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62 lines (49 loc) · 4.86 KB

File metadata and controls

62 lines (49 loc) · 4.86 KB

Upgrade Notes


  • [BUGFIX]: Also respect original asset paths in protected env


  • [FEATURE]: PIMCORE 10.5 support only
  • [ENHANCEMENT]: Add public asset path protection, read more about it here
  • [ENHANCEMENT]: Respect flysystem stream in asset/zip download, read more about it here | #174|@aarongerig
  • [ENHANCEMENT]: Do not throw any exception if confirmation token couldn't be found. Please check views/registration/confirmed.html.twig for changes to adopt #175
  • [NEW FEATURE]: Provide new authentication workflow (security.enable_authenticator_manager = true). If you want to switch, read more about it here | #160


  • [BUGFIX]: assert non list array after filtering user roles @dasraab


  • [BUGFIX]: Fix join behaviour, query-building and $queryIdentifier on RestrictionQuery @scrummer
  • [BUGFIX]: Remove scheme and host from _target_path in ForbiddenRouteListener @lukas-schnieper
  • [DEPRECATION]: Constants RestrictionUri::PROTECTED_ASSET_FOLDER and RestrictionUri::MEMBERS_REQUEST_URL have been marked as deprecated and will be removed in 5.0


  • [BUGFIX]: [MembersLogin] Inject correct Translator service @aarongerig


  • [BUGFIX]: fix inherited group check #162
  • [ENHANCEMENT]: return proper HTTP response codes on form submit @aarongerig

Migrating from Version 3.x to Version 4.0

Breaking Changes

  • It is no longer possible to merge security configurations from multiple locations, including bundles. Instead, you have to move them to one single config file, e.g. config/packages/security.yaml. Please adopt MembersBundle/Resources/config/packages/security.yaml and merge your own firewall configuration into one single file.
  • LuceneSearchBundle support removed
  • All Folders in views are lowercase/dashed now (views/areas, views/auth, views/backend, ...)
  • PHP8 return type declarations added: you may have to adjust your extensions accordingly
  • Twig Helper members_build_nav() legacy navigation building support removed
  • UserTrait::hasGroup has been removed, use either UserTrait::hasGroupId or UserTrait::hasGroupName instead
  • PIMCORE removed the Placeholder feature, so we need to pass all the variables to the twig template:
    • If you're using a custom email controller, make sure to pass all email variables to the view template and also check your email templates and replace all the deprecated variables (e.g. %DataObject(user,{\"method\" : \"getUsername\"}); with {{ user.username }})`
    • Area Snippets: If any snippet contains placeholder elements, you need to pass the values from your snippet controller to the view template: return $this->render('default/snippet.html.twig', array_filter($request->attributes->all(), static function ($parameterKey) { return !str_starts_with($parameterKey, '_'); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY)); and also replace the deprecated variables like described in email templates above
  • [SSO] ⚠️ You need to set framework.session.cookie_samesite to lax, otherwise the oAUthConnect won't work properly
  • [SSO] Make sure you have a valid key for pimcore.encryption.secret, defined via env variable PIMCORE_ENCRYPTION_SECRET (You can generate a defuse key by executing the vendor/bin/generate-defuse-key command)
  • [SECURITY] setSalt method removed from UserTrait.php (deprecated in symfony 5.3)
  • [SECURITY] MembersBundle\Security\EmailUserProvider has been removed. Use auth_identifier: 'email' instead.
  • MembersBundle\Security\RestrictionUri::getAssetUrlInformation() => restrictionGroups always returns array type


  • Check your email templates (controller and template definition)

New Features

  • You're able to switch the auth_identifier (Use email instead of username for authentication)
  • addRestrictionInjection() comes with an optional $aliasFrom argument
  • Your able to pass an instance of \MembersBundle\Validation\ValidationGroupResolverInterface to each validation_groups property instead of array

Members 3.x Upgrade Notes: