Developer Tools Core Utils Module for Medable
This module will provide a set of general utils to use among modules.
- searchParamsToObject,
- tryCatch,
- normalizeEndpoint,
- validateEndpoint,
- joinPaths,
- sortKeys,
- pathsTo,
- validateApiKey,
- validateApiSecret,
- guessEndpoint
- isPrimitive,
- isInt,
- isNumeric,
- isInteger,
- isValidDate,
- rFunction,
- isSet,
- rArray,
- stringToBoolean,
- rVal,
- rNum,
- rInt,
- rString,
- rBool,
- rDate,
- rPath,
- rInstance,
- pad,
- clamp,
- resolveCallbackArguments,
- isCustomName,
- isExportKey,
- isUuidKeyFormat,
- naturalCmp,
- stringifyContent,
- parseString,
- removeFalsy,
- pathTo,
- pathParts
- secureRandomInt,
- randomAlphaNum,
- randomAlphaNumSym,
- randomChars
- privatesAccessor