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源码分析 kubernetes scheduler framework 插件的实现原理

k8s scheduler 设计了一套 framework 作为调度器的插件系统. 另外在 k8s 中内置了一波插件, 插件是可以在多个扩展点处进行注册. 当调度器在启动时会加载注册插件到 registry, 当 pod 需要创建时, scheduler 通过插件系统过滤出适合的节点集合, 然后在通过实现 socre 打分的插件选出分值最高的节点.

framework 关键挂载点分析


在调用 Filter 方法前, 执行 PreFilter 预筛选逻辑. 插件会检测集群和 pod 是否满足定义的条件. 当不满足时返回错误, 则停止调度周期.


这些插件用于过滤出不能运行该 Pod 的节点.


这些插件在 Filter 阶段后调用, 但仅在该 Pod 没有可行的节点时调用.


插件在执行 Score 打分前, 可以先进行 PreScore 前置评分工作.



scheduler 内置插件的实现原理

k8s scheduler 内置了不少插件, 下面是内置的插件.

func getDefaultPlugins() *v1beta3.Plugins {
	plugins := &v1beta3.Plugins{
		MultiPoint: v1beta3.PluginSet{
			Enabled: []v1beta3.Plugin{
				{Name: names.PrioritySort},
				{Name: names.NodeUnschedulable},
				{Name: names.NodeName},
				{Name: names.TaintToleration, Weight: pointer.Int32(3)},
				{Name: names.NodeAffinity, Weight: pointer.Int32(2)},
				{Name: names.NodePorts},
				{Name: names.NodeResourcesFit, Weight: pointer.Int32(1)},
				{Name: names.VolumeRestrictions},
				{Name: names.EBSLimits},
				{Name: names.GCEPDLimits},
				{Name: names.NodeVolumeLimits},
				{Name: names.AzureDiskLimits},
				{Name: names.VolumeBinding},
				{Name: names.VolumeZone},
				{Name: names.PodTopologySpread, Weight: pointer.Int32(2)},
				{Name: names.InterPodAffinity, Weight: pointer.Int32(2)},
				{Name: names.DefaultPreemption},
				{Name: names.NodeResourcesBalancedAllocation, Weight: pointer.Int32(1)},
				{Name: names.ImageLocality, Weight: pointer.Int32(1)},
				{Name: names.DefaultBinder},
	return plugins

这里选择 NodeName, ImageLocality, NodeResourcesFitNodeAffinity 插件来分析的插件实现原理.

NodeName 插件的实现原理

NodeName 插件是一个预选插件, 插件实现了 Filter 方法, 筛选出跟 pod 相同 nodeName 的 node 节点对象.

源码位置: pkg/scheduler/framework/plugins/nodename/node_name.go

type NodeName struct{}

var _ framework.FilterPlugin = &NodeName{}

const (
	Name = names.NodeName

	ErrReason = "node(s) didn't match the requested node name"

func (pl *NodeName) Name() string {
	return Name

func (pl *NodeName) Filter(ctx context.Context, _ *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, nodeInfo *framework.NodeInfo) *framework.Status {
	if nodeInfo.Node() == nil {
		return framework.NewStatus(framework.Error, "node not found")
	if !Fits(pod, nodeInfo) {
		return framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable, ErrReason)
	return nil

func Fits(pod *v1.Pod, nodeInfo *framework.NodeInfo) bool {
	// 过滤节点, 当返回 true, 该节点通过了初选.
	// 当 pod 没有指定 nodeName 或者 pod 指定的 nodeName 跟传入的 node 名字一致则返回 true.
	return len(pod.Spec.NodeName) == 0 || pod.Spec.NodeName == nodeInfo.Node().Name


ImageLocality 插件的实现原理

ImageLocality 插件实现了 Score 分支计算接口, 该插件会计算 pod 关联的容器的镜像在 node 上的状态, 经过各种校验和公式计算后得出一个 score 分值.

至于 ImageLocality 插件如何计算 score 分值代码里写清楚了, 但至于为什么要这么计算就看不明白了.

源码位置: pkg/scheduler/framework/plugins/imagelocality/image_locality.go

type ImageLocality struct {
	handle framework.Handle

var _ framework.ScorePlugin = &ImageLocality{}

const Name = names.ImageLocality


func (pl *ImageLocality) Score(ctx context.Context, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, nodeName string) (int64, *framework.Status) {
	// 通过 nodeName 获取 nodeInfo 对象
	nodeInfo, err := pl.handle.SnapshotSharedLister().NodeInfos().Get(nodeName)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, framework.AsStatus(fmt.Errorf("getting node %q from Snapshot: %w", nodeName, err))

	// 获取主机列表
	nodeInfos, err := pl.handle.SnapshotSharedLister().NodeInfos().List()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, framework.AsStatus(err)

	// 当前有多少 node
	totalNumNodes := len(nodeInfos)

	// 经过一堆表达式计算出 node 对应的 score 分支
	score := calculatePriority(sumImageScores(nodeInfo, pod.Spec.Containers, totalNumNodes), len(pod.Spec.Containers))

	return score, nil

// 根据 node 当前镜像的状态计算分值.
func calculatePriority(sumScores int64, numContainers int) int64 {
	maxThreshold := maxContainerThreshold * int64(numContainers)
	if sumScores < minThreshold {
		sumScores = minThreshold
	} else if sumScores > maxThreshold {
		sumScores = maxThreshold

	return int64(framework.MaxNodeScore) * (sumScores - minThreshold) / (maxThreshold - minThreshold)

// 遍历 pod 里的所有容器, 当容器对应的镜像在 node 中, 则累加计算分值 score.
func sumImageScores(nodeInfo *framework.NodeInfo, containers []v1.Container, totalNumNodes int) int64 {
	var sum int64
	for _, container := range containers {
		// 获取容器的景象在 node 的状态
		if state, ok := nodeInfo.ImageStates[normalizedImageName(container.Image)]; ok {
			sum += scaledImageScore(state, totalNumNodes)
	return sum

NodeResourcesFit 插件的实现原理

NodeResourcesFit 插件实现了三个 framework 插件接口, 分别是 PreFilterPlugin, FilterPlugin, ScorePlugin 接口.

  • PreFilterPlugin 只是在 state 缓存里记录 pod 要求的 request 资源.
  • FilterPlugin 主要用来过滤掉不符合资源要求的 node 节点, 如果当前 node 可申请的 cpu 和 mem 不满足 pod 需求, 则 node 节点会被过滤掉.
  • ScorePlugin 主要对符合要求通过预选的 node 集合进行打分, 用以得到最优的 node 节点, 其实就是 cpu/mem 资源最充足最空闲的 node 节点.

代码位置: pkg/scheduler/framework/plugins/noderesources/fit.go

var _ framework.PreFilterPlugin = &Fit{}
var _ framework.FilterPlugin = &Fit{}
var _ framework.ScorePlugin = &Fit{}


// 用来在 cycleState 里记录 pod 所需的 request 资源
func (f *Fit) PreFilter(ctx context.Context, cycleState *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod) (*framework.PreFilterResult, *framework.Status) {
	cycleState.Write(preFilterStateKey, computePodResourceRequest(pod))
	return nil, nil

// 过滤掉不符合 resource request 资源的 node.
func (f *Fit) Filter(ctx context.Context, cycleState *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, nodeInfo *framework.NodeInfo) *framework.Status {
	// 获取在 preFilter 阶段写入的 preFilterState
	s, err := getPreFilterState(cycleState)
	if err != nil {
		return framework.AsStatus(err)

	// 判断当前的 node 是否满足 pod 的资源请求需求
	insufficientResources := fitsRequest(s, nodeInfo, f.ignoredResources, f.ignoredResourceGroups)

	// 如果不为空则有异常, 把所有的异常合并在一起, 构建 framework status 对象再返回.
	if len(insufficientResources) != 0 {
		// We will keep all failure reasons.
		failureReasons := make([]string, 0, len(insufficientResources))
		for i := range insufficientResources {
			failureReasons = append(failureReasons, insufficientResources[i].Reason)
		return framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, failureReasons...)

	// 返回 nil, 说明该节点符合资源要求
	return nil

// 判断当前 node 是否满足 pod 的资源要求
func fitsRequest(podRequest *preFilterState, nodeInfo *framework.NodeInfo, ignoredExtendedResources, ignoredResourceGroups sets.String) []InsufficientResource {
	insufficientResources := make([]InsufficientResource, 0, 4)
	allowedPodNumber := nodeInfo.Allocatable.AllowedPodNumber

	// 如果当前 node pods 数超过了最大 pods 数, 则 append.
	if len(nodeInfo.Pods)+1 > allowedPodNumber {
		insufficientResources = append(insufficientResources, InsufficientResource{
			ResourceName: v1.ResourcePods,
			Reason:       "Too many pods",
			Requested:    1,
			Used:         int64(len(nodeInfo.Pods)),
			Capacity:     int64(allowedPodNumber),

	// 如果没有 pod 没有 resource request 配置, 可直接返回
	if podRequest.MilliCPU == 0 &&
		podRequest.Memory == 0 &&
		podRequest.EphemeralStorage == 0 &&
		len(podRequest.ScalarResources) == 0 {
		return insufficientResources

	// 如果当前 node 空闲 cpu 资源不足以运行 pod, 则 append 异常.
	// 当前的 cpu 资源是按照 request 来计算的, 而不是 metrics 实时的.
	if podRequest.MilliCPU > (nodeInfo.Allocatable.MilliCPU - nodeInfo.Requested.MilliCPU) {
		insufficientResources = append(insufficientResources, InsufficientResource{
			ResourceName: v1.ResourceCPU,
			Reason:       "Insufficient cpu",
			Requested:    podRequest.MilliCPU,
			Used:         nodeInfo.Requested.MilliCPU,
			Capacity:     nodeInfo.Allocatable.MilliCPU,
	// 如果当前 node 空闲的内存不满足 pod 的要求, 则 append 异常
	if podRequest.Memory > (nodeInfo.Allocatable.Memory - nodeInfo.Requested.Memory) {
		insufficientResources = append(insufficientResources, InsufficientResource{
			ResourceName: v1.ResourceMemory,
			Reason:       "Insufficient memory",
			Requested:    podRequest.Memory,
			Used:         nodeInfo.Requested.Memory,
			Capacity:     nodeInfo.Allocatable.Memory,
	// 如果当前 node 的存储空间不够 pod 的要求, 则返回错误.
	if podRequest.EphemeralStorage > (nodeInfo.Allocatable.EphemeralStorage - nodeInfo.Requested.EphemeralStorage) {
		insufficientResources = append(insufficientResources, InsufficientResource{
			ResourceName: v1.ResourceEphemeralStorage,
			Reason:       "Insufficient ephemeral-storage",
			Requested:    podRequest.EphemeralStorage,
			Used:         nodeInfo.Requested.EphemeralStorage,
			Capacity:     nodeInfo.Allocatable.EphemeralStorage,

	// 这个是 pod 对扩展资源的要求, 当节点不满足其要求时, append 追加异常.
	for rName, rQuant := range podRequest.ScalarResources {

		if v1helper.IsExtendedResourceName(rName) {
			var rNamePrefix string
			if ignoredResourceGroups.Len() > 0 {
				rNamePrefix = strings.Split(string(rName), "/")[0]
			if ignoredExtendedResources.Has(string(rName)) || ignoredResourceGroups.Has(rNamePrefix) {

		if rQuant > (nodeInfo.Allocatable.ScalarResources[rName] - nodeInfo.Requested.ScalarResources[rName]) {
			insufficientResources = append(insufficientResources, InsufficientResource{
				ResourceName: rName,
				Reason:       fmt.Sprintf("Insufficient %v", rName),
				Requested:    podRequest.ScalarResources[rName],
				Used:         nodeInfo.Requested.ScalarResources[rName],
				Capacity:     nodeInfo.Allocatable.ScalarResources[rName],

	// 返回所有的资源分配的异常
	return insufficientResources

Score 会根据当前 node 的 cpu/mem/ephemeral-storage 资源空闲情况进行打分, 可分配的资源越多, 那么分值自然就越高.

func (f *Fit) Score(ctx context.Context, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, nodeName string) (int64, *framework.Status) {
	// 获取 nodeInfo 对象
	nodeInfo, err := f.handle.SnapshotSharedLister().NodeInfos().Get(nodeName)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, framework.AsStatus(fmt.Errorf("getting node %q from Snapshot: %w", nodeName, err))

	// 计算分值 score
	return f.score(pod, nodeInfo)

func (r *resourceAllocationScorer) score(
	pod *v1.Pod,
	nodeInfo *framework.NodeInfo) (int64, *framework.Status) {

	requested := make([]int64, len(r.resources))
	allocatable := make([]int64, len(r.resources))

	// 遍历 resouces 累加计算 allocatable 和 requested.
	for i := range r.resources {
		// allocatable 是 node 还可以分配的资源
		// req 是 pod 所需要的资源
		alloc, req := r.calculateResourceAllocatableRequest(nodeInfo, pod, v1.ResourceName(r.resources[i].Name))

		// 如果为 0, 通常为扩展资源, 跳过分值计算.
		if alloc == 0 {
		allocatable[i] = alloc
		requested[i] = req

	// 通过一波公式来计算该 node 分值
	score := r.scorer(requested, allocatable)

	return score, nil

NodeResourcesFit 的 scorer 是具体用来打分的方法, 其内部根据 requested 和 allocatable 两个参数进行打分.

scheduler 对 resource 打分内置三种不同策略, 分别是 LeastAllocated / MostAllocated / RequestedToCapacityRatio.

  • LeastAllocated 默认策略, 空闲资源多的分高, 优先调度到空闲资源多的节点上, 各个 node 节点负载均衡.
  • MostAllocated 空闲资源少的分高, 优先调度到空闲资源较少的 node 上, 这样 pod 尽量集中起来方便后面资源回收.
  • RequestedToCapacityRatio 请求 request 和 node 资源总量的比率低的分高.
const (
	// 默认策略, 空闲资源多的分高, 优先调度到空闲资源多的节点上.
	LeastAllocated ScoringStrategyType = "LeastAllocated"

	// 空闲资源少的分高, 优先调度到空闲资源少的 node 上
	MostAllocated ScoringStrategyType = "MostAllocated"

	// request 和 node 总量的比率低的分高
	RequestedToCapacityRatio ScoringStrategyType = "RequestedToCapacityRatio"

// 下面是 NodeResourcesFit 的工厂方法, 根据 strategy 策略使用不同的 scorer 打分策略.
func NewFit(plArgs runtime.Object, h framework.Handle, fts feature.Features) (framework.Plugin, error) {
	// 获取传入参数
	args, ok := plArgs.(*config.NodeResourcesFitArgs)

	strategy := args.ScoringStrategy.Type

	// 根据策略选择 score 插件
	scorePlugin, exists := nodeResourceStrategyTypeMap[strategy]
	if !exists {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("scoring strategy %s is not supported", strategy)

	return &Fit{
		ignoredResources:         sets.NewString(args.IgnoredResources...),
		ignoredResourceGroups:    sets.NewString(args.IgnoredResourceGroups...),
		handle:                   h,
		resourceAllocationScorer: *scorePlugin(args),
	}, nil

// 下面定义了三个 scorer 打分策略.
var nodeResourceStrategyTypeMap = map[config.ScoringStrategyType]scorer{
	config.LeastAllocated: func(args *config.NodeResourcesFitArgs) *resourceAllocationScorer {
		resources := args.ScoringStrategy.Resources
		return &resourceAllocationScorer{
			Name:      string(config.LeastAllocated),
			scorer:    leastResourceScorer(resources),
			resources: resources,
	config.MostAllocated: func(args *config.NodeResourcesFitArgs) *resourceAllocationScorer {
		resources := args.ScoringStrategy.Resources
		return &resourceAllocationScorer{
			Name:      string(config.MostAllocated),
			scorer:    mostResourceScorer(resources),
			resources: resources,
	config.RequestedToCapacityRatio: func(args *config.NodeResourcesFitArgs) *resourceAllocationScorer {
		resources := args.ScoringStrategy.Resources
		return &resourceAllocationScorer{
			Name:      string(config.RequestedToCapacityRatio),
			scorer:    requestedToCapacityRatioScorer(resources, args.ScoringStrategy.RequestedToCapacityRatio.Shape),
			resources: resources,

k8s scheduler 内置插件的 Filter 过滤方法很好理解, 决定节点是否通过预选. 而 Score 打分方法则不好理解, 但通过源码不好反推打分的计算公式是怎么来的.

NodeAffinity 节点亲和性插件原理

NodeAffinity 是实现节点亲和性的插件, 主要实现了 PreFilter, Filter 和 PreScore, Score 四个方法. PreFilter 和 PreScore 在 NodeAffinity 插件里做 state 传递, 这里重点分析 Filter 和 Score 方法实现.

  • Filter 用来判断传入的 node 是否匹配 pod 的 RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution 硬亲和配置, 不适配则返回异常.

  • Score 用来给 node 打分, 如果节点 labels 适配 pod 的 preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution, 则把 spec.nodeAffinity.weight 累加到 score.

首先看下 pod nodeAffinity 节点亲和性的两个参数.

  • RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution 参数表示调度器只会调度到符合 pod 要求的节点上, 没有符合要求的节点则不进行调度.

  • preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution 参数表示调度器会优先尝试寻找满足亲和性规则的节点. 如果实在找不到匹配亲和性的节点, 调度器会选择一个分值高但不满足 pod 亲和性要求的节点.

下面是包含 pod 的亲和性的 pod 配置文件, 可对照该配置来理解 nodeAffinity 插件的 Filter 和 Score 的实现.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: test-xiaorui-cc
        - matchExpressions:
          - key:
            operator: In
            - linux
      - weight: 50
          - key: nodenames
            operator: In
  - name: with-node-affinity

源码位置: pkg/scheduler/framework/plugins/nodeaffinity/node_affinity.go

type NodeAffinity struct {
	handle              framework.Handle
	addedNodeSelector   *nodeaffinity.NodeSelector
	addedPrefSchedTerms *nodeaffinity.PreferredSchedulingTerms

var _ framework.FilterPlugin = &NodeAffinity{}
var _ framework.ScorePlugin = &NodeAffinity{}

// 检查传入的 node 是否匹配该 pod 的 nodeAffinity
func (pl *NodeAffinity) Filter(ctx context.Context, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, nodeInfo *framework.NodeInfo) *framework.Status {
	node := nodeInfo.Node()
	// node 对象为空则跳出
	if node == nil {
		return framework.NewStatus(framework.Error, "node not found")


	// 获取 prefilter 阶段写入的状态, 其实就是 pod 的 required 配置.
	s, err := getPreFilterState(state)
	if err != nil {
		s = &preFilterState{requiredNodeSelectorAndAffinity: nodeaffinity.GetRequiredNodeAffinity(pod)}

	// 判断 pod 的 required 跟 node 是否适配
	match, _ := s.requiredNodeSelectorAndAffinity.Match(node)
	if !match {
		// 如不适配直接退出
		return framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable, ErrReasonPod)

	return nil

// 跟 pod 和 node 亲和情况进行打分 score
func (pl *NodeAffinity) Score(ctx context.Context, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, nodeName string) (int64, *framework.Status) {
	node := nodeInfo.Node()

	var count int64
	if pl.addedPrefSchedTerms != nil {
		count += pl.addedPrefSchedTerms.Score(node)

	// 获取 prescore 阶段写入的 state
	s, err := getPreScoreState(state)
	if err != nil {
		// Fallback to calculate preferredNodeAffinity here when PreScore is disabled.
		preferredNodeAffinity, err := getPodPreferredNodeAffinity(pod)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, framework.AsStatus(err)
		s = &preScoreState{
			preferredNodeAffinity: preferredNodeAffinity,

	// 根据 pod 的 preferred 和 node labels 的适配情况, 增加 weight 到 score 分值.
	if s.preferredNodeAffinity != nil {
		count += s.preferredNodeAffinity.Score(node)

	return count, nil

func (t *PreferredSchedulingTerms) Score(node *v1.Node) int64 {
	var score int64
	nodeLabels := labels.Set(node.Labels)
	nodeFields := extractNodeFields(node)
	for _, term := range t.terms {
		// 如果 node 匹配 pod preferred, 则增加定义的权重.
		if ok, _ := term.match(nodeLabels, nodeFields); ok {
			score += int64(term.weight)
	return score