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68 lines (40 loc) · 2.26 KB

File metadata and controls

68 lines (40 loc) · 2.26 KB


  • clean utilities file with on.exit() to avoid leaving trash if function fails
  • remove report_pdf
  • save default setting hide_chunks and upload_report for each document so user don't need to specify each time
  • change default report name to filename + report
  • manage removed chunk from google drive
  • do not exclude setup chunk


  • in init_rmdrive() function the argument local_rmd is used to print the name. - [x] Code line proj_name <- sub("\\..*", "", local_rmd) to remove the file extension is problematic for file name with points in the name (e.g., "trial.file.rmd").

  • see extract_yaml() the function body is repeated in hide_chunk()

  • set chunks to NA possible conflict with "NA"? In hide_chunk() code line stringr::str_remove_all(., "NA")

  • in upload_report() chunk_info[!stringr::str_detect(temp_chunk$name, stringr::regex('setup', ignore_case = T)), ] # remove echo = F chunks ??

  • add message render report; evaluate if to keep separate hide chunk/ upload_report.

  • deal with possible errors when compiling.

  • cache


  • problems when chunks have not the {} syntax like simply writing raw code to not evaluate

  • problems about restoring the first or last chunk


  • example_1.Rmd uploaded as < add name gfile>!
  • evaluate if get_root_id works also for team_drive (in case bind the two conditions)


  • change sarting point header rnw (from 1st line)
  • resore documen-header if missing at the top document
  • new line first-second chunk
  • messages (path drive)
  • document restore_file
  • unlink() instead of file.remove() within testing functions
  • substitute readLines() with readr::read_lines()
  • change documentation of download_document(). The input file is suggested without extension (rmd)
  • check what happens with library(trackdown)
  • trying a very complicated rmd document with a lot of chunks and text



  • [] Add plug-in functions
  • [] gwet sharable links
  • [] support md and latex files

March 2022

  • fix recognize indented chunks