Garm currently supports two database backends:
- SQLite3
You can choose either one of these. For most cases, SQLite3
should do, but feel free to go with MySQL if you wish.
# Turn on/off debugging for database queries.
debug = false
# Database backend to use. Currently supported backends are:
# * sqlite3
# * mysql
backend = "sqlite3"
# the passphrase option is a temporary measure by which we encrypt the webhook
# secret that gets saved to the database, using AES256. In the future, secrets
# will be saved to something like Barbican or Vault, eliminating the need for
# this.
passphrase = "n<$n&P#L*TWqOh95_bN5J1r4mhxY7R84HZ%pvM#1vxJ<7~q%YVsCwU@Z60;7~Djo"
# If MySQL is used, these are the credentials and connection information used
# to connect to the server instance.
# database username
username = ""
# Database password
password = ""
# hostname to connect to
hostname = ""
# database name
database = ""
# Path on disk to the sqlite3 database file.
db_file = "/home/runner/file.db"