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MACARONS: Mapping And Coverage Anticipation with RGB ONline Self-supervision

Antoine GuédonTom MonnierPascal MonasseVincent Lepetit
liberty_traj.png liberty_reco.png
pantheon_traj.png pantheon_reco.png


Official PyTorch implementation of MACARONS: Mapping And Coverage Anticipation with RGB ONline Self-supervision (CVPR 2023).
Also includes an updated and improved implementation of our previous work SCONE: Surface Coverage Optimization in Unknown Environments by Volumetric Integration (NeurIPS 2022, Spotlight), on which this work is built.

We introduce a method that simultaneously learns to explore new large environments and to reconstruct them in 3D from color images in a self-supervised fashion. This is closely related to the Next Best View problem (NBV), where one has to identify where to move the camera next to improve the coverage of an unknown scene.

Macarons illustration

This repository contains:

  • Scripts to generate ground truth coverage data from 3D meshes
  • Scripts to initialize and train both SCONE and MACARONS models
  • Evaluation pipelines and notebooks to reproduce and visualize results for both MACARONS and SCONE
  • Interactive demos to experiment with the models, built with Gradio
  • Links to download training data from our Google Drive
  • Links to download pretrained weights from our Google Drive
If you find this code useful, don't forget to star the repo ⭐ and cite the papers 👇
  title={MACARONS: Mapping And Coverage Anticipation with RGB Online Self-Supervision},
  author={Gu{\'e}don, Antoine and Monnier, Tom and Monasse, Pascal and Lepetit, Vincent},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
  title={SCONE: Surface Coverage Optimization in Unknown Environments by Volumetric Integration},
  author={Gu{\'e}don, Antoine and Monasse, Pascal and Lepetit, Vincent},
  journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
Major code updates
  • 07/23: Updated a script to automatically generate settings file for custom scenes
  • 07/23: Added a tutorial notebook to reproduce qualitative results with better quality
  • 05/23: first code release


1. Create a conda environment

Run the following commands to create an appropriate conda environment.

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate macarons

Depending on the config of your machine and cuda drivers, you may have problems creating a working environment.
If so, you can install manually the following packages with conda and versions matching your config:

  1. Install numpy
  2. Install matplotlib
  3. Install pytorch
  4. Install pytorch3d
  5. Install gradio

To use jupyter-lab and our rendering functions in notebooks:

  1. Install jupyter-lab
  2. Install plotly
  3. Install nodejs
  4. Install ipywidgets

2. Download Datasets and preprocess data

a) ShapeNetCore.v1

To facilitate the training of SCONE's architecture, we generate training data using 3D meshes from ShapeNetCore v1. In particular, we generate ground truth data on occupancy probability and surface coverage gain from multiple camera viewpoints.

Additionally, because MACARONS incorporates neural modules inspired from SCONE, we suggest using this data as a pretraining tool for MACARONS, before training it in large-scale, unknown scenes with self-supervision from RGB images. This pretraining step improves performance while reducing overall training time.

To generate this data, please start by downloading the ShapeNetCore v1 dataset from the source website.
Then, select the ShapeNet object categories on which you want to train and test your model.

In our experiments, we selected the following categories from the downloaded ShapeNetCore.v1 dataset folder:

Label Corresponding Directory Used for...
Airplane 02691156 Training, Validation, Test
Cabinet 02933112 Training, Validation, Test
Car 02958343 Training, Validation, Test
Chair 03001627 Training, Validation, Test
Lamp 03636649 Training, Validation, Test
Sofa 04256520 Training, Validation, Test
Table 04379243 Training, Validation, Test
Watercraft 04530566 Training, Validation, Test
Bus 02924116 Test only
Bed 02818832 Test only
Bookshelf 02871439 Test only
Bench 02828884 Test only
Guitar 03467517 Test only
Motorbike 03790512 Test only
Skateboard 04225987 Test only
Pistol 03948459 Test only

You just have to move the directories 02691156, 02933112, 02958343, 03001627, 03636649, 04256520, 04379243, 04530566 to the path ./data/ShapeNetCore.v1/train_categories/.

Similarly, move the directories 02924116, 02818832, 02871439, 02828884, 03467517, 03790512, 04225987, 03948459 to the path ./data/ShapeNetCore.v1/test_categories/.

Finally, go to ./data/ShapeNetCore.v1/ and run the following script using python:


Generating the training data for all meshes takes time, up to around 10 hours. However, it considerably reduces the training time for all future trainings of SCONE.

b) Dataset of large-scale 3D scenes

We conducted self-supervised training and experiments in large environments using 3D meshes downloaded on the website Sketchfab under the CC license (3D models courtesy of Brian Trepanier and Andrea Spognetta, we thank them for their awesome work).

All download links for the original .blend files can be found on our project webpage.
However, we slightly modified the meshes using rotations and scaling operations, and we extracted for each scene both a mesh file (with extension .obj), a material file (with extension .mtl) as well as various metadata in order to facilitate 3D data processing on GPU with PyTorch3D.

You can directly download our preprocessed meshes and textures on our Google Drive. For any scene in the dataset, just download all files in the Google Drive subdirectory and move them to the corresponding subdirectory in ./data/scenes/.

c) Building your own custom dataset of 3D scenes

Once you have a .blend file of your own custom 3D scene (or any .blend file downloaded from Sketchfab, for example), you should extract from it the following files in order to facilitate 3D data processing on GPU with PyTorch3D:

  • A mesh file, with extension .obj
  • A material file, with extension .mtl

To this end, you can use Blender and follow the steps below.
Let's say we want to use MACARONS to explore and reconstruct the Statue of Liberty.

  1. First, download the .zip containing the mesh of the Statue of Liberty created by Brian Trepanier on Sketchfab. It should include a .blend file in source and a texture image a-StatueOfLiberty.jpg in textures.
  2. Open the .blend file with Blender, and go to File > Export > Wavefront (.obj), as shown in the following image.
3. Make sure to check `OBJ Objects` and `Material Groups`, and select `Strip Path` as the Path Mode, as shown in the following image. Then, click on `Export OBJ` to output an `.obj` file and a `.mtl` file.
4. Finally, move the `.obj` file, the `.mtl` file, as well as the `.jpg` texture file contained in the original archive downloaded from Sketchfab into the corresponding directory in `./data/scenes/`.
In this example, we just have to move all files `liberty.obj`, `liberty.mtl` and `a-StatueOfLiberty.jpg` to the directory `./data/scenes/liberty`.
Please note that the `.obj` and `.mtl` files should have the same name apart from the extension.

You will notice that, for each scene, the corresponding subdirectory in ./data/scenes/ also contains a file named settings.json.
If you want to apply MACARONS on your own custom 3D scenes, you can either run a script to automatically generate this file (as described below), or write it by yourself.
These files contain input hyperparameters for the 3D scenes to explore. In particular, to write your own settings.json you have to decide on:

  • A bounding box delimiting the exploration area. For better results, you should scale the 3D mesh of your scene so that the dimensions of the bounding box are similar to those the settings.json files we provide.
  • The dimensions of a coarse 3D grid delimiting cells in which we register newly reconstructed surface points, in order to compute accurate surface coverage gains. The dimensions of the grid should depend on your bounding box, so that cells are approximately perfect cubes.
    In our experiments, we use between 30 and 100 cells for each scene.
  • A 5D camera grid indicating which candidate camera poses to explore.

Feel free to experiment with these hyperparameters, as many configurations give good coverage results but different trajectories.
Please take a look at our own settings.json files for an illustration of a good balance between the different input hyperparameters.

Finally, you will also notice additional files named
We use a really simple approach to approximately identify occupied camera poses, and store the results in this file. This is useful to ensure that we do select an empty camera pose when sampling a random camera pose at the start of a new trajectory.
After writing (or not) your settings.json file, just add the name of your custom scene directories to the config file ./data/scenes/generate_scene_data_config.json.
Then, you can generate automatically (as well as settings.json, if no settings file is detected in the directory) by running the following command.



The full MACARONS architecture simultaneously reconstructs the scene and selects the next best camera pose by running three neural modules:

  1. Depth module
  2. Occupancy probability module, inspired by our previous work SCONE
  3. Surface coverage gain module, inspired by our previous work SCONE

Before training, we propose the following strategy to initialize the different neural modules and better stabilize training:

  1. Following Watson et al., we initialize the depth module with weights from a ResNet18 architecture trained on ImageNet.
  2. We initialize the occupancy probability module with either
    1. The simple initialization process we described in the main paper, or
    2. A full pretraining on ShapeNetCore v1 for even better performance.
  3. Using our previsouly initialized occupancy probability module, we now initialize the surface coverage gain module with either
    1. The simple initialization process we described in the main paper, or
    2. A full pretraining on ShapeNetCore v1 for even better performance.

We detail each step below. You can skip any step by downloading the corresponding weights from our Google Drive.

1. Depth module

To generate a depth module with weights initialized from a trained ResNet18 architecture, go to ./weights/ and run the following command:


You can skip this step by downloading the corresponding weights file depth_with_resnet_imagenet_weights.pth from our Google Drive, and move it to ./weights/resnet/.

2. Occupancy probability module

You can initialize an occupancy probability neural module by running the following command in the main directory:


This command will use the default config file occupancy_pretraining_config.json located at ./configs/scone/occupancy/ and will perform a full pretraining on ShapeNetCore v1.
Indeed, to reduce the overall training time of MACARONS and improve performance, we suggest pretraining on ShapeNetCore v1 both the occupancy probability module and the surface coverage gain module, inspired by SCONE.

However, you can avoid performing a full pretraining and instead rely on our short, simple initialization process by running the following command:

python -c occupancy_initialization_config.json

Additionally, you can edit or create your own custom config file and pretrain an occupancy probability module with it using the following command:

python -c your_custom_config.json

You can skip this step by directly downloading the weights files pretrained_scone_occ.pth or initialized_scone_occ.pth from our Google Drive, and move it to ./weights/scone/occupancy/.

3. Surface coverage gain module

After pretraining an occupancy probability module, you can initialize a surface coverage gain neural module by running the following command in the main directory:


This command will use the default config file coverage_gain_pretraining_config.json located at ./configs/scone/coverage_gain/ and will perform a full pretraining on ShapeNetCore v1.
Indeed, to reduce the overall training time of MACARONS and improve performance, we suggest pretraining on ShapeNetCore v1 both the occupancy probability module and the surface coverage gain module, inspired by SCONE.
Please note that you should set the field scone_occ_model_name in the config file to the name of your pretrained occupancy probability module.

To avoid performing a full pretraining and instead rely on our short, simple initialization process, run the following command:

python -c coverage_gain_initialization_config.json

Additionally, you can edit or create your own custom config file and pretrain a surface coverage gain module with it using the following command:

python -c your_custom_config.json

You can skip this step by directly downloading the weights files pretrained_scone_vis.pth or initialized_scone_vis.pth from our Google Drive, and move it to ./weights/scone/coverage_gain.

4. Building full MACARONS model

After initializing all neural modules, you can finally build your ready-to-be-trained full MACARONS model.

If you performed a full pretraining on ShapeNetCore v1 for the occupancy probability module and surface coverage gain module, run the following command:

python -p -o your_occupancy_model.pth -c your_coverage_gain_model.pth

It will generate a model file pretrained_macarons.pth containing all pretrained weights.
You can skip this step by downloading the weights file pretrained_macarons.pth directly on our Google Drive.

If you used the much faster, simpler initialization process, run the following command:

python -o your_occupancy_model.pth -c your_coverage_gain_model.pth

It will generate a model file initialized_macarons.pth containing all pretrained weights.
You can skip this step by downloading the weights file initialized_macarons.pth directly on our Google Drive.

Training the full architecture in large 3D scenes

To train a full MACARONS model, select one of the config files with provide in ./configs/macarons/ or write your own config file and move it to ./configs/macarons. Descriptions of all parameters in the config files are provided in ./configs/macarons/.
In particular, the field pretrained_model_path of the config file should contain the name of your initialized MACARONS model.

Then, run the following command:

python -c

We provide two different config files in ./configs/macarons/.

1. With pretraining

If you decided to perform a full pretraining on ShapeNetCore v1 as explained in the previous section, you should use macarons_default_training_config.json. This config file is used by default when you run the script without specifying any config file, as follows:


With this configuration, the model focuses on comparing successive, neighboring camera viewpoints along its trajectory during exploration. This helps the model to build qualitative trajectories.

You can skip this step by directly downloading the weights file from our Google Drive.

2. Without pretraining

If you simply used our faster initialization process, you should run the following command:

python -c macarons_default_training_no_pretraining_config_0.json

With this configuration, the model focuses on comparing very different camera viewpoints loaded from the memory. It helps the model to get a high-level understanding of surface coverage gain when no pretraining has been performed.

After such high-level training, you can run the following command which further improves the model:

python -c macarons_default_training_no_pretraining_config_1.json

This configuration is almost identical to the configuration used when no pretraining has been performed, and helps the model to build qualitative trajectories.

You can skip these steps by directly downloading the weights file from our Google Drive.


1. Large-scale 3D scenes exploration and reconstruction with an RGB camera

Run the following command to test a full MACARONS model in large-scale 3D scenes:


By default, the script will use the test config file test_in_default_scenes_config.json located in ./configs/test/.

Feel free to edit the config file or create a new one and run the command with the following option:

python -c your_test_config_file.json

We will add a dedicated notebook to visualize the results file as soon as possible.

2. 3D object reconstruction with a depth sensor

Run the following command to test the pretrained occupancy probability module and surface coverage gain module, inspired by our previous work SCONE, on ShapeNetCore v1:


By default, the script will use the test config file test_on_shapenet_seen_categories_config.json located in ./configs/test/.
This script will start a test on ShapeNet objects from categories already seen during training.

Run the following command to perform a test on categories not seen during training:

python -c test_on_shapenet_novel_categories_config.json

Finally, free to edit the config file or create a new one and run the command with the following option:

python -c your_test_config_file.json

We will add a dedicated notebook to visualize the results file as soon as possible.

Interactive demo

1. Large-scale 3D scenes exploration and reconstruction with an RGB camera

Go to ./demo and run the following command:


The script will run on the GPU device 0 by default.
You can use the option --device as follows to select the GPU device to use:

python -d 1

2. 3D object reconstruction with a depth sensor

Go to ./demo and run the following command:


The script will run on the GPU device 0 by default.
You can use the option --device as follows to select the GPU device to use:

python -d 1

Further information

We adapted the code from Phil Wang to generate spherical harmonic features.
We thank him for this very useful harmonics computation script!