diff --git a/Meta/Lagom/Tools/CodeGenerators/LibWeb/BindingsGenerator/IDLGenerators.cpp b/Meta/Lagom/Tools/CodeGenerators/LibWeb/BindingsGenerator/IDLGenerators.cpp
index 748e2ba241f4..5b4da377ae92 100644
--- a/Meta/Lagom/Tools/CodeGenerators/LibWeb/BindingsGenerator/IDLGenerators.cpp
+++ b/Meta/Lagom/Tools/CodeGenerators/LibWeb/BindingsGenerator/IDLGenerators.cpp
@@ -1550,14 +1550,20 @@ static void generate_to_cpp(SourceGenerator& generator, ParameterType& parameter
@union_type@ @cpp_name@ = TRY(@js_name@@js_suffix@_to_variant(@js_name@@js_suffix@));
} else {
- if (!optional_default_value.has_value() || optional_default_value == "null"sv) {
+ if (!optional_default_value.has_value()) {
Optional<@union_type@> @cpp_name@;
- if (!@js_name@@js_suffix@.is_nullish())
+ if (!@js_name@@js_suffix@.is_undefined())
@cpp_name@ = TRY(@js_name@@js_suffix@_to_variant(@js_name@@js_suffix@));
} else {
- if (optional_default_value == "\"\"") {
+ if (optional_default_value == "null"sv) {
+ union_generator.append(R"~~~(
+ Optional<@union_type@> @cpp_name@;
+ if (!@js_name@@js_suffix@.is_nullish())
+ @cpp_name@ = TRY(@js_name@@js_suffix@_to_variant(@js_name@@js_suffix@));
+ } else if (optional_default_value == "\"\"") {
@union_type@ @cpp_name@ = @js_name@@js_suffix@.is_undefined() ? String {} : TRY(@js_name@@js_suffix@_to_variant(@js_name@@js_suffix@));
diff --git a/Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-basic.any.txt b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-basic.any.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..193bdd49d9d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-basic.any.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Harness status: OK
+Found 23 tests
+23 Pass
+Pass Create headers from no parameter
+Pass Create headers from undefined parameter
+Pass Create headers from empty object
+Pass Create headers with null should throw
+Pass Create headers with 1 should throw
+Pass Create headers with sequence
+Pass Create headers with record
+Pass Create headers with existing headers
+Pass Create headers with existing headers with custom iterator
+Pass Check append method
+Pass Check set method
+Pass Check has method
+Pass Check delete method
+Pass Check get method
+Pass Check keys method
+Pass Check values method
+Pass Check entries method
+Pass Check Symbol.iterator method
+Pass Check forEach method
+Pass Iteration skips elements removed while iterating
+Pass Removing elements already iterated over causes an element to be skipped during iteration
+Pass Appending a value pair during iteration causes it to be reached during iteration
+Pass Prepending a value pair before the current element position causes it to be skipped during iteration and adds the current element a second time
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-record.any.txt b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-record.any.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..99705736ffe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/expected/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-record.any.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Harness status: OK
+Found 13 tests
+13 Pass
+Pass Passing nothing to Headers constructor
+Pass Passing undefined to Headers constructor
+Pass Passing null to Headers constructor
+Pass Basic operation with one property
+Pass Basic operation with one property and a proto
+Pass Correct operation ordering with two properties
+Pass Correct operation ordering with two properties one of which has an invalid name
+Pass Correct operation ordering with two properties one of which has an invalid value
+Pass Correct operation ordering with non-enumerable properties
+Pass Correct operation ordering with undefined descriptors
+Pass Correct operation ordering with repeated keys
+Pass Basic operation with Symbol keys
+Pass Operation with non-enumerable Symbol keys
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tests/LibWeb/Text/input/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-basic.any.html b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/input/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-basic.any.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..130582930b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/input/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-basic.any.html
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Headers structure
diff --git a/Tests/LibWeb/Text/input/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-basic.any.js b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/input/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-basic.any.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ead1047645a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/input/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-basic.any.js
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+// META: title=Headers structure
+// META: global=window,worker
+"use strict";
+test(function() {
+ new Headers();
+}, "Create headers from no parameter");
+test(function() {
+ new Headers(undefined);
+}, "Create headers from undefined parameter");
+test(function() {
+ new Headers({});
+}, "Create headers from empty object");
+var parameters = [null, 1];
+parameters.forEach(function(parameter) {
+ test(function() {
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, function() { new Headers(parameter) });
+ }, "Create headers with " + parameter + " should throw");
+var headerDict = {"name1": "value1",
+ "name2": "value2",
+ "name3": "value3",
+ "name4": null,
+ "name5": undefined,
+ "name6": 1,
+ "Content-Type": "value4"
+var headerSeq = [];
+for (var name in headerDict)
+ headerSeq.push([name, headerDict[name]]);
+test(function() {
+ var headers = new Headers(headerSeq);
+ for (name in headerDict) {
+ assert_equals(headers.get(name), String(headerDict[name]),
+ "name: " + name + " has value: " + headerDict[name]);
+ }
+ assert_equals(headers.get("length"), null, "init should be treated as a sequence, not as a dictionary");
+}, "Create headers with sequence");
+test(function() {
+ var headers = new Headers(headerDict);
+ for (name in headerDict) {
+ assert_equals(headers.get(name), String(headerDict[name]),
+ "name: " + name + " has value: " + headerDict[name]);
+ }
+}, "Create headers with record");
+test(function() {
+ var headers = new Headers(headerDict);
+ var headers2 = new Headers(headers);
+ for (name in headerDict) {
+ assert_equals(headers2.get(name), String(headerDict[name]),
+ "name: " + name + " has value: " + headerDict[name]);
+ }
+}, "Create headers with existing headers");
+test(function() {
+ var headers = new Headers()
+ headers[Symbol.iterator] = function *() {
+ yield ["test", "test"]
+ }
+ var headers2 = new Headers(headers)
+ assert_equals(headers2.get("test"), "test")
+}, "Create headers with existing headers with custom iterator");
+test(function() {
+ var headers = new Headers();
+ for (name in headerDict) {
+ headers.append(name, headerDict[name]);
+ assert_equals(headers.get(name), String(headerDict[name]),
+ "name: " + name + " has value: " + headerDict[name]);
+ }
+}, "Check append method");
+test(function() {
+ var headers = new Headers();
+ for (name in headerDict) {
+ headers.set(name, headerDict[name]);
+ assert_equals(headers.get(name), String(headerDict[name]),
+ "name: " + name + " has value: " + headerDict[name]);
+ }
+}, "Check set method");
+test(function() {
+ var headers = new Headers(headerDict);
+ for (name in headerDict)
+ assert_true(headers.has(name),"headers has name " + name);
+ assert_false(headers.has("nameNotInHeaders"),"headers do not have header: nameNotInHeaders");
+}, "Check has method");
+test(function() {
+ var headers = new Headers(headerDict);
+ for (name in headerDict) {
+ assert_true(headers.has(name),"headers have a header: " + name);
+ headers.delete(name)
+ assert_true(!headers.has(name),"headers do not have anymore a header: " + name);
+ }
+}, "Check delete method");
+test(function() {
+ var headers = new Headers(headerDict);
+ for (name in headerDict)
+ assert_equals(headers.get(name), String(headerDict[name]),
+ "name: " + name + " has value: " + headerDict[name]);
+ assert_equals(headers.get("nameNotInHeaders"), null, "header: nameNotInHeaders has no value");
+}, "Check get method");
+var headerEntriesDict = {"name1": "value1",
+ "Name2": "value2",
+ "name": "value3",
+ "content-Type": "value4",
+ "Content-Typ": "value5",
+ "Content-Types": "value6"
+var sortedHeaderDict = {};
+var headerValues = [];
+var sortedHeaderKeys = Object.keys(headerEntriesDict).map(function(value) {
+ sortedHeaderDict[value.toLowerCase()] = headerEntriesDict[value];
+ headerValues.push(headerEntriesDict[value]);
+ return value.toLowerCase();
+var iteratorPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf([][Symbol.iterator]()));
+function checkIteratorProperties(iterator) {
+ var prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(iterator);
+ assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(prototype), iteratorPrototype);
+ var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, "next");
+ assert_true(descriptor.configurable, "configurable");
+ assert_true(descriptor.enumerable, "enumerable");
+ assert_true(descriptor.writable, "writable");
+test(function() {
+ var headers = new Headers(headerEntriesDict);
+ var actual = headers.keys();
+ checkIteratorProperties(actual);
+ sortedHeaderKeys.forEach(function(key) {
+ const entry = actual.next();
+ assert_false(entry.done);
+ assert_equals(entry.value, key);
+ });
+ assert_true(actual.next().done);
+ assert_true(actual.next().done);
+ for (const key of headers.keys())
+ assert_true(sortedHeaderKeys.indexOf(key) != -1);
+}, "Check keys method");
+test(function() {
+ var headers = new Headers(headerEntriesDict);
+ var actual = headers.values();
+ checkIteratorProperties(actual);
+ sortedHeaderKeys.forEach(function(key) {
+ const entry = actual.next();
+ assert_false(entry.done);
+ assert_equals(entry.value, sortedHeaderDict[key]);
+ });
+ assert_true(actual.next().done);
+ assert_true(actual.next().done);
+ for (const value of headers.values())
+ assert_true(headerValues.indexOf(value) != -1);
+}, "Check values method");
+test(function() {
+ var headers = new Headers(headerEntriesDict);
+ var actual = headers.entries();
+ checkIteratorProperties(actual);
+ sortedHeaderKeys.forEach(function(key) {
+ const entry = actual.next();
+ assert_false(entry.done);
+ assert_equals(entry.value[0], key);
+ assert_equals(entry.value[1], sortedHeaderDict[key]);
+ });
+ assert_true(actual.next().done);
+ assert_true(actual.next().done);
+ for (const entry of headers.entries())
+ assert_equals(entry[1], sortedHeaderDict[entry[0]]);
+}, "Check entries method");
+test(function() {
+ var headers = new Headers(headerEntriesDict);
+ var actual = headers[Symbol.iterator]();
+ sortedHeaderKeys.forEach(function(key) {
+ const entry = actual.next();
+ assert_false(entry.done);
+ assert_equals(entry.value[0], key);
+ assert_equals(entry.value[1], sortedHeaderDict[key]);
+ });
+ assert_true(actual.next().done);
+ assert_true(actual.next().done);
+}, "Check Symbol.iterator method");
+test(function() {
+ var headers = new Headers(headerEntriesDict);
+ var reference = sortedHeaderKeys[Symbol.iterator]();
+ headers.forEach(function(value, key, container) {
+ assert_equals(headers, container);
+ const entry = reference.next();
+ assert_false(entry.done);
+ assert_equals(key, entry.value);
+ assert_equals(value, sortedHeaderDict[entry.value]);
+ });
+ assert_true(reference.next().done);
+}, "Check forEach method");
+test(() => {
+ const headers = new Headers({"foo": "2", "baz": "1", "BAR": "0"});
+ const actualKeys = [];
+ const actualValues = [];
+ for (const [header, value] of headers) {
+ actualKeys.push(header);
+ actualValues.push(value);
+ headers.delete("foo");
+ }
+ assert_array_equals(actualKeys, ["bar", "baz"]);
+ assert_array_equals(actualValues, ["0", "1"]);
+}, "Iteration skips elements removed while iterating");
+test(() => {
+ const headers = new Headers({"foo": "2", "baz": "1", "BAR": "0", "quux": "3"});
+ const actualKeys = [];
+ const actualValues = [];
+ for (const [header, value] of headers) {
+ actualKeys.push(header);
+ actualValues.push(value);
+ if (header === "baz")
+ headers.delete("bar");
+ }
+ assert_array_equals(actualKeys, ["bar", "baz", "quux"]);
+ assert_array_equals(actualValues, ["0", "1", "3"]);
+}, "Removing elements already iterated over causes an element to be skipped during iteration");
+test(() => {
+ const headers = new Headers({"foo": "2", "baz": "1", "BAR": "0", "quux": "3"});
+ const actualKeys = [];
+ const actualValues = [];
+ for (const [header, value] of headers) {
+ actualKeys.push(header);
+ actualValues.push(value);
+ if (header === "baz")
+ headers.append("X-yZ", "4");
+ }
+ assert_array_equals(actualKeys, ["bar", "baz", "foo", "quux", "x-yz"]);
+ assert_array_equals(actualValues, ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4"]);
+}, "Appending a value pair during iteration causes it to be reached during iteration");
+test(() => {
+ const headers = new Headers({"foo": "2", "baz": "1", "BAR": "0", "quux": "3"});
+ const actualKeys = [];
+ const actualValues = [];
+ for (const [header, value] of headers) {
+ actualKeys.push(header);
+ actualValues.push(value);
+ if (header === "baz")
+ headers.append("abc", "-1");
+ }
+ assert_array_equals(actualKeys, ["bar", "baz", "baz", "foo", "quux"]);
+ assert_array_equals(actualValues, ["0", "1", "1", "2", "3"]);
+}, "Prepending a value pair before the current element position causes it to be skipped during iteration and adds the current element a second time");
diff --git a/Tests/LibWeb/Text/input/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-record.any.html b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/input/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-record.any.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..955db2e0ce5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/input/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-record.any.html
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/Tests/LibWeb/Text/input/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-record.any.js b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/input/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-record.any.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fa853914f487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/LibWeb/Text/input/wpt-import/fetch/api/headers/headers-record.any.js
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+// META: global=window,worker
+"use strict";
+var log = [];
+function clearLog() {
+ log = [];
+function addLogEntry(name, args) {
+ log.push([ name, ...args ]);
+var loggingHandler = {
+setup(function() {
+ for (let prop of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Reflect)) {
+ loggingHandler[prop] = function(...args) {
+ addLogEntry(prop, args);
+ return Reflect[prop](...args);
+ }
+ }
+test(function() {
+ var h = new Headers();
+ assert_equals([...h].length, 0);
+}, "Passing nothing to Headers constructor");
+test(function() {
+ var h = new Headers(undefined);
+ assert_equals([...h].length, 0);
+}, "Passing undefined to Headers constructor");
+test(function() {
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, function() {
+ var h = new Headers(null);
+ });
+}, "Passing null to Headers constructor");
+test(function() {
+ this.add_cleanup(clearLog);
+ var record = { a: "b" };
+ var proxy = new Proxy(record, loggingHandler);
+ var h = new Headers(proxy);
+ assert_equals(log.length, 4);
+ // The first thing is the [[Get]] of Symbol.iterator to figure out whether
+ // we're a sequence, during overload resolution.
+ assert_array_equals(log[0], ["get", record, Symbol.iterator, proxy]);
+ // Then we have the [[OwnPropertyKeys]] from
+ // https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#es-to-record step 4.
+ assert_array_equals(log[1], ["ownKeys", record]);
+ // Then the [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[2], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", record, "a"]);
+ // Then the [[Get]] from step 5.2.
+ assert_array_equals(log[3], ["get", record, "a", proxy]);
+ // Check the results.
+ assert_equals([...h].length, 1);
+ assert_array_equals([...h.keys()], ["a"]);
+ assert_true(h.has("a"));
+ assert_equals(h.get("a"), "b");
+}, "Basic operation with one property");
+test(function() {
+ this.add_cleanup(clearLog);
+ var recordProto = { c: "d" };
+ var record = Object.create(recordProto, { a: { value: "b", enumerable: true } });
+ var proxy = new Proxy(record, loggingHandler);
+ var h = new Headers(proxy);
+ assert_equals(log.length, 4);
+ // The first thing is the [[Get]] of Symbol.iterator to figure out whether
+ // we're a sequence, during overload resolution.
+ assert_array_equals(log[0], ["get", record, Symbol.iterator, proxy]);
+ // Then we have the [[OwnPropertyKeys]] from
+ // https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#es-to-record step 4.
+ assert_array_equals(log[1], ["ownKeys", record]);
+ // Then the [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[2], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", record, "a"]);
+ // Then the [[Get]] from step 5.2.
+ assert_array_equals(log[3], ["get", record, "a", proxy]);
+ // Check the results.
+ assert_equals([...h].length, 1);
+ assert_array_equals([...h.keys()], ["a"]);
+ assert_true(h.has("a"));
+ assert_equals(h.get("a"), "b");
+}, "Basic operation with one property and a proto");
+test(function() {
+ this.add_cleanup(clearLog);
+ var record = { a: "b", c: "d" };
+ var proxy = new Proxy(record, loggingHandler);
+ var h = new Headers(proxy);
+ assert_equals(log.length, 6);
+ // The first thing is the [[Get]] of Symbol.iterator to figure out whether
+ // we're a sequence, during overload resolution.
+ assert_array_equals(log[0], ["get", record, Symbol.iterator, proxy]);
+ // Then we have the [[OwnPropertyKeys]] from
+ // https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#es-to-record step 4.
+ assert_array_equals(log[1], ["ownKeys", record]);
+ // Then the [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[2], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", record, "a"]);
+ // Then the [[Get]] from step 5.2.
+ assert_array_equals(log[3], ["get", record, "a", proxy]);
+ // Then the second [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[4], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", record, "c"]);
+ // Then the second [[Get]] from step 5.2.
+ assert_array_equals(log[5], ["get", record, "c", proxy]);
+ // Check the results.
+ assert_equals([...h].length, 2);
+ assert_array_equals([...h.keys()], ["a", "c"]);
+ assert_true(h.has("a"));
+ assert_equals(h.get("a"), "b");
+ assert_true(h.has("c"));
+ assert_equals(h.get("c"), "d");
+}, "Correct operation ordering with two properties");
+test(function() {
+ this.add_cleanup(clearLog);
+ var record = { a: "b", "\uFFFF": "d" };
+ var proxy = new Proxy(record, loggingHandler);
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, function() {
+ var h = new Headers(proxy);
+ });
+ assert_equals(log.length, 5);
+ // The first thing is the [[Get]] of Symbol.iterator to figure out whether
+ // we're a sequence, during overload resolution.
+ assert_array_equals(log[0], ["get", record, Symbol.iterator, proxy]);
+ // Then we have the [[OwnPropertyKeys]] from
+ // https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#es-to-record step 4.
+ assert_array_equals(log[1], ["ownKeys", record]);
+ // Then the [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[2], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", record, "a"]);
+ // Then the [[Get]] from step 5.2.
+ assert_array_equals(log[3], ["get", record, "a", proxy]);
+ // Then the second [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[4], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", record, "\uFFFF"]);
+ // The second [[Get]] never happens, because we convert the invalid name to a
+ // ByteString first and throw.
+}, "Correct operation ordering with two properties one of which has an invalid name");
+test(function() {
+ this.add_cleanup(clearLog);
+ var record = { a: "\uFFFF", c: "d" }
+ var proxy = new Proxy(record, loggingHandler);
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError, function() {
+ var h = new Headers(proxy);
+ });
+ assert_equals(log.length, 4);
+ // The first thing is the [[Get]] of Symbol.iterator to figure out whether
+ // we're a sequence, during overload resolution.
+ assert_array_equals(log[0], ["get", record, Symbol.iterator, proxy]);
+ // Then we have the [[OwnPropertyKeys]] from
+ // https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#es-to-record step 4.
+ assert_array_equals(log[1], ["ownKeys", record]);
+ // Then the [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[2], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", record, "a"]);
+ // Then the [[Get]] from step 5.2.
+ assert_array_equals(log[3], ["get", record, "a", proxy]);
+ // Nothing else after this, because converting the result of that [[Get]] to a
+ // ByteString throws.
+}, "Correct operation ordering with two properties one of which has an invalid value");
+test(function() {
+ this.add_cleanup(clearLog);
+ var record = {};
+ Object.defineProperty(record, "a", { value: "b", enumerable: false });
+ Object.defineProperty(record, "c", { value: "d", enumerable: true });
+ Object.defineProperty(record, "e", { value: "f", enumerable: false });
+ var proxy = new Proxy(record, loggingHandler);
+ var h = new Headers(proxy);
+ assert_equals(log.length, 6);
+ // The first thing is the [[Get]] of Symbol.iterator to figure out whether
+ // we're a sequence, during overload resolution.
+ assert_array_equals(log[0], ["get", record, Symbol.iterator, proxy]);
+ // Then we have the [[OwnPropertyKeys]] from
+ // https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#es-to-record step 4.
+ assert_array_equals(log[1], ["ownKeys", record]);
+ // Then the [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[2], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", record, "a"]);
+ // No [[Get]] because not enumerable
+ // Then the second [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[3], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", record, "c"]);
+ // Then the [[Get]] from step 5.2.
+ assert_array_equals(log[4], ["get", record, "c", proxy]);
+ // Then the third [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[5], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", record, "e"]);
+ // No [[Get]] because not enumerable
+ // Check the results.
+ assert_equals([...h].length, 1);
+ assert_array_equals([...h.keys()], ["c"]);
+ assert_true(h.has("c"));
+ assert_equals(h.get("c"), "d");
+}, "Correct operation ordering with non-enumerable properties");
+test(function() {
+ this.add_cleanup(clearLog);
+ var record = {a: "b", c: "d", e: "f"};
+ var lyingHandler = {
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function(target, name) {
+ if (name == "a" || name == "e") {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, name);
+ }
+ };
+ var lyingProxy = new Proxy(record, lyingHandler);
+ var proxy = new Proxy(lyingProxy, loggingHandler);
+ var h = new Headers(proxy);
+ assert_equals(log.length, 6);
+ // The first thing is the [[Get]] of Symbol.iterator to figure out whether
+ // we're a sequence, during overload resolution.
+ assert_array_equals(log[0], ["get", lyingProxy, Symbol.iterator, proxy]);
+ // Then we have the [[OwnPropertyKeys]] from
+ // https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#es-to-record step 4.
+ assert_array_equals(log[1], ["ownKeys", lyingProxy]);
+ // Then the [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[2], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", lyingProxy, "a"]);
+ // No [[Get]] because no descriptor
+ // Then the second [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[3], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", lyingProxy, "c"]);
+ // Then the [[Get]] from step 5.2.
+ assert_array_equals(log[4], ["get", lyingProxy, "c", proxy]);
+ // Then the third [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[5], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", lyingProxy, "e"]);
+ // No [[Get]] because no descriptor
+ // Check the results.
+ assert_equals([...h].length, 1);
+ assert_array_equals([...h.keys()], ["c"]);
+ assert_true(h.has("c"));
+ assert_equals(h.get("c"), "d");
+}, "Correct operation ordering with undefined descriptors");
+test(function() {
+ this.add_cleanup(clearLog);
+ var record = {a: "b", c: "d"};
+ var lyingHandler = {
+ ownKeys: function() {
+ return [ "a", "c", "a", "c" ];
+ },
+ };
+ var lyingProxy = new Proxy(record, lyingHandler);
+ var proxy = new Proxy(lyingProxy, loggingHandler);
+ // Returning duplicate keys from ownKeys() throws a TypeError.
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError,
+ function() { var h = new Headers(proxy); });
+ assert_equals(log.length, 2);
+ // The first thing is the [[Get]] of Symbol.iterator to figure out whether
+ // we're a sequence, during overload resolution.
+ assert_array_equals(log[0], ["get", lyingProxy, Symbol.iterator, proxy]);
+ // Then we have the [[OwnPropertyKeys]] from
+ // https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#es-to-record step 4.
+ assert_array_equals(log[1], ["ownKeys", lyingProxy]);
+}, "Correct operation ordering with repeated keys");
+test(function() {
+ this.add_cleanup(clearLog);
+ var record = {
+ a: "b",
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: {
+ // Make sure the ToString conversion of the value happens
+ // after the ToString conversion of the key.
+ toString: function () { addLogEntry("toString", [this]); return "nope"; }
+ },
+ c: "d" };
+ var proxy = new Proxy(record, loggingHandler);
+ assert_throws_js(TypeError,
+ function() { var h = new Headers(proxy); });
+ assert_equals(log.length, 7);
+ // The first thing is the [[Get]] of Symbol.iterator to figure out whether
+ // we're a sequence, during overload resolution.
+ assert_array_equals(log[0], ["get", record, Symbol.iterator, proxy]);
+ // Then we have the [[OwnPropertyKeys]] from
+ // https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#es-to-record step 4.
+ assert_array_equals(log[1], ["ownKeys", record]);
+ // Then the [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[2], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", record, "a"]);
+ // Then the [[Get]] from step 5.2.
+ assert_array_equals(log[3], ["get", record, "a", proxy]);
+ // Then the second [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[4], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", record, "c"]);
+ // Then the second [[Get]] from step 5.2.
+ assert_array_equals(log[5], ["get", record, "c", proxy]);
+ // Then the third [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[6], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", record,
+ Symbol.toStringTag]);
+ // Then we throw an exception converting the Symbol to a string, before we do
+ // the third [[Get]].
+}, "Basic operation with Symbol keys");
+test(function() {
+ this.add_cleanup(clearLog);
+ var record = {
+ a: {
+ toString: function() { addLogEntry("toString", [this]); return "b"; }
+ },
+ [Symbol.toStringTag]: {
+ toString: function () { addLogEntry("toString", [this]); return "nope"; }
+ },
+ c: {
+ toString: function() { addLogEntry("toString", [this]); return "d"; }
+ }
+ };
+ // Now make that Symbol-named property not enumerable.
+ Object.defineProperty(record, Symbol.toStringTag, { enumerable: false });
+ assert_array_equals(Reflect.ownKeys(record),
+ ["a", "c", Symbol.toStringTag]);
+ var proxy = new Proxy(record, loggingHandler);
+ var h = new Headers(proxy);
+ assert_equals(log.length, 9);
+ // The first thing is the [[Get]] of Symbol.iterator to figure out whether
+ // we're a sequence, during overload resolution.
+ assert_array_equals(log[0], ["get", record, Symbol.iterator, proxy]);
+ // Then we have the [[OwnPropertyKeys]] from
+ // https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#es-to-record step 4.
+ assert_array_equals(log[1], ["ownKeys", record]);
+ // Then the [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[2], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", record, "a"]);
+ // Then the [[Get]] from step 5.2.
+ assert_array_equals(log[3], ["get", record, "a", proxy]);
+ // Then the ToString on the value.
+ assert_array_equals(log[4], ["toString", record.a]);
+ // Then the second [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[5], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", record, "c"]);
+ // Then the second [[Get]] from step 5.2.
+ assert_array_equals(log[6], ["get", record, "c", proxy]);
+ // Then the ToString on the value.
+ assert_array_equals(log[7], ["toString", record.c]);
+ // Then the third [[GetOwnProperty]] from step 5.1.
+ assert_array_equals(log[8], ["getOwnPropertyDescriptor", record,
+ Symbol.toStringTag]);
+ // No [[Get]] because not enumerable.
+ // Check the results.
+ assert_equals([...h].length, 2);
+ assert_array_equals([...h.keys()], ["a", "c"]);
+ assert_true(h.has("a"));
+ assert_equals(h.get("a"), "b");
+ assert_true(h.has("c"));
+ assert_equals(h.get("c"), "d");
+}, "Operation with non-enumerable Symbol keys");