples/mv_objdetect/data/images/img_04.JPG --install_folder . --bb 20 0.2 0.4 --v
- Make sure the input image and video file exist and specified with full path
- For Video -
./mv_build/mvobjdetect <PATH TO VIDEO FILE> --install_folder . --bb 20 0.2 0.4 --v
- For hardware decode use
--hwdec 1
- Go through steps 2 to 6, this time compiling the model for a batch of
using--input_dims 4,3,416,416
in step 2 . - Also this sample can do batch of 8 and 16 decoding as well.
- For batch 8:
--input_dims 8,3,416,416
and createVideos_8.txt
file with 8 input streams - For batch 16:
--input_dims 16,3,416,416
and createVideos_16.txt
file with 16 input streams
- For batch 8:
For batch size 4
mkdir mvcompile-4 && cd mvcompile-4
mv_compile --model yoloV2Tiny20.caffemodel --install_folder mvdeploy-4 --input_dims 4,3,416,416
cd mvdeploy-4/
cp /opt/rocm/share/mivisionx/samples/mv_objdetect/mvobjdetect.cpp .
cp /opt/rocm/share/mivisionx/samples/mv_objdetect/visualize.cpp .
cp /opt/rocm/share/mivisionx/samples/mv_objdetect/visualize.h .
cp /opt/rocm/share/mivisionx/samples/mv_objdetect/CMakeLists.txt .
mkdir mv_build && cd mv_build
cmake ../ && make -j8
cd ../
./mv_build/mvobjdetect <Videos_4.txt> --install_folder . --bb 20 0.2 0.4 --v
has the names of input video files with full path.
- Use the
file. Modify it to specify your input files. - The last bit
(:0 / :1)
chooses software or hardware mode for decoding.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
Rajy Rawther - [email protected]