formatted console logging with chalk for Node.js
var parseFormats = require("chalkformat");
var logger = parseFormats([
{value:'[', styles:''},
{value:'ERROR', styles:'bold.yellow'},
{value:']', styles:''},
console.log(logger('oops, I did it again'));
which would result in this:
Each format block is a value that is printed out, and a chalk style string. if you specify a value with '$n', where n is a number, then a function argument is used for output. In the example. the last format block uses $0, which would print out the first argument passed to the generated function.
Styles can be chained. just separate them with periods. The example above is using both a bold and a color style on each value.
If the style string is not a valid chalk style, or empty, then the value in the format object is returned unmodified.