liter-server is a minecraft reverse proxy with a simple manage dashboard.
If you want to run liter server as a systemd service, we have a service file at litermc.service
All the data & configs are saved under the current working directory. Please makesure that this application have permission to the directory its running.
If you are using litermc.service, the default working directory is at /opt/litermc
debug: false # if you want to see debug logs, set this to true
online-mode: true
server-addr: :25565 # server address in <host>:<port>
enable: false # enable dashboard
addr: # dashboard address in <host>:<port>, use as the host to keep it private
enable-whitelist: false # enable whitelist or not
enable-ip-whitelist: false # enable IP whitelist or not
servers: # subserver list
- id: main # the subserver ID, must be unique
target: # subserver connect address
names: # domain lists that can connect to the server
- localhost
handle-ping: false # response the motd below for client's server list ping
motd: Welcome to the server # this motd will only be sent if `handle-ping` is true
motd-failed: |- # this motd will only be sent if `handle-ping` is false and could not ping the subserver
The Server is closed
§aGreen text
"players": [
"name": "ckupen",
"id": "7a0ba4fe-e6ec-4bfe-99fc-56bf677a15a5"
"example_user" // When you edit this file, you can also just give a string and it will automatically parse into the correct structure above
"ips": [
"", // IP can be a single IP
"", // or a IP network as well
Same as whitelist.json
This is the user database for dashboard.
You should NEVER edit this file.
However, if you forget your user password, you can delete this file and the root user will be regenerated after reloading.
This is the JWT signature key for dashboard.
You should NEVER edit this file, and you should keep this file PRIVATE.