Stats is the scince of better orgnising and analysing the data.
For the better duscion making .
Now, we know that the what is stats and why is used. But it has two different Types such as.
- Discreptive { Organising, Summarizing}
- Infrancial {Conclusion on the data we have }
It is fact of informetion that can be measured . it can be any.
age = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,6,7,8 }
age is variable .
and inside the curly braces is the data.
A variable is the contanier which can holds the data . Or we can say variable is property which can take any property.
Now we will deeply look inside the Discreptive stats. Inside this we want to know about the more folowing.
- Populetion (N)
- Samples (n)
There are so many ways for taking the samples.
- Random .
- Stratified / Layered / Strata .
- Systmatic .
- Conviniant .
Quantitive Variable (That can be measured numrical ,Ages)
Qualitetevive / Cato gorial variable (color's , IQ)
Quantitetevie variable has 2 types :
Discreat (Whole no, a/c no)
Continious (Float, hight)