- Reports from teams
- Board Electons, nominatins to be aske for now, currently got 12 people nominated for 3 posts, get to run the space.
- Craft Team absent
- Laser A new laser manitainer to be trained
- 3D Print 3D printer needs to be re levelling, not to cost anything but time needed to sort this out.
- Richard needs to fix the probe on the CNC machine.
- The spindle is currently 400W, ideally something larger like a 1.5Kw one would be good.
- Over the next couple of Mondays, Richard will be fitting a shelf under the CNC bench, at which point we can start to move the existing CNC electronics into the server case.
- For the electronics the existing stepper drivers are underpowered, Richard believes a duet wifi board would be good, although software supports needs to be evaluated.
- Documentation
- The wood lathe has had it's risk assesment updated recently by Richard, I believe it's currently waiting board approval?
- Wood lathe has now been moved to the other side of the wood area, the only thing left practically I think is the fastening down of the lathe and the table to the wall.
- Procurement Did a snackspace run but most of it has been eaten.
- Electrical Issues with keeping the bench tidy, keeps being left messy and may need a new bin and maybe another shelf.
- Events 2 events to be coming up (MOSI and Derby in October), MOSI doodle to go up soon and Derby doodle already up. A few mode ideas need to be thought up to keep us in events. Role of editor to be made to oversee ebvents publicity.
- Social Adding memebrs and also the telegram is good. No threadable conversations in telegram, use forum for the threadable conversations.
- Wood Moving the wood lathe, safety interlock is neeing to be put in or added soon. Sander has been moved and pillar drill has been moved and needs a new spring, measured but not yet ordered (bob clough to do that).
- Metal Storage cubes need to be changed around and the big pillar drill is still not working needs a spring, we need a non-oil cloth for the lathe.
An incentive to carry out communal activities should be considered. For example snap a selfie of yourself taking out the rubbish to earn 5 minutes of laser time.
- thinking of incentives to keep things clean, not viable due to verification needs.
Implement the new Members Storage rules defined here: http://list.hacman.org.uk/t/rfc-members-storage/2458/4
- storage rules to be updated
A clear and codified way of marking space infrastructure, including aesthetic items, so that this is clear to members and such that members are not tempted to start tampering with / throwing these items away. Suggested stickering similar to DNH labels currently in use.
- A months notice needs to be put in place before the bin the space day to allow people to pick up things before the disposal, A doodle needs to be made and get voulnteers in to help (saturday or sunday). Ask the board if it is ok message others about their rubbish. We have to take responsibility for it and get it sorted.
- Membership packs can be created and we will be seeing that we are able to put logos on our site in return for sponsors. Have the message as a web page as well as a post on Facebook. Role od editor to be created to see the events are added and updated.
Is it really necessary to publish the names of members who have been issued warnings on the WIKI? Is it the tone and culture the membership wants to be represented by? It could be suggested it is a “name and shame” approach. Whist it is important to have a formal process, and be seen to follow it, perhaps an anonymised format of the information would better reflect our values.
- We only do this is Extreme circumstaces with The board agreeing to it, as well at a diciplinary process to be follwed first. ONLY to name is they have been BANNED or seriously warned, the was a grees with us. Vote unanimus if BANNED. If it is a serious incident then unanimus for anonymous listing.
Currently we're a shed of really cool stuff and a community of really cool people
Do we want to go more professional? i.e. properly wired workshop, more robust systems
or is the current formula mostly working?
- The system is currently working abut we would like to be able to get a few more new things (i.e, kitchen). We would like to have some wiring and maybe consider the welding in the future. Woody dusty would like a proper setup with insulation and also fire safe material and wiring. NO WELDING, the space is currenly not suitable for it.
- Request the Board ask the landlady if we would like to stay and if the rent would go up if we do stay. BUT it needs to be looked at soon.
- Removal of non attached doors and tiles and to be able to make it into part of the in the space day, or hire a van and take them to a tip.
An effective way of identifying what is no longer needed in the space, a more method of a disciplined approach to removal of unwanted items from the space and the implementation thereof
- Consider implementing a "large storgae permit" system in the space. Maybe having a large mterials storage area.
- You have to have an electritian to add a ditribution board to the space.
- ALL in favor of having a server closet
- need to change the name of the meeting from MMMM to Members meeting.
- consider selling the consoles or putting them on selves and pluggin them in (discuss in forum).
- woody dusty to woody dustless
- nothing reported to the board from the move team Moving team needs to get their arses in gear.
- Spreadsheet and audit needed for the space
<Meeting ended 20:45>