Fix when you can't switch to full Screen in Manjaro or any arch-distro(Vmware guest) even when open-vm-tools is installed
Don't try to reinstall vmware tools again as it won't work cause the script has an issue with the init.d directory
FIRST OF INSTALL open-vm-tools
if not installed
sudo pacman -S open-vm-tools
type in-
sudo pacman -Su xf86-input-vmmouse xf86-video-vmware mesa gtk2 gtkmm
Now all we gotta do is to edit or create the Xorg's wrapper config
echo needs_root_rights=yes | sudo tee -a /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
Finally enable and start the vmtoolsd.service
sudo systemctl enable vmtoolsd
sudo systemctl start vmtoolsd
Now, for instance if you've rebooted from the login screen and the resolution is not adapting (Or even after starting the vmtoolsd service nothing happens only then)type in
sudo systemctl restart vmtoolsd