- 99 Bottles in JS
- Deaf Grandma in JS
- Terminal Commands In Depth ...nothing to submit here but necessary reading
- Roman Numerals in JS
- Git Practice
- Factorial in JS
- Fibonacci in JS
- Linear Search in JS
- 99 Bottles in Python
- Deaf Grandma in Python
- Roman Numerals in Python
- Fibonacci in Python
- Factorial in Python
- Linear Search in Python
We want you to solve today's challenges in Javascript and in Python. For the Python challenges, we want you to use test-driven development (TDD) in the testing framework we taught you today. Though spec files are included with driver code
(code to help you drive
your development), they aren't as robust as unit tests. For Javascript, we want you to use JEST as it will translate into React testing later well.
- Armstrong Numbers in JS/Python
- Sum Pairs in JS/Python
- Credit Check in JS/Python
- Anagrams I in JS/Python
- Debugging One
- Practice with a Pair
- Anagrams II in JS/Python
- Character Count in JS/Python
- Palindromes in JS/Python
- Calculate Mode in JS/Python
- Pad an Array in JS/Python
- Balanced Parentheses in JS/Python
- App Users I in Python
- Guessing Game in Python
- Caesar Cipher in JS/Python
- Read Functional vs. OOP
- App Users II in Python
- Stock Picker in JS/Python
- Pig Latin in JS/Python
- App Users III in Python
- Apple Trees
- Bubble Sort in JS/python
- School Interface I
- Word Guess CSV
- Boggle I
- Stretch challenge: Boggle II
- School Interface III
- Recursion
- Binary Search in JS/Python
- School Interface IV
- RegexOne
- Phone Numbers in Python Regular Expressions
- Group Project: Sudoku
- LinkedIn JS
- Browser Storage
- Guess A Number
- Stretch Challenge: Create a Static Webpage (weeklong challenge)
- Simple To-do
- Create a Static Webpage
- Stretch challenges:
- All assignments up to this point that have not yet been completed
- Stretch Challenge: Create a Static Webpage
- SQL Basics
- Schema Design
- Schema Script
- Schema Modifications
- Read SQL Queries
- SQL Queries
- SQL Zoo
- PG Exercises
- SQL Basics
- Schema Design
- Schema Script
- Schema Modifications
- Read SQL Queries
- SQL Queries
- SQL Zoo
- PG Exercises
- SQL Basics
- Schema Design
- Schema Script
- Schema Modifications
- Read SQL Queries
- SQL Queries
- SQL Zoo
- PG Exercises
do assignments in this order
do assignments in this order
do assignments in this order
- Before doing anything, make sure that you can complete todays tutorial first
- Posts and Comments
- Before doing anything, make sure that you can complete todays tutorial first
- Event Calendar
- Before doing anything, make sure that you can complete todays tutorial first
- To-do List
- Add sign up, login, and log out functionality to your completed...
- Group Project: Ticketmaster & News
- Group Project: Ticketmaster & News
- Stretch: Meetup
- Stretch: Pick your own project using at least 2 third-party APIs
Quick note on today's assignments: Whack-A-Mole
and Mad Lib
have React starter code for you. When you clone the repos, be sure to run npm install
to install all of the necessary dependencies. You will notice that the original code uses React class components -- you are welcome to refactor them into functional components if you so choose. Keep in mind that when you are keeping track of multiple state properties in a functional component, you will declare each one independently using the useState()
hook. (So instead of having one state object with multiple properties, each piece of state will be a variable on the scope of the functional component.)
For today's News Site challenge, you will create a Javascript module that calls out to the API. We've stubbed this out in ArticlesAPI.js
. You will need to write the code that goes in here (but you will not need to explicitly create Promises).
- First, go over this tutorial yourself
- Schools API
- News Site API
- First, go over this tutorial yourself
- Update Schools API using DRF
- Complete the lesson on your own
- Stretch Challenge: Code Platoon Alumni App